So what if we ended private ownership but allowed for 24-hour rentals of stuff like body armor and military weapons? If you had suicidal ideation or were demented, had crime in mind, or wanted to kill your brother in law, you could just go to the liability insured and licensed local gun rental shop.
I know you are being facetious, however, some ideas are needed these days about this subject, I do not trust myself to carry( now, on the other hand, the steel cobra or shillelagh is very tempting-a wise man once told me" Never use anything for defense that could be taken from you and used on you")
Is it sixteen hours long, by Ken Burns? 😵‍💫 🤣🤣
The Toxic Coal Train has been stopped. A Green Way connecting the SF Bay to Humboldt Bay was planned when a secretive new company wanted to buy the old rail line and run 1,600 cars per day filled with toxic coal from Utah and Wyoming.
It looks like high gas prices are having a positive effect:
"According to the EIA, gasoline demand over the last 4 weeks is about 2.0% less than this time last year. As prices continue to rise, I expect that the demand will continue to fall off compared to 2021," Andy Lipow of Lipow Oil Associates told Yahoo Finance.
Well if the Demand goes down then the prices will drop.. As the supply will grow.. Awesome.. I can plan a long trip with my rv now.
I am still seeing people reeving cars like Mustangs, Camaros and Challengers at red lights racing to the next red light. They are not arriving at their destinations any faster. They are just sitting at red lights while reeving longer. Then there are the jacked up pickups doing the same thing to show their support of the Saudi Princes.
I am still seeing people reeving cars like Mustangs, Camaros and Challengers at red lights racing to the next red light. They are not arriving at their destinations any faster. They are just sitting at red lights while reeving longer. Then there are the jacked up pickups doing the same thing to show their support of the Saudi Princes.
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I thought the usa oil came from all over? some domestic also? IS there a company or station that their gas originates from the Saudis? Or is this a General statement ?

IF our Govt would Supply Home grown I would support it.. even at 10$ per gallon.. The price doesnt affect me but I feel bad for the fixed income. I know what you are thinking .. I already subsidize by kids and Their spouses.
It is very funny. At, the crappier the bike the less clothing on a model. Have these marketing people been timewarped from MadMen? Or are they in some country like Russia? Also, the models are all photoshopped into the backgrounds just look at how they are not really touching the bikes or if they are it is very weird.
Gee, so many riders with scoliosis. Isn't nice they can ride bikes 🙄
It looks like high gas prices are having a positive effect:
"According to the EIA, gasoline demand over the last 4 weeks is about 2.0% less than this time last year. As prices continue to rise, I expect that the demand will continue to fall off compared to 2021," Andy Lipow of Lipow Oil Associates told Yahoo Finance.
I get that you’re concerned about global warming, and/or other petroleum-related issues. I’ll even concede that we should be concerned. However, I don’t agree that implementing such a drastic plan, while trying to recover from the effects of the pandemic and absorb the effects of the war in Ukraine, is the correct solution.

It doesn’t seem like a fair trade if we starve people to avoid climate change.
Climate change is starving people right now…I’ve been concerned by the situation since 1970…all predictions have been understatements. You don’t have to look to those dying in India today…or exploding sinkholes in Siberia…or the great extinction we are a part of presently…just look to the US’s next heatwave.
I get that you’re concerned about global warming, and/or other petroleum-related issues. I’ll even concede that we should be concerned. However, I don’t agree that implementing such a drastic plan, while trying to recover from the effects of the pandemic and absorb the effects of the war in Ukraine, is the correct solution.

It doesn’t seem like a fair trade if we starve people to avoid climate change.
Yeah, I suppose. Sometimes nature is very cruel and that is unfortunate. On the other hand it isn't like there hasn't been decades of warning that this crisis is coming.
Climate change is starving people right now…I’ve been concerned by the situation since 1970…all predictions have been understatements. You don’t have to look to those dying in India today…or exploding sinkholes in Siberia…or the great extinction we are a part of presently…just look to the US’s next heatwave.
I don’t mean to minimize things, but if we’re going to point out specific events, what’s up with the weather in Washington State?…………We’re experiencing the wettest and coolest Spring in over 70 years. Climate change must be turning around. Whew, I’m glad we don’t have to worry anymore.
I don’t mean to minimize things, but if we’re going to point out specific events, what’s up with the weather in Washington State?…………We’re experiencing the wettest and coolest Spring in over 70 years. Climate change must be turning around. Whew, I’m glad we don’t have to worry anymore.
Sorry, the world doesn't work that way.

Consider what is going on in the southwest right now.
I get that you’re concerned about global warming, and/or other petroleum-related issues. I’ll even concede that we should be concerned. However, I don’t agree that implementing such a drastic plan, while trying to recover from the effects of the pandemic and absorb the effects of the war in Ukraine, is the correct solution.

It doesn’t seem like a fair trade if we starve people to avoid climate change.
What "drastic plan". are you referring to?
The polar vortex has expanded and become wobbly. This makes for greater variability and more extremes in weather. Expect the unexpected and unprecedented. The horsemen have arrived.
What "drastic plan". are you referring to?
I was referring to the efforts to force people to use less fuel. I consider it to be drastic for the reasons I’ve already stated.

I’m all for making changes to prevent climate change, if those changes will bring significant improvement, and won’t hurt those with no voice. However, I don’t believe what is happening will do that. It’s just vote-getting presented as a (phony) solution, and I’ll be very surprised if it doesn’t backfire in the Fall elections. Maybe people WILL have a voice in the end.

Somebody will have to bring this thread up after the elections, to see how far off the mark I was. 😂 Hopefully I’m waayyy off about the effect on climate change.
The polar vortex has expanded and become wobbly. This makes for greater variability and more extremes in weather. Expect the unexpected and unprecedented. The horsemen have arrived.
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Whats the Horseman have to do with Man made Climate change? Sorry if I missed it. If its a biblical ending wouldnt that be ordained by God and not man?