Changing dropper post on a Turbo Levo FSR Comp 6Fattie


New Member
Hi All,

Wondering if anyone has had experience changing out the brand/type of dropper post on one of these bikes?

The command post IRCC that came with my bike failed on the first ride (started to slip & progressively got worse) and after being assessed by a specialized service center as being a faulty post, and replaced by them under warranty, the replacement lasted under an hour before exhibiting the same behavior, regardless of cable settings.

Although I can't find any documentation on rider weights, my theory is that at 6'3 & 210 lbs I'm too heavy for the the dropper post mechanism, so instead of doing another dance around a 3rd post replacement, I'd rather change to something I can rely on.

I've read reviews from heavier riders than myself successfully using the rockshox reverb stealth, and have seen some rave reviews of the 9point8 fall line dropper which reference a mechanical lock on the post which appeals to me, but I wasn't sure if the internal routing system of the Turbo Levo would be compatible with either/both of these - especially given the reverb is hydraulic.

Any advice appreciated!
What brand/type is installed currently? Curious if it's the same as the S-Works dropper... haven't seen any issues myself, so I'm curious now!
What brand/type is installed currently? Curious if it's the same as the S-Works dropper... haven't seen any issues myself, so I'm curious now!

It's the factory fitted Specialized command post IRcc which was standard for this bike. My LBS have said they've not seen this issue with any other bikes, and 2 separate specialized service centres have seen/tweaked the bike with no luck (meaning I'm confident it's not a set up issue) hence my theory about rider weight.

I'm leaning towards the rockshox currently as it's more tried and tested.
It's the factory fitted Specialized command post IRcc which was standard for this bike. My LBS have said they've not seen this issue with any other bikes, and 2 separate specialized service centres have seen/tweaked the bike with no luck (meaning I'm confident it's not a set up issue) hence my theory about rider weight.

I'm leaning towards the rockshox currently as it's more tried and tested.

Wow @ $471.00US for the replacement dropper post, perhaps try to get Specialized to pick up the tab on that one. Looks like faulty engineering in the OEM version that came with the bike IMHO.