There is no reason for any ‘individual’ to own a powerful weapon of war. The Police nationwide have had to up their arsenal in response. Cops fear a shootout with these powerful weapons assisted with body armor, another unfortunate addition for those who like to play war in the woods. I could list at least ten names of friends and a father who died by bullet both here and abroad. National stats are hard to come by since the lobbyists have gotten Congress to forbid the ATF from gathering data.
Ethical hunting on my farm is fine. The kid who hunts here starts early with his crossbow, when that fails like last year he moved on to black powder. Rarely does he progress to his rifle. Most farmers need a gun from time to time. I used to keep a shotgun to defend my calves but then got a donkey to do the job.
I’ll shut up and go work on my garden…I’ll note for Gordon that there is no White Widow in it…but plenty of Durban Poison
Then there's the ones that believe the 2nd means they have the right to own machine guns and rocket launchers. Never tried D.P. Grown four different strains to date with widow and super skunk being my favorites thus far. Probably because I'm strictly an evening imbiber. Can't understand why the feds don't legalize. It would be nice to be able to share samples via USPS.
The Durban Poison, a landrace strain, my friend and I have found is best for cooking. Usually that means a cookie a night. The cook (former scientist) does all the tech work in kitchen and I do the outside work. He came down today for his first ride on an ebike which, after worrying last night about cars, and the cold drizzle today we went out for 10 miles which he absolutely loved. He, like me, is over 70 and has not been exercising for many years so worried about stamina. Np problem for him…a natural, a little shoulder fatigue but that was all. He was an Olympian (alternate) in ‘76 so I knew his legs were strong and his athletic ability second to none. Because of the weather I have only one picture of him with my Little Trek. He’s posing with the bike next to my spring experiment…an auto flower soon ready because of its Siberian origin genetics. He calls it my Putin Pot. Maybe I’ll post it a little later though I wouldn’t wish to offend anyone.
I disagree with the part that our Constitution is not a problem. The 2nd amendment is very much the problem. Every time we try to stop people from having guns they bring up the 2nd. that says it is their right to have them and that stops gun control legislation in its tracks. England,Germany,France,Canada etc. have no 2nd. and they have strict gun laws. What they don't have is mass shootings every few days. I refuse to believe reason for that is because the people in those country's are so much better human beings than Americans.
The "Equalizer" is too much power in the hands pf some individuals, the "bullet" cannot be recalled once it leaves the barrel.
Going to work one day we were discussing firearms, I said we should keep guns unloaded and treated like they were loaded, my boss contradicts sez"I keep all my Guns loaded and treated like they are loaded, being nearly shot with an"unloaded" pistol one day, it just makes me nervous to see people throwing guns around.
I just heard a US Senator proposing a mass funeral of these children with open caskets like Emit Till. So people are confronted with what high power military weapons do to innocent children and then let the 'Right to Life' politicians try to defend their positions in light of the evidence before them.
I also saw the OP guy rolling coal again. Maybe I should stuff his tailpipe with steel wool and fill it with Great Stuff.
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Patsy Cline was my baby sitter…and yes I do have a glow from my after dinner cookie…but its the absolute truth
Since I cannot bear to inhale certain psychoactive ingredients, were might one find such a "cookie" Alcohol is such a drag. Was your baby sitter the "Patsy Cline" who went a walkin' after midnight?
I just heard a US Senator proposing a mass funeral of these children with open caskets like Emit Till. So people are confronted with what high power military weapons do to innocent children and then let the 'Right to Life' politicians try to defend their positions in light of the evidence before them.
I also saw the OP guy rolling coal again. Maybe I should stuff his tailpipe with steel wool and fill it with Great Stuff.
Stick a small vinyl ball up in there"Hisss, ka pop!
Regarding Patsy…my father produced a C&W TV show in Wash. D.C. starting in mid 50s. He and his partner a local DJ recruited locals for the show. The locals were people like Roy Clark and the Stoneman family. Patsy was on the show a handful of times. she fell in love with my baby sister 3 or four at the time and used her as a prop on the show as in Patsy singing to her underneath a XMAS tree…my sister played her role well and Patsy sometimes babysat us on a Friday night in part to keep Patsy from parting away the weekend.
The pot shops sell edibles though I’ve never been in one. I have tried their chocolates from out of state and they were good…but I believe these private products are superior…my throat says no to smoke now days.
Not that I followed these rules when young but I don’t operate machinery, electric or otherwise, high which is why I usually wait for the stars.
That stuff just makes me paranoid. Sounds better than it is for me in reality. This is the heart of the pot culture, Nor Cal. in growing and trade. My cousin, like a brother, has huge legal industrial operation in Mass. I just can't.
i grew up amongst hunting guns. My dad got me a 22 when I was ten and then a shotgun. I used to be a darn good shot. I tell the He Men Gotta Have a Military Rifle That Shoots A Zillion rounds, that they must be very terrible shots and should be out shooting targets more so they wouldn't need so much ammo. They get quite angry about that.

Me? I have to keep ammo away from my guns. I haven't for a long time, but after my house was broken into (a very long time ago) I would wake up walking down the hall with my shotgun in my hands. That has stopped, but I keep the ammo in a different room and I don't have very much of it anyway. I do have "bear load" because I lived in bear country for a while. Never needed it .

