I'm pretty happy with my bike, as it folds so I can store it on the ground behind the hook I store another bike on, and, it fits in the trunk of my Honda Civic. At Burning man, where the conditions were extreme, my bike looked to be perfectly suited with the full suspension, and preformed as well as any other bike I ran it against on the playa. I don't know how much more power it needs.
I saw that bike at Burning man and tried to see it out riding in the heavy stuff but never did. It was extremely windy with heavy dust storms. Lots of piled lose dust. My bike did just fine. 20 mph was too fast most of the time.
I know fat tired bikes are popular, however they are bulky, and to me, not very agile. I have ridden a Mongoose fat tire conversion with a 1000 watt hub motor and a few Sonders bikes, they were more like driving a truck than riding a bike.
The Mongoose, for my tastes, had too much power and was way too heavy. Must weigh 75 pounds.
The Mongoose has no suspension, the Sonder's none, I had full suspension, a very nice thing in the rough stuff.
What does that bike weigh?