My point is that people are not being forced to use less fuel. They are using less fuel because the price is high. Making simple changes like combining errands, driving slower, buying more fuel efficient cars when it's time are all things people should do no matter what the price of gas is simply because it's the right thing to do. It was high gas prices that killed the "muscle cars" in the 60's & 70's. It shouldn't have because the stupid things should never have been produced in the first place. One could go on and on like why do people need to go on vacation and bring their house with them. We're in this mess because people are greedy and careless and they need to change they way they live or they won't have a place to live.
I take my little "house" with me. I go places where there is no motel. I'm more secure in my trailer and comfy. It was a godsend when Covid erupted, I only had to stop for gas and groceries. I travel with a dog, and that can limit lodging choices. I'll stop when it becomes cost prohibitive and it isn't there .... yet.

I thought about selling my trailer, but then somebody else would be using it so it would make no difference.
That's not all of Washington State, just the western side. The eastern side, where the wheat and fruit and other crops are grown, is suffering a drought - moderate to severe, depending on the location, this year.

So, yes, we definitely have to worry!
Actually, my part of E. Warshington is quite lush and wet this spring. It's a banner year for wildflowers. Drove south last week and the wheat looks great. If they can survive the fuel and fertilizer costs, I predict that there will be lots of new pickups in farm country after harvest--unless it rains when the wheat is ripe. Farming is a gamble. Soon we'll see if the cherries get rained on. That's not good for ripe cherries.

On my way home, I got caught in a thunderstorm that was bad enough to make me creep down the highway and pull into a minimart parking lot in Bridgeport. The parking lot turned into a peninsula. I think I have only been in such a deluge once before. Omak got an inch of rain in one day which is a heck of a lot for here. It drizzled yesterday. It's supposed to rain all weekend. I'm actually enjoying it after last year's oven like event.

My answer for how hot did it get last year? Here in Omak, WA, the official reading was 117 degrees F. My home thermometer said 120 on the hottest day. That was during the last week of June. The city/county then pled with residents to not shoot off fireworks on the 4th, and compliance was amazing. That's how dry it was, after the heat bubble did damage.
Who is now watching or watched the Jan 6 hearing?
Just finished watching. Overall well done. If DT is NOT prosecuted for his role in that insurrection then that would be a shameful chapter in our history. As a side note I'm not surprised that Fox was afraid to air the hearing as many of their viewers ,who only watch Fox, would hear the truth for the very first time and I'm sure that scared the crap out of them.
Do any of my fellow residents of the Pacific Northwest find the reported high temperatures for the heat wave in the southwest somewhat amusing? The "record high" temperatures they are reporting and projecting are not quite as hot as Portland or Olympia got a year ago.

If a heat dome event happened there that caused as extreme a temperature deviation as we saw in Oregon, Washington, or British Columbia last year they'd be burying people in mass graves.
Just finished watching. Overall well done. If DT is NOT prosecuted for his role in that insurrection then that would be a shameful chapter in our history. As a side note I'm not surprised that Fox was afraid to air the hearing as many of their viewers ,who only watch Fox, would hear the truth for the very first time and I'm sure that scared the crap out of them.
When I was a teen in LA I would sometimes see Ladybird Johnson with her full Secret Service detail. It was a good 14 or 15 years after her husband left office. 45 has already been impeached twice. I wonder by what mechanism his benefits as a former President can be revoked and he can be banned from ever becoming Dog Catcher or holing any other office that requires an oath. It will be 15 degrees hotter than normal here today.
Do any of my fellow residents of the Pacific Northwest find the reported high temperatures for the heat wave in the southwest somewhat amusing? The "record high" temperatures they are reporting and projecting are not quite as hot as Portland or Olympia got a year ago.

If a heat dome event happened there that caused as extreme a temperature deviation as we saw in Oregon, Washington, or British Columbia last year they'd be burying people in mass graves.
I haven't been following it. During my exile--I am a born and raised Warshingtonian, I lived at about 6000 feet in N. AZ. It hit 90 something degrees and what was hard about it, was that lakes were rare, and unlike here, you couldn't go much higher in elevation to get out of it. Of course, last year, the elevation relief was non existent and the lakes, I assume were probably mobbed. I stayed home and embraced the AC, going out occasionally to water the shrubs hoping to save them. I did.

Phoenix gets downright humid in the summer, if the monsoons are going. Went down there one day and it was 110 at 10AM. Headed back up as soon as I could.

I just can never figure out why people move there not only because of the heat, but the whole water issue. I figured that one out three decades ago.
I feel that I'm lucky to have settled in the N.E. I grew up in Vermont but my father was a teacher so we spent summers on the coast of Maine. I made that my choice as a place to live and then had to figure out how to make a living. I was never homeless or hungry so I guess it worked out. The ocean keeps it from getting too hot in the summer and helps to keep it warmer in winter. It will often rain where I live and be snowing only 5 miles inland. I use heat pumps to heat my house in winter and they can be used as AC in the summer but I've only needed to use that feature 4 days since having them installed in Feb. 2019. Personally I can't stand the heat. Winter is OK. I can always put on warmer clothes but can only take off so much.
I haven't been following it. During my exile--I am a born and raised Warshingtonian, I lived at about 6000 feet in N. AZ. It hit 90 something degrees and what was hard about it, was that lakes were rare, and unlike here, you couldn't go much higher in elevation to get out of it. Of course, last year, the elevation relief was non existent and the lakes, I assume were probably mobbed. I stayed home and embraced the AC, going out occasionally to water the shrubs hoping to save them. I did.

Phoenix gets downright humid in the summer, if the monsoons are going. Went down there one day and it was 110 at 10AM. Headed back up as soon as I could.

I just can never figure out why people move there not only because of the heat, but the whole water issue. I figured that one out three decades ago.
I have a friend who owned a condo in the Phoenix area, and he recently sold it due to concern that water shortage will soon drive prices down. I suppose he also decided it was a good time to sell just because the market was crazy high at the time. He’s a realtor, so I’m sure he was watching home values very closely.
It is the combination of humidity with heat that gets me now. When I was a kid in the rural Hudson Valley I didn't know the difference. I would get very muggy in the Summer with hot afternoon thunder storms. It is very different here in Sonoma. Here when it is hot it is dry and when it is cold it is damp. As a rule we don't have thunder. The wind from the cold ocean is just beginning blow in. Free A/C. It is bone dry in the mid-nineties now but by nine tonight it will be 50 with moisture leaden air from the sea. By three this afternoon gusts will hit 25 Mph. I just gave a guy a new bright red baseball cap. He isn't going to say a thing but is just putting it on a bookshelf to see the Rorschach effects in others. He loves the idea of it. I purchased it at a closeout sale for $1.
Very true but you got to admit Trump takes to a level that is off the charts.
Yes, because the guy throws everyone under the bus who come close and he is totally unhinged from reality. How many Press Secretaries?
No matter what is said...
No matter by who...
No matter how many photos, videos and documents presented...
Anyone that does not understand/believe what happened that day before these hearings will not care to understand/believe afterwards.
Articles of faith make for a sense of belonging to a tribe. And for a belonging us, while making for an unfaithful 'them.' The more outlandish the stronger the effect. The clearer the lines then and the more warm fuzees of belonging and the more fear and hatred of the not us, thems. It is their fault, them, them, and them. At that point when confronted with information contradicting the articles, and being 'persecuted' for fidelity to the us, makes one a martyr and saint. The anger and hate of the others feels good and is addictive. Also to explain away facts make for ever more outlandish imagined scenarios to justify and make them fit with prior articles of faith.