Cemoto Electric Folding Mountain Bike

I am looking for a way to fold the handlebars and found this product


Does anybody know what size are bike take?

Or any other products we could use?

Not finding a whole lot on Google

Those are expensive and in the UK. Get these, they are inexpensive, and works for our bike.

And these handlebar

This will give you a comfortable upright sitting position.
think what you guys are listing here are riser type handlebar things

i am looking for something with a quick release type thing that will allow the handlebar to swivel flat since i dont think there is anyway to fold the handlebar

this is for fitting it in my trunk
the whole thing folded would be a lot smaller with the handlebar swivelled

that is what the n'lock does

if i could just buy a quick release of some kind i would do that too
so far really happy with the bike, rained a lot here today and is supposed to be rainy the next few days

but the build quality seems very good for the price

also bought a used prodeco mariner 7 last week
i was originally buying a new single speed mariner, but this guy on craigslist had mariner he wanted to get rid of that day and said he would take 200
knew it was not running, but had it repaired for 80 and they said it is a good bike

both of them just got home in the past couple of days so have not ridden either

in comparison folded up the mariner handlebars fold down so it is a little thinner and smaller because the tires are smaller
but the weight should be less on the mariner and picking them up i cannot tell

if the cemoto handlebars would swivel it would be perfect

sitting on the cemoto the bike just feels better to me, dont know if that is the bigger tires or what
feels more sturdy
it seems easier to get on the cemoto than the mariner also

hopefully it will not rain for the next 3 days and i will get to ride them a little
sounds like electrobikeworld wants me to take it up with UPS, she said the boss would get back with me monday

no matter what i will complain big time to UPS

but it probably will not be much to fix it and my time is more valuable than that

we will see what happens
It's the weekend they are probably closed. For something like that is an easy fix. Just get a new shifter and install. It shouldn't cost no more than $10. I had to replace one on my road bike but that was years ago.
To fold the handlebar, simply loosen the single bolt on the stem with an Allen key. It only takes a few seconds to do. Just remember to take that key with you. Happy riding! :)
Vincent - may I ask how you paid for the Prodeco Mariner 7? I know they go for $1400 retail. To me this bike is made to cruise around the marina hence the name. Since it's small with 20" wheels makes it limit to riding places like dirt trails or any kind of off roading. The huge rear battery placement gives it a high center of gravity making the ride less of a balance. From my experience with this battery placement, the bike will either sway too much to the right or left especially when you're standing and pedaling. It has a front wheel motor which will tend to make the steering a bit shaky and less stable. It's good for portability and to just cruise around like at a camp site or marine.
The Cemoto is just the opposite of the Mariner 7 with one thing in common is that they both fold. It has a larger 26" wheels, full size frame, rear hub motor, dual suspension and the battery placement is on the frame which evenly distribute the weight through out the bike. This will give it a more balance ride. You get the best of both world, portability and able to ride on or off road. It's much less expensive and for the quality it possess, you're really getting a good value for the money. What I also like about this bike is you're able to upgrade, so far I've added all kinds of accessories and upgraded parts. It's a bike that will grow with me for a long time.
i agree the cemoto is a totally different bike and feel
and for me better
and folded up yes it is a little bigger but not a huge amount and as far as picking them both up i cannot tell any difference in weight

not sure what you mean on the mariner, bought it used and broken off craigslist then took it to the prodeco dealer in phoenix and they repaired it
so i paid cash all around

it was kind of a fluke deal, was actually on my way to phoenix to buy a new mariner from that dealer
but had emailed that guy on craigslist a week before and it just happened he replied when i got halfway to phoenix and said he wanted the bike out of his garage, that he bought it used from someone but could not get it to work
had it listed for 500 but wanted it gone today and would take 200, so i figured what the hell
it had some wires messed up or something and the prodeco dealer fixed it for 80

did not want it to end up in the landfill somewhere if it could be fixed
the other thing is the bike is used and i have not been on a bicycle in 25 years, it might get dropped, scratched
makes a good starter bike for me
not sure i will keep the mariner, but makes a good backup bike in case the cemoto should have a problem at some point and i need one right then

my entire thing getting into the electric bike deal is i needed to be able to drop off one of my cars a few miles away sometimes and wanted a way back home without having to call someone for a ride
and hoping i would like riding it and would exercise some

i know nothing about bikes so learning on all this, but i can tell that the build on the cemoto is good for the price

think we are all going to have fun with these :)
rode the bike for about 15 minutes yesterday and thought it is very stable especially to someone who has not been on a bicycle in 25 years

but the rear tire is already flat, filled it up last nite and flat again this morning, will have to get some slime

on replacing the shifter, do you have to replace the whole cable or can you just replace the part attached to the handlebars?

either way it is going to the shop tomorrow or wed to discuss the handlebar twister thing and hopefully they will have a shifter in stock

hoping to have time to ride the prodeco a little today
You do not have to change the cable, only the plastic shifter. Pretty easy replacement if I remember correctly. Is Electro Bike World going to replace the broken parts for you?
cool, i can probably do that myself

actually i havent heard anything from electrobikeworld

last communication from lindsay was take it up with ups but she would talk to her boss today

will complain to UPS in the hopes it will encourage better handling of the packages
but for a $10-15 part it wont even be worth them shipping me one, so i will probably just take car of it myself

will see if the bike shop has one in stock tomorrow , if not i will order one
Hi Vincent , sorry to here about all the trouble you are having with your bike.
About your flat tire, if you do not thing you ran over anything , it could be that your valve stem is lose. That has happened to me.
I know that you do not have the tool to tighten it up, but since you are going to your shop tomorrow anyway , you can ask them to do it.
You can check it by unscrewing the cap and drop a little water in it and see if it bubbles any. If not you have a hole in your tube somewhere .
I really do not like to use that slime stuff , it clogs up the vale stem , gets into your air pump fitting . Just messes up everything . Hope this helps, have fun on your bike when it is all fixed. Ken, Keep looking up!
got a reply from electrobikeworld
they feel UPS damaged the bike but want me to be happy and are sending a replacement part

excellent customer service from this company
i am very impressed and very happy with my purchase
thanks guys

actually the stem looks funny on the rear tire and seemed to stick out more

i might have the tool, bought a topeak alien multi tool to keep on the bike, bike shop told me it would fix anything that might break on the bike
do you think this would have the stem tighter?

i will test it with the water when i get home

thanks for all the help
thanks guys

actually the stem looks funny on the rear tire and seemed to stick out more

i might have the tool, bought a topeak alien multi tool to keep on the bike, bike shop told me it would fix anything that might break on the bike
do you think this would have the stem tighter?

i will test it with the water when i get home

thanks for all the help

I use this valve stem core removal tool (cheap and works!) just $2.28 shipped!: