Drug driving

Dm Me and I'll mail you some on my dime. I'm genuinely curious to know what you would think of it. I will say this, after downing a whole bottle, no "go to the ER" migraines like with 4loco or steel reserve.
I am a lover of Imperial Stouts! (Before the latest Ukraine war, that style was named RIS for Russian Imperial Stout. The historical reason is a Russian Tsar loved that strong ale. Now, it is just an IS, Imperial Stout).

I have tried many Imperial Stouts. Some from the United States, some British, a lot of brewed in Poland. Imperial Stouts can be extremely strong (such as 11, 12, 13, and in one case 16% abv). They are the richest ales known if we are talking flavour. I will probably never be able to get the Dragon's Milk but two America's finest I know are "Speedway Stout" by AleSmith and "More than Jesus" (and similar) from EvilTwin Brewing.

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EvilTwin variation on the "Jesus" theme...

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AleSmith "Speedway Stout"

Now, @February: If you think Imperial Stout is weird, give the American Barley Wine a try! That's the strongest and richest Pale Ale known!
I no longer drink. But I love the taste of beers and ales. I was into White Russians before the Big Lebowski introduced them to a new generation. I'd rather have a White Russian than a stout, but like, that's just my opinion man.... 1_QlJ7dvmQheVqho8gRbVYvQ.jpg
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Sadly I'm medically vegan (allergic to statins for high cholesterol). I only weigh 160 Lbs, it's not just for over eaters. Also, there is only one coffee liquor that is vegan and I'm not trying to make a white Russian with soy milk. Honestly, I don't miss the drinking at all. No more headaches or sour stomach. But again, to each their own.
I’ve seen Guinness and cold brew coffee served as a complete drink. Half and half. Sounds really good. I probably would’ve had one if I was still drinking (15 years ago).
My condolences, how utterly horrendous and life changing for your family.
A good part of his story is its being spread locally amongst people I know who take all kinds of drugs including prescription and drive.

I think theyve all had their eyes opened to the consequences for not just themselves.
Jim, I've never experienced such tragic loss and won't even pretend to understand your grief, anger and suffering.

The Last time I drove under the influence, a few drinks, was over a decade ago. I stopped behind a car at a 4 way stop with a M.A.D.D. bumper sticker. For those who don't know what that acronym stands for: Mothers Against Drunk Driving. The full bumper sticker read: My son was killed by a drunk driver, I'm M.A.D.D.- That was the last time for me. Autos and booze don't mix. I think what is being discussed here is the difference between those who can handle their substances and get home safely and those who can't. Those like Mr. McCreary and others who know when to say when and those who don't.

I'm near 50, but drove motorcycle since I was 16. Those who want to ride motorcycles and desire to live, develop a sense of situational awareness on the road that regular auto drivers will never possess. Not a single speeding ticket or accident in over 2 decades and that's not by luck. Always do my head checks, never allow myself to be in heavy confined traffic at high speeds, always allow 4 or 5 car spaces between the people in front of me and don't pass unless I'm that far away from the other driver. On a motorcycle, you drive like everyone is out to kill you, so you are always on the look out for people who might cut you off or run into you from any direction. On my way to the beach, I drive 45 in a 55mph zone where people regularly drive 60mph or more. I'm tempted to get a bumper sticker that says: I live here, there is a reason I am driving under the speed limit, along with some kind of picture of a white tail deer. Unless you are driving a truck with a deer disintegrator (deer guard), you're risking your life driving the speed limit where I live during certain seasons. Under no circumstances do I engage with tailgaters or road ragers. Anyone dumb enough to get out of their car and approach me out of anger is going to be run over by my car. No joke. The police hate road rage and will respond immediately to any report of such, but I'm not waiting for them to show up if some raging idiot comes at me, they'll win a Darwin award quick.

I Allays give people the right of way even when it's mine and also follow the law regarding pedestrians. By law, pedestrians always have the right of way in the USA. Doesn't matter if some one on feet or a bicycle are breaking the law, PEDESTRIANS ALWAYS HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY! I see drunk and drugged drivers all the time on the highway where I live. I put as much distance between myself and them as possible. If you check the crime reports in my area by Leo's, drunk driving is the most reported and enforced crime where I live and despite what red necks who live in the city think, no, you get pulled over out here in the country with an open container or just over the limit, you're going to have a lot of problems with the law, even if you can afford the best lawyers. I talk to my aunts and uncles who tell me stories about getting pulled over for drunk driving in the 60's and 70's and officers back then, if you were white middle class, would just tell you to drive straight home. It's never been like that for the 50 and under crowd in the USA.

