Information and customer reports and discussion is very limited here for sure, now it is well past the point when even I thought there would be some activity. They might be just more of a Facebook type off company, they have a lot of marketing background and don't have any issues with facebook.

Also many people here were not too happy with their choice for the motor, and DOST missed a big opportunity to explain their choice and turn it into a positive. There can be many great reasons for the 02 over the HD, but either DOST was not aware of them (other than their cost), or just didn't feel like explaining their choices clearly. With all their marketing they missed this one, so I don't think they are as savvy as they think they are.

I think they explained this pretty well earlier in this thread. As with any product development, you pick your price point, select a target demographic, and design to that purpose. Don’t take offense, but you’re not their target. Quit trying to force your ( and others’) wishes onto a new bike being designed for mass production.

No issue if you’re suggesting ideas for a new model in 2024. That’s good feedback for a growing company. Let them get going and demonstrate reliability and quality at this price point first.
Hey guys, it's been a long journey to get to this point but I'd like to introduce you to DÖST BIKES.

Court and I had a lot of fun shooting a quick video showing a sneak peek to what's coming!

website: www.dostbikes.com

Let me know if you have any questions!

One man's opinion; you produce a very well designed bike that works extremely well. However I don't think your website does your product justice. You could use larger photos that illustrate the design differences that separate you from the others in this price range. It wasn't until I watched EBR's video review that I understand what a great job you did on designing this bike. Also, I wish you had a torque sensor, even if it was an option. Love the option of adding a second battery later!