Do you ebike to work? "the average American drives 16 miles to work each way, with a daily commute totaling nearly an hour round trip (USA)


Well-Known Member

According to that most Americans could get to work just fine on an ebike with a range of 50 miles if they had safe bike lanes to ride on and they would probably save time doing it.

No gas, no license, no registration and you would get a little exercise if you use PAS.

Just something to think about!
This is exactly why Class 3 should be legal everywhere.
If you ask traffic engineer, they would say the same thing. I think it's called Solomon's Curve.
By going slower than flow of traffic, you actually become a hazard.
Class 3 wouldn't do it on this road. Most all the trucks are speeding.
It depends upon your age and enthusiasm for getting out there when the clocks have been set back an hour and it's oh-dark-thirty; the weather forecast has a N'oreaster storm with possible snow starting at 2 pm! It's not just about protected bike lanes; it's the weather, the temps, how you are feeling that particular morning and the idea of dealing with traffic in those early morning hours, knowing most people are half awake and very inattentive; just to get to those protected bike lanes.

In my younger days, on my Motobecane Grand Touring, I tried it a few times; albeit alot longer 30 plus miles, one way to get to my military duty station. Knowing I had 2 days of duty tempered the thought of having to repeat that run 8-10 hours later, so that was a comfort. I found in the longer days of sunlight in summer, worked the best. This particular time of the year however, can be potentially dangerous for us.
I commute 14 miles each way to work at least 2 days outta the week on my Class 3 ebike. Sometimes I'll do a whole week on the ebike. My route does have some butt pucker sections and Friday nights going home (I work 2nd shift, 12:15 to 8:45pm) can be extra crazy. But I enjoy the ride because I actually use the ebike for exercise.
The reality is that since the end of WW II all the money has gone for auto roads and auto parking and auto storage to the point where more than half of our cities are dedicated to motorists. No real profit in bike paths and bike lanes and so not real incentive to change the status quo.

Where I live nearly all the students are taken by car or by bus to schools as it is not safe for them to travel by bicycle and we are dealing with distances of a mile or less.
Work? Another 4 letter word ending in K.
If eBikes were around before I retired I’d have been an eBike commuter in Las Vegas.
The problem isn’t with eBike classes! It’s the lack of bicycle infrastructure. Build it and they will come. 28MPH or class 3 is still whimpy for busy roads where traffic flows much faster.
With Biden manipulating gasoline prices by releasing strategic reserves there’s no incentive for the masses to ride a bike.
nobody is going to ride bikes instead of driving because it actually takes effort and Americans are lazy :p
Now that I can fully agree with you on!
The number of one driver automobiles is amazing. The number of one driver automobiles with their head stuck to the iPhone is even more amazing.
16 miles every day for the last 6 months. Biking in under 32 degrees F no problem. I live in Northern Virginia and this is my first year owning an electric bike. Even in winter i prefer biking over riding a car and spending around $5 per trip to work. Just doesn't make sense when I myself have a perfectly good route to take to work via mostly bike trails and a few miles on not so busy roads.
America has a SERIOUS problem with cars and its absolutely bonkers and i honestly don't understand it. Everything is about FREEDOM and SPEED... why on earth do cars have speedomotrs of over 150 mph??? The mentality of car drivers (everyone) and their desires are insane. I don't know what happened, i am going to guess after World War II americans turned from war to their love of cars and machinery, i think it has something to do with that. We have to understand our love for cars is wrong and change the way we go about our lives. There is no reason to have everyone driving CARS for work and running errands. We need to get together as a society and change what we are doing and make the US more bike friendly. Northern Virginia converted an old railroad to a bike path but there aren't many other options besides this one bike path, very sad.
Gee, good old capitalism causing us yet another problem. This reminds me of the electric car...

I am still biking to work every day. This is now 9 months straight with only having to use a car in the month of January because of a lot of ice on the trails. 6 cents to charge my bike... This whole experience of biking to work 16 miles a day has really changed my life for the better and really has given me a new perspective on life and how i operate my day to day life. I just hope that more people will realize that biking is a very good way to commute.