Until we can cure human stupidity, these vehicular homicides by drunk drivers will continue. I am so very sorry for anyone who has lost a loved one to these kinds of needless and completely preventable accidents/crimes.

Having said all that, There is world of difference between an individual or a group who intentionally get sloshed and get behind the wheel for fun and those who can handle their poison of choice and follow the laws regarding what is legally permitted as far as driving after drinking. I've met people who got their license suspended for no other reason than they were over the legal level despite not being impaired in the slightest. I don't know how we fix this problem or if it can be fixed, I just follow the law on this one. Hope others do too.

Everyone be safe out there, I'm officially tapping out of this thread-
Heres a story that you might well see as justice served.

My long term friend who is a successful builder smokes a few joints everyday, very low level weed, hes been doing it for 45 years and owns quite a property portfolio.

It doesnt seem to effect him in any obvious way, but eventually his time has come and he was pulled over, mouthswab, arrested, good news for cyclists, but on the other hand he still uses a Nokia dumbphone and doesnt text, so no runing over bikers while Whatsapping.

He spends the night in the city Victorian police station, we'll be in touch...

So he gets the train home, picks up his van ,driving to his house, blue lights, pull over, mouthswab ...arrested again.

Turns out it can be detected for up to a week!!!

How did you know I was driving?

They put your reg into the roadside camera network after drug conviction, it pops up on the traffic cops screen, he was nearby, followed a tracking beacon from licence plate detection.

Couldnt you have told me this..to not drive?

Its a bit of a grey area, we are not obliged to.

Two drug offences, looking at three year ban on the books.

Im like, I was in your van whike you were smoking last month!
Are you publishing or provoking or stirring up negative thoughts about somebody's rights because It's a good thing we're not on social media here?
You did not mention ANY actual reason for him to be "pulled over" and I suppose none is required by your Socialists and none for the fines he WILL pay or JAIL.

Mark Rowley UK police commissioner threatens to extradite, jail US citizens" 8/8/24

London's Metropolitan Police chief warned that officials will not only be cracking down on British citizens for commentary on the riots in the U.K., but on American citizens as well.
"We will throw the full force of the law at people. And whether you’re in this country committing crimes on the streets or committing crimes from further afield online, we will come after you," Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley told Sky News.
"You can be guilty of offenses of incitement, of stirring up racial hatred, there are numerous terrorist offenses regarding the publishing of material," he said. "All of those offenses are in play if people are provoking hatred and violence on the streets, and we will come after those individuals just as we will physically confront on the streets the thugs and the yobs who are taking — who are causing the problems for communities."
Elon Musk "The people of Britain have had enough of a tyrannical police state" 11/25/24
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Most drugs should be decriminalized or made to be completely legal, I personally don't use drugs except a pint or two on occasion, but free citizens should do as they like if it doesn't hurt or bother others. Stay home and get stoned, so what's it to me? No driving under the influence though, because that can affect others. Just my opinion.
They used to be legal or certainly, there was no law against any drug, they were freely sold around the world.
H3r0in itself was sold in chemists as a cure for womens menopause and a non addictive m0rfene :)
The Hero within translated.
They used to be legal or certainly, there was no law against any drug, they were freely sold around the world.
H3r0in itself was sold in chemists as a cure for womens menopause and a non addictive m0rfene :)
The Hero within translated.

There used to be cocaine in Coca-Cola.


There was a skit on Saturday Night Live in the early 80's where they made a machine to put the Coke back into the Coke. 😂
.., back in the day when weed was brought out at parties,
I get high smelling rosin core solder.

I burned my lip doing hot knives at a party when I was 17.
I told my mother that I burned it on my soldering iron at school.
I said that I was blowing on it to cool it off before putting it in my tool box so it wouldn't melt a hole in the box.

She knew I was lying. 😂
Glad you are still with us, have to ask, too much thc or what happened?
Turns out that a lot of the resellers are using makers with a synthetic THC. I now have knowledge of 6 70ish victims hospitalized. WTF Why aren't we hearing about this? Minnesota has medical grade at fair prices. But the VA is a bust if my yearly pee test shows THC
I no longer drink.
10 days in the hospital, 4 in ICU, Vodka reaction to a medication. Out for a week tomorrow and still feeling like s*it. What a scare. Alcohol is now in my past as well. I never imagined it possible. But I tasted in all, great memories of imperial stouts and 12-16 year old single malts. Spoiled in Lost Wages NV. Being able to sign and officers check and only liable for the tips was dangerous, but oh the fun. Best as a memory at 73. (food too)