Do you ebike to work? "the average American drives 16 miles to work each way, with a daily commute totaling nearly an hour round trip (USA)

For 75 years in the United States the highways have been built to benefit the auto, trucking, construction, and real estate sectors. There succeeded in turning highways into freeways where bicyclists could be removed. They provides public parking space on streets for private companies to have their customers and employees park at taxpayer expense. More than half the land area of an American city is devoted 100% for use by automobile owners. Privatizing the public commons has been taking place for centuries and this is but one manifestation of how it plays out.

Roads are not safe for children to walk or bicycle to school in my state of California and 99% of the children are taken by buses or cars to and from school. It took one generation to force people into owning and maintaining automobiles with taxpayer moneys used to pave the way.

Want to save money and reduce greenhouse gases by 50% cut back on the consumption of meat and dairy. It is a painless zero investment way to reduce your carbon footprint.
I am retired now, but in some areas where I worked, I'd commute by acoustic bike. I moved around the country a bit and tried to find housing where I could commute by foot or bike.

On the Oregon Coast, I had to buy a 21 speed mountain bike to make it up "the hill" to my house. I also found a dirt path to ride on to avoid a stretch of the coast highway. I drove on the days with horizontal rain slamming in.
I have been commuting by e-bike for more than a year and do not miss my car. Rode a Pace 500 then a Gazelle t10+. With my wife driving a Tesla, we have not noticed the increasing gas prices. She has the same bike as mine too. On the way back home I do HIIT to complete my daily exercise. Do not miss my car :)

Want to save money and reduce greenhouse gases by 50% cut back on the consumption of meat and dairy. It is a painless zero investment way to reduce your carbon footprint.

yep. the two biggest things you can do are a) don’t drive so much and b) don’t eat so much meat/dairy (although dairy is bad, it’s not at the same level as red meat, which is shockingly bad.)