Dual motor; full suspension; semi-recumbent MeetOneTrike with 180nm torque @ 25 mph

It looks like the next batch of Tours (not sure about the others) are scheduled for Feb. 5-10th on the website. https://meetonetrike.com/products/tour-dual-motor-dual-battery-e-trike
It appears that they are being realistic in terms of future deliveries which is always a good sign in terms of who they are as a company (at least that is what we always did with our customers). Under promise/over deliver would be my motto if I were in the unenviable position of shipping anything across the ocean.
I think(?) that they just offered an extra $50 off of the sale price which really doesn't surprise in this economy. Still a good chunk of cash comparative to (?)...yet as we've come to find in this thread...we're (still) not having anyone come forward with any true comparisons (advantage MeetOne).
One topic that hasn't been discussed in my research is any speculation regarding the motor manufacturer. Not sure how the front hub shaft ended up on on their initial parts list either yet I am waiting for delivery to order both it and possibly other parts once I give it the once over.

I still have confidence in my ability to ride my old/like new 2 wheel EMTB with larger tires yet it really came down to two factors:
1) Replacing the battery was ridiculously expensive
2) I don't heal up quick like I used to and a semi-recumbent hurts less in terms of distance fallen (or at least that's my theory due to the realities of the former).

My fantasy would be to get off the plane at Jackson Hole with a few of these Tours/trailers/gear and more than a few spare batteries waiting for us.
When we were there a year or so ago, I was impressed with the nice paved/gravel system that they had in the shadows of the Tetons leading to some really nice lakes and other areas due to I'm assuming the massive amount of property taxes collected. Stupidly expensive everywhere you went yet I'm not sure that there's any place like it here in the U.S. when everything's added up.
make sure its above zero when you go there,oth may be a good place to be when shtf and the gates are shut,I have noticed two more trikes being advertised now,one pure Chinese everything with a 115# Chinese chick pedaling it around( probably an elite cyclist champ and a bad ass dual motor dual battery thingy that converts from a cargo hauler to a rickshaw in about 2 seconds( around 4$K) must be a growing market,the good thing power and stability seem to have been addressed,hope you get yours soon.
"Millions were made with this fat tire and LOW center of gravity design... @$600 " and then banned (?) by the consumer products safety division - whatever that means today.
"You'll run over your foot RickyBobby !"

Those ATCs would be selling like hotcakes in 2025 given the state of the current economy, what their price would be today (as was) and the amount of work that they are capable of given the latter. the MeetOne Tour fills a similar niche: A better built electric 3 wheeler with comfort, torque, range, cargo capabilities and better yet...the ability to go so many more places in 2025 that all gasoline driven machines cannot.
I remember those ATC 3-wheelers. I recall most tip-overs and running your leg over was from people not knowing how to properly ride one. Young kids and adults with no business being on a ATC. NO ONE ever read the owners manual and the adults would get a few beers in 'em and go show off. The MeetOne will never go as fast as one of those ATC's and I'm pretty sure Dash isn't gonna skip reading the owners manual, hop on it after a few beers to show off or let kids ride it. The MeetOne should do everything Dash ask of it when it arrives without trying to kill him.

I got my butt drug around by a Yamaha YTZ250 as a youngster. I actually learned clutch and foot gear on one! I recall it having a thumb throttle as well. Scary stupid fast off the line! Instant wheelies were extra fun because it would "rock" side to side before flying off in a random direction, usually towards a tree of ditch filled with water if you didn't fall off the back first! I've hated ACT's till this day.
I can remember MeetOne advising that the Tour's optional seat wasn't for everyone.
For throttle only(?)...yeah I'm not sure what you'll look like or how you'll come across in whatever whacked out position of comfort that you might come up with..yet who cares..you obviously turned in your man card back in January of '25. ;)
I ordered it and am excited now to see it close up. First one that I know of to feature a seat that long for thigh comfort and a reclining backrest (you would have to fab up your own headrest if desired). The long seat makes even more padding on the backside easily possible. I'm guessing that strengthening up the arm rests is possible. Not sure if you could push back the seat any farther to better accommodate longer frames due to the current pedal positioning. I like the positioning options and the fact that it is a decent-sized seat that looks fairly comfortable.
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...the other thing that I just can't get over..and I caught flak with this when I admittedly went on and on regarding the Addmotor Soletri/Herotri being groundbreaking in the same manner with dual suspension also included..is the HUGE ''DIY ready' heavy duty/pre-reinforced seat area/building platform that MeetOne seems to be just begging us to build from here.
I'll just say it:
If you can't figure out a safe/comfortable seating and/or cargo solution to fit your needs here(?)...you probably should have elected for a few more shop classes in High School or made more fiends.
Just a great low slung HD frame not(?) witnessed previous with other standout features included for under $3200 delivered.
I want a comfortable seat,however I wish to be able to pedal comfortably as well( the exercise thing) being of the "low-T" variety I wish to keep what little muscle mass I currently posses.
"..I want a comfortable seat,however I wish to be able to pedal comfortably as well (the exercise thing).."