I get quite frustrated. We have a shooting and can't do a darn thing about it. My solution is to make guns the new cigarettes. Make it uncool to have them. But I really think that nothing will work. We've gone from Field and Stream to Lethal Weapon. More kids are going to get shot because, we're 'Murica where anybody can git guns.
I get quite frustrated. We have a shooting and can't do a darn thing about it. My solution is to make guns the new cigarettes. Make it uncool to have them. But I really think that nothing will work...
I just think we need to stop trying to do the same things that haven't worked and try something different.

I think boycotting businesses that sell firearms is one good first step. Perhaps also boycotting businesses that are parts of conglomerates that also sell firearms and ammunition is also a good idea, to encourage divestment of those firearm businesses.

Another is that if a business sells a firearm used in a mass shooting, people should lawfully picket and protest that business until it is forced to close. Most gun shops are small and marginally profitable so that won't take too long.

The other side of this is that in states with decent public records laws (Washington is one of them), almost all of the material you need to make a decent background check and screening system is publicly available, so you should in theory be able to build a decent system without government help. Why not build one and encourage its use by businesses insisting on selling firearms?
I’ve owned a now embarrassing number of guns. And murdered thousands of tin cans. Pistol league was my bowling night. Punching holes in paper with impunity a favorite night out. But 30 years ago the neighborhood gun shop was becoming a vile place and the politics shifted farther right than I ever imagined positive. 9 11 changed everything for me. My frequent lunch partner was the head of a local mosque. The evil he faced was astounding. My reaction was opposite of the haters that suddenly cleaned shops shelves of nearly every. caliber ammo. And I sold all of a substantial collection and gave the dollars to a local “unity” group of religulous leaders. Not being a god guy I saw them as a possible route to relax their hoards and religulous bigotry.

i never got around to selling of my related tools, but I’m once again moved. I really believed, post Dewey Canyon III that Amerika was making a seismic shift to kinder gentler times. Naivety. There’s no paradise.

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Regarding Patsy…my father produced a C&W TV show in Wash. D.C. starting in mid 50s. He and his partner a local DJ recruited locals for the show. The locals were people like Roy Clark and the Stoneman family. Patsy was on the show a handful of times. she fell in love with my baby sister 3 or four at the time and used her as a prop on the show as in Patsy singing to her underneath a XMAS tree…my sister played her role well and Patsy sometimes babysat us on a Friday night in part to keep Patsy from parting away the weekend.
The pot shops sell edibles though I’ve never been in one. I have tried their chocolates from out of state and they were good…but I believe these private products are superior…my throat says no to smoke now days.
Not that I followed these rules when young but I don’t operate machinery, electric or otherwise, high which is why I usually wait for the stars.
I got a couple of hits off"something" amd I wasn't sure I could even walk the 100 yds uphill to home,OTH a few hits of the standard fare makes me more rationa!( as in what the heck am I ordering this stuff for)
Patsy has been mourned a long time.
I’ve owned a now embarrassing number of guns. And murdered thousands of tin cans. Pistol league was my bowling night. Punching holes in paper with impunity a favorite night out. But 30 years ago the neighborhood gun shop was becoming a vile place and the politics shifted farther right than I ever imagined positive. 9 11 changed everything for me. My frequent lunch partner was the head of a local mosque. The evil he faced was astounding. My reaction was opposite of the haters that suddenly cleaned shops shelves of nearly every. caliber ammo. And I sold all of a substantial collection and gave the dollars to a local “unity” group of religulous leaders. Not being a god guy I saw them as a possible route to relax their hoards and religulous bigotry.

i never got around to selling of my related tools, but I’m once again moved. I really believed, post Dewey Canyon III that Amerika was making a seismic shift to kinder gentler times. Naivety. There’s no paradise.

Dang it, miss John in a big way too.😢 Dang it you Guys are making me "Fall to pieces"
I just think we need to stop trying to do the same things that haven't worked and try something different.

I think boycotting businesses that sell firearms is one good first step. Perhaps also boycotting businesses that are parts of conglomerates that also sell firearms and ammunition is also a good idea, to encourage divestment of those firearm businesses.

Another is that if a business sells a firearm used in a mass shooting, people should lawfully picket and protest that business until it is forced to close. Most gun shops are small and marginally profitable so that won't take too long.

The other side of this is that in states with decent public records laws (Washington is one of them), almost all of the material you need to make a decent background check and screening system is publicly available, so you should in theory be able to build a decent system without government help. Why not build one and encourage its use by businesses insisting on selling firearms?
It's got to be a national approach to keep little Johnny from simply buying a gun in Idaho. There lies a very big problem.
It's got to be a national approach to keep little Johnny from simply buying a gun in Idaho. There lies a very big problem.
Well yes and no.

Talking ourselves out of doing anything because it won't be a complete solution is a recipe for paralysis. I'd argue that it would make a big difference if little Johnny was thinking about shooting up a school in Port Angeles and much less difference if little Johnny was in Pullman.

Most likely it is going to be some fortuitous combination of partial measures that is going to reduce the idiot maniacs slaughtering folks with firearms to a tolerable level.
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Well yes and no.

Talking ourselves out of doing anything because it won't be a complete solution is a recipe for paralysis. I'd argue that it would make a big difference if little Johnny was thinking about shooting up a school in Port Angeles and much less difference in little Johnny was in Pullman.

Most likely it is going to be some fortuitous combination of partial measures that is going to reduce the idiot maniacs slaughtering folks with firearms to a tolerable level.