E-Bike hatred is out there!

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Wow! That's quite an assessment. There is you, riders that ride with you, and there are horrible people.
Are you suggesting that what I wrote is saying everyone except me and those that ride with me are horrible people? Wow, that is quite the interpretation.
actually I checked and you can go through stop signs without stopping in Oregon. though I should have slowed a little bit more but it was really clear.
Same in Vancouver. I'm guessing it has to be the same out here in the suburbs too. I must check.
I'm not sure how it works with street lights. At stop signs all you have to do is slow to make sure it's safe to continue. I'm sure they'll be abuse from car drivers who aren't aware it's kosher to do. CN
Cheap ass Americans think a waiters $3 base hourly is enough. Can’t afford 20% stay home.
Who makes 3 bucks an hour? I know back in the day when I waited we made close to that but I'm pretty sure most waiters make minimum wage now at least here on the left coast...

I do know that with tips now reported, waiters usually do not take home large paychecks...
Who makes 3 bucks an hour? I know back in the day when I waited we made close to that but I'm pretty sure most waiters make minimum wage now at least here on the left coast...

I do know that with tips now reported, waiters usually do not take home large paychecks...
$3 an hour? I made less than $3 an hour, but I was 16 and that was 1971.
A year later I was making $5. That was a somewhat OK wage THEN.
Now you can stay home on the dole and make 1 1/2 times that after tax. Can't live on that though.
This article appeared in The Atlantic Magazine. Unfortunately, many probably share the author’s views, or they may after reading the article. It seems relevant to this thread. For better or worse, here it is:

Who makes 3 bucks an hour? I know back in the day when I waited we made close to that but I'm pretty sure most waiters make minimum wage now at least here on the left coast...

I do know that with tips now reported, waiters usually do not take home large paychecks...
LOTS of servers work with very low base wages. They DO NOT get minimum wage in many states.
Ireland no tipping?! Nope it's a standard 10% most places. Unless you're buying drinks in pubs, no tipping there, but food yes, certainly. Exceptions might be chain restaurants where it'll say on menu tip included. Australia they don't tip, or used not because its unionised and pays well or so an Irish chef who worked over there told me. But that was 20 years ago.
Well, since we're off the rails....in Ireland you don't tip. Every time we tried it was discouraged by the server, and when we forced it on them they were almost apologetic. Go figure? They are paid a wage that covers tipping, or something like that. It was explained to me but I've forgotten how it works. Maybe someone on here from Ireland can pipe up and explain it?
Tipping is BS anyway. Some do, a lot don't and there's the in between. The restaurants pay crap wages using the excuse the tips make up the diff. CN
Ireland no tipping?! Nope it's a standard 10% most places. Unless you're buying drinks in pubs, no tipping there, but food yes, certainly. Exceptions might be chain restaurants where it'll say on menu tip included. Australia they don't tip, or used not because its unionised and pays well or so an Irish chef who worked over there told me. But that was 20 years ago.
@Rás Cnoic: Didn't I see the "service fee" on the bills of Dublin's restaurants?
Yes, like
@Rás Cnoic: Didn't I see the "service fee" on the bills of Dublin's restaurants?
Yes though probably that's in chain restaurants. Then again I've not been in Dublin since before lockdown so perhaps things have changed. Used to be a standard 10% unless service fee included on bill or mentioned on menu so you knew before you ordered. Or service fee included for groups of say 6 and over etc etc. One tradition I like in US restaurants is the waiter splitting the bill for you when eating in large groups, so each can pay with card & you don't have that endless post meal discussion of how to split, who had wine, who didn't have starter, always drives me batty!
I am sure some of the reason for hate is on ebikers that are trying to show off by passing pedal bikers and even other ebikers and not observing the rules of the road or common sense.

Just like motorcycles the regular trucks and cars just don't seem to see us and I have had several people pull out right in front of me after rolling through a stop sign and one car went around me and damn near clipped me pulling back in to the lane. I noticed that one had a handicap plate so I wrote it off to that and not intentional.

Another thing I highly recommend is turn signals at least for the back so you don't have to use hand signals and take a hand off the bars and especially at night you will be a lot more visible and people understand turn signals that may not have a clue what a hand signal is.

We have lots of tankers here in the oil patch and I am always on watch for them as they rarely drive the speed limit and if I am coming up to one of the hills I ride with a steep grade and twists and one of those is behind me I will slow down and let them get on around me because there is no bike lane and barely a shoulder.

I got great mirrors that lets me see way behind me and I am always checking for traffic that might be speeding, playing with their phones or drunk so I can get over and slow down if needed to get off the road. We also have escaped cattle, dogs and deer to contend with.

I rode motorcycles most of my life and have never laid down a bike because I ride like a danger is around every corner and now I do the same when riding an ebike and doing that makes you safer and probably have less negative interactions with other people

When I come up on pedal bikers I am courteous and don't go blazing past them and will usually say some greeting. If it is a fellow ebiker I may ride along side for a few seconds and exchange greetings and a thumbs up for their ebike and then go at my speed which is usually faster.

I did have a funny experience and come up on an ATV and I could tell he had it wrapped out and was doing about 30 so I pulled up next to him and asked if he wanted a race. He smiled and said no and we both laughed. Good guy and one of my neighbors

Be friendly to people even when they aren't and they may just be having a bad day and taking it out on you.
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Whaaat? I'm 67 and I plan on being the next Mr. Olympia?
You're saying I'm deluding myself? CN
Ha ha yeah kinda . I pumped Iron for 25 years . I quit 10 years ago to physically build my house . Which took 2 years . I'd planned to return but really never did . While I'm sure I couldn't lift anywhere near as much . Or do 1/10 of the situps etc etc. I still in good shape. But as I said I worked out hard hard for 25 years . Never looked like Arnold . LOL
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