Down with spandex!

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There's nothing wrong with Spandex per se. It's the uniform of choice for serious cyclists. Unfortunately, many have an attitude but not all. Heck, I've seen "bike jerks" wearing cut offs and tank tops. I think rudeness is less a factor of the outfit and more the person wearing it.

For me with my slightly warped sense of humor, spandexers can actually be a source of entertainment. For example, a week or so ago, I was pulling a long uphill grade on one of my favorite trails. I was doing 8 - 10 MPH in PAS 1 when in my mirror, I spotted a spandexer slowly overtaking me. I let him get close enough to see a gray haired old duffer pedaling a "girls" bike in front of him. I upped the assist to PAS 2 and began pulling away doing 12 - 14 MPH. He stood on the pedals and again managed to close the gap. When he got to within 50 feet or so, I kicked the bike into PAS 3 and sped up to 15 - 16 MPH. I began pulling away again by pedaling harder but still remained seated. He redoubled his effort while standing on the pedals but couldn't keep up. Eventually, he pulled off the trail to catch his breath. I crested the hill a couple of minutes later and pulled over to wait. So as not to crush his ego, I wanted to show him my bike. He must have turned around though since I didn't see him again.
I let a spandex guy pass me intentionally going up a big hill. I could have dropped him easily but didn't. He was working really hard so I gave him his mental and emotional victory.. Sadly, when I let him pass he saw I was riding an ebike, I got a dirty look and then he promptly spit right next to my front tire . That was completely uncalled for but I just carried on, not letting it ruin my day.
There's nothing wrong with Spandex per se. It's the uniform of choice for serious cyclists. Unfortunately, many have an attitude but not all. Heck, I've seen "bike jerks" wearing cut offs and tank tops. I think rudeness is less a factor of the outfit and more the person wearing it.

For me with my slightly warped sense of humor, spandexers can actually be a source of entertainment. For example, a week or so ago, I was pulling a long uphill grade on one of my favorite trails. I was doing 8 - 10 MPH in PAS 1 when in my mirror, I spotted a spandexer slowly overtaking me. I let him get close enough to see a gray haired old duffer pedaling a "girls" bike in front of him. I upped the assist to PAS 2 and began pulling away doing 12 - 14 MPH. He stood on the pedals and again managed to close the gap. When he got to within 50 feet or so, I kicked the bike into PAS 3 and sped up to 15 - 16 MPH. I began pulling away again by pedaling harder but still remained seated. He redoubled his effort while standing on the pedals but couldn't keep up. Eventually, he pulled off the trail to catch his breath. I crested the hill a couple of minutes later and pulled over to wait. So as not to crush his ego, I wanted to show him my bike. He must have turned around though since I didn't see him again.

He went home to order a Rad bike
Joke thread or not, hypothetically, if you were to try some of those things I read here on the roadie group (about 10 riders) that I sometimes ride with on a 40 mile trek, not only will they catch up to you (they are fit to do sprints at 30-33mph), but also beat the crap out of you as those guys are super fit and pissed as hell towards car/truck drivers who would pull any stunt like that on them (and I'm sure an ebiker will end up in the same category). Your mileage may vary depending on the group of roadies but just a fair warning if anyone decides to act out any of those "hypothetical" ideas.
Yeah, those road bicycle riders are a tough bunch alright. I see them beating up truck drivers and motorcyclists all the time. Physical assaults on anyone who disrespects them is common :)
In my experience, most often in this life, you get what you give. Show some interest, be polite, assume the other person is your equal and in all likelihood, they will be polite, interested in you and treat you like an equal, regardless of their attire. There are always both directions. Some people are difficult and/or mean regardless of how pleasantly you present yourself. You learn to spot them quickly and avoid them when possible.

I refuse to give in to generalizations, some may accept them but I do not. Life is too short to indulge in putting down others or tolerating those that do.

Sure I have encountered the occasional spandex wearing jerk,, Then again I have run into fellow ebikers I would rather avoid and hope that others don't lump me in with that person either.
There is a definite air of superiority from the spandex roadie crowd that I've noticed. As ritestuff pointed out, the lack of a wave, nod of the head or other polite acknowledgement of other riders is quite obvious where I ride.
There is a definite air of superiority from the spandex roadie crowd that I've noticed. As ritestuff pointed out, the lack of a wave, nod of the head or other polite acknowledgement of other riders is quite obvious where I ride.
During a 40 mile ride at average speed 23-24 mph, the last thing I have is energy to freaking wave... especially when I'm on the drops and trying to keep up with the group. The amount of energy exerted on a mechanical bike going that average speed is enormous... at least it is for me...
@AZOldTech You are just fanning the flames. There are those who feed off of making outrageous statements who then sit back and relish watching polite people squirm. There is no convincing here.
There is a definite air of superiority from the spandex roadie crowd that I've noticed. As ritestuff pointed out, the lack of a wave, nod of the head or other polite acknowledgement of other riders is quite obvious where I ride.
So what! I still nod and smile. We sure don't all have to have the same personality to ride bicycles!
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