Commuter bike for total newcomer

Good luck with your commute, I started bike commuting about 8 years ago and one of the best decisions I've ever made. I started off quite slow and would have my wife drop me off with bike on the rack and bike home. I would do a lot of one way commutes and take the bus in or home with bike on the rack. Sometimes I would leave my bike at the office and grab a ride with a co-worker if we were doing a happy hour or activity and they lived near me. I started off quite slow and am glad I did, worked up to 5 days per week max was 20 miles per day so 100 miles per week in the Valley of the Sun on a regular bike. Now I'm doing about 3 days per week on an e-bike and its under 4 miles one-way so piece of cake. I got my e-bike at a local bike shop for about $1.5K and did a few test rides and felt good enough so bought it, no regrets. Best of luck to you!