My goal as well and I think achievable with a little work.
We all owe a bit of a debt of gratitude to that YouTube guy above for illustrating the bare seat/cargo bed area in relation to our own sizes/challenges and even the optional seat in terms of achievable comfort/possible DIY improvements involving same.
I could clearly see the seat angle(s) that I would/could be working with along with even the need to move the pedals (wherever) to achieve any recumbency(sic?) style that I might find to be the most comfortable with a little work.
It all just seems like a blank canvass to me with a 550# weight rating, a somewhat easily extendable frame and again all that empty (well supported) space for dreaming up whatever to ride/haul in comfort.
Seat discussions can get pretty deep, and I'm not talking cushion. Then what type of ebike will it be installed on complicates it further. With the semi-recumbent/feet forward you should have a bit more options I would think. My old Rans Fusion had this nice wide seat that was booty heaven. Curious to see what you end up doing seat wise.
Seat discussions can get pretty deep, and I'm not talking cushion. Then what type of ebike will it be installed on complicates it further. With the semi-recumbent/feet forward you should have a bit more options I would think. My old Rans Fusion had this nice wide seat that was booty heaven. Curious to see what you end up doing seat wise.
got a wide cushy one on my new ride,ontop a suspension post,curious as to how ir works out,the stock one was pretty nice,curious to see if Dash gets the lumbar wide cushion one.
If I end up choosing the stock seat after trying out the optional one on order; I'll see how much height that one of these adds to the lowest seat post position. I still have two on my IZIP Dash and whatever their MTB was called back then (maybe it was the Dash; I'm too lazy to go out and look): https://cirruscycles.com/products/kinekt-active-suspension-seatpost
They worked well enough before they were copied and brought down to a more reasonable price elsewhere.
make sure its above zero when you go there,oth may be a good place to be when shtf and the gates are shut,
That's exactly what all those zillionaires are thinking who make it near impossible to live there due to the high cost of living.
I have noticed two more trikes being advertised now,one pure Chinese everything with a 115# Chinese chick pedaling it around( probably an elite cyclist champ and a bad ass dual motor dual battery thingy that converts from a cargo hauler to a rickshaw in about 2 seconds( around 4$K) must be a growing market,the good thing power and stability seem to have been addressed,hope you get yours soon.
If you ever run across that again; would you please share? I'm still looking for the trike which beats this one hands down in terms of the features that we discussed and I value dual motors/torque.
That's exactly what all those zillionaires are thinking who make it near impossible to live there due to the high cost of living.

If you ever run across that again; would you please share? I'm still looking for the trike which beats this one hands down in terms of the features that we discussed and I value dual motors/torque.
if I see them again, on JH some people are going to be mighty disappointed after about 6 months when there is nothing new coming in and no place to go,if SHTF being at ground zero may be the best mercy,the "Golden Horde" and the rogues are going to be mighty hard to deal with.The preppers ideas and ideals are basically intenable,the best way to deal with this is create abundance and parity for all,despite its glorious ideals capitalism has one end goal," the few having the most" the only thing on parity with the greedy "robber barons" are the "communists" it doesn't seem that most can ever break the fetters of greed,(seen it happen so much).
One of the most unusual arrangements that I've witnessed to date and kudos to the guy offering it (from their website):

Book A Test Ride​

Parrish, Florida 34219

Make an Appointment:
+1 (971) 217-0124

Available Model: Tour
MeetOne just did a nice job in upgrading their website.
Wish that they would give some more detail on the upgraded headlight offered (lumens new vs old, new beam pattern vs old, etc.).
I see that they have a Facebook user group with 50 members. Would someone please go in there and find out anything new? Anybody own one in there? (don't do social media myself).
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A suggestion to MeetOne for all those here on the forum who absolutely hate the term "groundbreaking trike" (see the Addmotor Soletri thread years go):
On your website, you claim "The first dual motor, dual battery (and) semi-recumbent electric trike!"
I would add a deal sealer for myself and frankly a very rare accomplishment in the trike world which somehow causes quite a few two-wheel pedal standers to get their panties in a knot:
The first dual motor, dual battery and dual suspension semi-recumbent reverse capable rear differential-equipped fat tire trike on the market..ever.
Just received my 15Ah spare battery for our MeetOne Tour in the mail.
Not a big box with every other spare ordered in it along with the trike...yet I'm hoping that sharing this gives anyone else with a Tour on order a little 'boost'. ;)
Apparently, I'm the only one on the Internet who ordered one.
I'm guessing that this was the case concerning that first shipment of Tours and again (apparently) no evidence whatsoever of anyone owning one but a single influencer on YouTube.
Whoever did receive delivery last year obviously isn't talking which would be a shame with this 2nd delivery fast approaching.
Credit MeetOne for allowing their product to do the talking in this thread as I can't find a discussion anywhere else.
Also credit the YouTuber guy in Florida (Rich?) and his daughter who have went out of their way to be honest in regards to what the trike is and isn't while producing many more videos than what any potential buyer would ever receive normally.
It's not here yet but I have growing confidence that it will ride/handle like no other out there when I rip that box open.
Excited to have taken the risk and to soon claim the reward.
I'll also credit the MeetOne Team for very simply tallying the number of regular Tour units left for its Feb. 5th-10th(?) delivery date which today stood at seven units. I have never witnessed a company do this in terms of container(?) shipment realities in the ebike world.
I've also noticed a whole lot of companies in this market segment slashing prices of late.
This may be the best time to buy ever for a number of items across the board; especially those currently available.
When I look at some of these newer products hitting the market now at these bigger showcase conventions or scheduled for the 1st or 2nd quarter(?)...what a tough place to be for businesses simply hanging on whether currently innovating or not.

If this Tour had dropped in any other economy than the current(?)...there wouldn't be seven left for sale no-how-no-way.
Kudos to MeetOne for designing/building a groundbreaking trike that is still selling well despite the economic mess that this world is in right now.