Doing my very 1st "Century" tomorrow with the new Vado 5.0!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Flat shoreline, going to attempt to do the 1st 1/2 with no power and Smart Control on the way back.
If I'm dead, Stefan will be joyous, if I survive, Specialized will want me to be their new poster child :)
Round trip, almost 100 mi.
Flat shoreline, going to attempt to do the 1st 1/2 with no power and Smart Control on the way back.
If I'm dead, Stefan will be joyous, if I survive, Specialized will want me to be their new poster child :)
Round trip, almost 100 mi.
The thing about shore riding is the wind. So if you can go with the wind and then use E-power to get back on the up-wind leg >> should be a great ride!
If I'm dead, Stefan will be joyous, if I survive, Specialized will want me to be their new poster child :)
I "loved" your post because I liked you were going for an ambitious ride!
Although I made an Imperial Century twice, only one of them was a continuous -- recorded -- ride. I was consistently riding in 40/40% assistance, and used 1061 Wh from two batteries. It was a calm, warm Summer day (July 24th, 2021). The ride took me 7 h 20 min net, or 11 h gross. Having eaten lunch too late, I almost bonked mid-ride.

Prepare well, Guru!
Flat shoreline, going to attempt to do the 1st 1/2 with no power and Smart Control on the way back.
If I'm dead, Stefan will be joyous, if I survive, Specialized will want me to be their new poster child :)
Round trip, almost 100 mi.
You do know you have to round that round trip up to 100 even or even more!

Best wishes. I still remember my first century. It was in May and I had not ridden since the previous Oct! Boy, did I hurt.

Oh, I would not leave the bike out of your sight - Specialized might come by and steal it! :eek:;)o_O:)
absolutely amazing that one could ride almost 50 miles without going up or down AT ALL! 283' is the amount i have to climb or descend to go a few blocks in either direction 😅

you'll have no problem with that ride as long as :

1) you don't go too fast. find the unassisted speed at which you're at 60% of your max HR, and stay there. if your speed starts dropping due to wind, fatigue, hills, cramps, aches, pains, etc, then turn on the motor!
2) your seat, bars, and pedals are correctly positioned relative to each other and your body. adjust your hand position frequently. get off the saddle and ride standing up for a minute every 10 minutes. use your gears to keep a natural cadence. NO GRINDING. take 5 or 10 minute stretch breaks every hour and a half.
3) you hydrate. a lot.
4) you eat. a good meal the night before. a good breakfast with a mix of sugars, fats, carbs 1.5 hours before you start. eat another couple hundred calories every hour or two. a good goal to is replace half the calories you're using while riding; lots of places to calculate the calories but your vado has a power meter, which is the most reliable way. very roughly, one watt hour on your power meter is 4 calories. so 100 watts for an hour is 400 calories. eat 200. do not eat large amounts of anything slow/hard to digest like dairy or meat.
5) you start early. figure 6 or 7 hours of riding and an hour of stopping. by noon you really want to be heading north given the temperature and wind. strongly recommend a 7am start. breakfast at 6. a 17mph crosswind at 87 degrees isn't going to be all that fun. you want to minimize the amount of riding you're doing after 1pm. if it was me, i'd leave at 6am and wouldn't even stop for more than a minute or two until i had turned around past the halfway point, preferably by 9am. then that SW wind will start pushing me home as it gets hot!!


do not
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Guru. Were I you, I would gradually be riding 60, 70, 75, 80, and only then the 100-mile route. Seriously.


Red: Hard rides
Yellow: Demanding rides
Green: My practical "no worries" limit. Achieved by riding longer and longer.
Stefan. Right again. At 65 mi. Got 30+ to go. Got flat. I’m wiped. Taking a 1/2 hour root beer float break. I’ve done 52 before but man it’s hot and I’m old. And yup the wind is kicking up. + that Smart Control won’t lock in on any settings the slider jumps back to 10 mi. So I’m doing 30% manual and playing with it that way.
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An experience, most likely never to happen least I can say I tried.
Anyway, does anyone know why if using Smart Control, when using the 'slider' to plug in mileage, why is jumps back to 10 miles and will not stay anywhere?
Stefan. Right again. At 65 mi. Got 30+ to go. Got flat. I’m wiped. Taking a 1/2 hour root beer float break. I’ve done 52 before but man it’s hot and I’m old. And yup the wind is kicking up. + that Smart Control won’t lock in on any settings the slider jumps back to 10 mi. So I’m doing 30% manual and playing with it that way.
Nice ride Guru! That's one very long ride.
Stefan. Right again. At 65 mi. Got 30+ to go. Got flat. I’m wiped. Taking a 1/2 hour root beer float break. I’ve done 52 before but man it’s hot and I’m old. And yup the wind is kicking up. + that Smart Control won’t lock in on any settings the slider jumps back to 10 mi. So I’m doing 30% manual and playing with it that way.
I like that video. Good job overall.
Stefan. Right again. At 65 mi. Got 30+ to go. Got flat. I’m wiped. Taking a 1/2 hour root beer float break. I’ve done 52 before but man it’s hot and I’m old. And yup the wind is kicking up. + that Smart Control won’t lock in on any settings the slider jumps back to 10 mi. So I’m doing 30% manual and playing with it that way.
Guru, I am so swamped with work now I did not realize you actually made the 89 mi ride! Congratulations! As for the first very long ride it was really a feat!

No idea about Mission Control. How much battery was left at the time you tried to use Smart Control? I hope you did not try to set anything else for Time or HR?
Guru, I am so swamped with work now I did not realize you actually made the 89 mi ride! Congratulations! As for the first very long ride it was really a feat! View attachment 126208

No idea about Mission Control. How much battery was left at the time you tried to use Smart Control? I hope you did not try to set anything else for Time or HR?
I attempted to set/use the Smart Control after reaching the turnaround point. At that time, just by using the Garmin Rada and the lights, the 100% battery was down to 89%.
So, never having to or wishing to use any power until at 45 miles, then attempting to use Smart Control, it wouldn't "stick" to anything other than 10 MPH.
I set nothing on Time or HR (no HR device connected)
I attempted to set/use the Smart Control after reaching the turnaround point. At that time, just by using the Garmin Rada and the lights, the 100% battery was down to 89%.
So, never having to or wishing to use any power until at 45 miles, then attempting to use Smart Control, it wouldn't "stick" to anything other than 10 MPH.
I set nothing on Time or HR (no HR device connected)
I don't know... If you could follow my advice of gradually taking longer and longer trips, you would gain experience down the road...
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