update on my cemoto
overall i have been very happy with this bike for the price
i dont think it is built for heavy duty use but is great for medium use and has a very comfortable ride with the suspension
the size is just a little too big for me at 5'6" with around 30 inch inseam but it is ok
it has been used maybe 20% of the time on dirt/gravel and the rest on not great paved roads and pretty nice paved bike trails
was just rereading this thread and looked over my bike more, regarding the shifting of the black triangles that connect the rear tire to the rear shock- videos bck a ways in this thread - realized the looseness or ability to shift right to left is coming from the shock
makes sense to me this is kind of a weak point because nothing holds the top of the shock solid so it cannot move right to left
at the bike shop tomorrow to hopefully have the old pas disc swapped out, i took out 2 magnets to try and slow down the power output when i first got it, the bike seemed to fast for me
dont think it made much if any difference but want it to be correct now, hoping that one of the 2 small 5 magnet discs i got off ebay is the correct one
will also discuss the shock/shifting etc and see if they have any ideas, not super worried about it but will keep an eye on it
before it got insanely hot here i rode last week on a monday for 13 miles and then 14 miles that friday on the same battery charge and was still green on indicator, this is the original smaller battery, used pas probably 70% of the time average and some throttle, this seems like great mileage for this smaller battery
i did have to get the headtube battery bearings replaced last week, not sure why those went bad but it was relatively cheap to do
think at the newer price of 1300 i would probably go for a cross current or something, but the biggest advantage of this bike to me has been the full suspension, it has been comfortable to ride, battery life has been great for me, power has been fine for moving my higher weight in the flats here
getting an easy motion street this week but plan to keep the cemoto for another few months or year, not finding an upgrade in the mtn bikes that i like with full suspension and throttle, may have to buy a regular mtn bike and pay to have bionx etc put on it....
that is a project for down the road