CCX broken down after only one day.

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i think you are missing the point of people being upset. There is one thing to have poor quality control. And yes people complain on the internet so sometimes it can make it seem like there are more products with problems then there actually are. If juiced fixed those 100 bikes you speak of or were upfront about the issue there wouldn’t be an issue here.

the issue is that they know there is a problem with the design for a product they sold. They kept selling it. Told people the problem would work itself out while in the return period. Didn’t fix it with a permanent fix while under warranty. And now won’t fix it with a real fix out of warranty.

thats just a bad company. Nothing todo with statistics.
I don't think I'm missing the point about being upset. They should be upset. I'm on their side.

I think you are missing the point of my post. You don't know that there's a problem with the design, because there are thousands of bikes out there running just fine with the same equipment. You don't have sufficient data to make the assertion you've made. You think you're right, but you don't know you're right. And you can't know that you're right.
I don't think I'm missing the point about being upset. They should be upset. I'm on their side.

I think you are missing the point of my post. You don't know that there's a problem with the design, because there are thousands of bikes out there running just fine with the same equipment. You don't have sufficient data to make the assertion you've made. You think you're right, but you don't know you're right. And you can't know that you're right.

ok if it isn’t a design flaw then it is terrible customer support that won’t fix a problem then know they can fix.
There are definitively NOT thousands of 52v CCS bikes roaming around. It was a limited option because Juiced launched the CCX very shortly after, and stopped listing the 52v pack as an option for the CCS, until the CCS 2 came out, with the wider downtube. They confirm the issue in the attached message with tech support. They are basically abandoning the people with these $2000+ bikes with a serious design flaw, because it was such a niche option between designs.

If they would just send me the smaller battery and be done with it I would at this point be ok with it.

It’s just so blatant they know the product they sold doesn’t work and they don’t care.
Nothing wrong with buying online,CCX is a great bike and a great deal, the reality is he didn't overpay for his bike and the issue will act

lol,there is nothing wrong with buying online,CCX is a fantastic bike, bikes get damaged for time to time,it happens and the reality is OP didn't overpay for his bike and the issue will be handled faster and with less effort than it would be if he dropped the bike off at a local shop. Part will be delivered and replaced while he sits on his sofa. Enjoy overpaying for your bikes

I didn’t i overpay for mine’s. Zero past and future issues b/c I know the ebike inside and out.

Between Juiced CCX and the Stromers, the CCX is a much better value and quite reliable if you are a DIY person.
As long as it works it is a great ebike, probably has the best range+performance+price.
But i read many posts of people complaining... but those could be 5-6posts out of hundreds of satisfied CCX ebikers. So, in reality is hard to tell and I don’t know the stats in detail.
It’s a new company vs the mass produced mid drives ebikes, hopefully they will get it right for every single ebike produced.
There are definitively NOT thousands of 52v CCS bikes roaming around. It was a limited option because Juiced launched the CCX very shortly after, and stopped listing the 52v pack as an option for the CCS, until the CCS 2 came out, with the wider downtube.
There's no structural difference between the older 48V and 52V CCS's. There was a time in 2017 when Juiced offered 48V batteries in 17.4 Ah and 21 Ah, both discontinued (in early 2018 IIRC). The case for these larger batteries is the same wide format as the 52V cases. I have the 17.4 Ah battery. I can see how problems might develop, but I've never had any, with over 3,000 miles on the clock.

I say thousands because they used to post numbers on their website. That also ceased about 18 months ago.

The fact that they improved the design doesn't mean that the earlier design was "flawed." If a company has 99% customer satisfaction and wants to move it up to 99.5%, my hat is off to them. I hope there will be many more improvements in the future.

Look, you're mad at Juiced and feel let down and I'm not arguing that point. I wish your bikes (you bought three???) were as trouble-free as mine. All I'm saying is, you don't have the information to support the conclusions you state about Juiced Bikes as a whole.
There's no structural difference between the older 48V and 52V CCS's. There was a time in 2017 when Juiced offered 48V batteries in 17.4 Ah and 21 Ah, both discontinued (in early 2018 IIRC). The case for these larger batteries is the same wide format as the 52V cases. I have the 17.4 Ah battery. I can see how problems might develop, but I've never had any, with over 3,000 miles on the clock.

I say thousands because they used to post numbers on their website. That also ceased about 18 months ago.

The fact that they improved the design doesn't mean that the earlier design was "flawed." If a company has 99% customer satisfaction and wants to move it up to 99.5%, my hat is off to them. I hope there will be many more improvements in the future.

Look, you're mad at Juiced and feel let down and I'm not arguing that point. I wish your bikes (you bought three???) were as trouble-free as mine. All I'm saying is, you don't have the information to support the conclusions you state about Juiced Bikes as a whole.

i don’t get your posts. Ok, you are a DIY kind of guy and you don’t have any issues. I am happy for you. Yes we don’t know how many bikes they sold and I can’t do a statistical analysis on Juiced quality control and problem areas.

None of that changes that Juiced has written in customer support responses that that they now the wide format battery on the CCS has issues because of its size. they admit it. Why do you need to go on about other models being fine and lots of customers being happy

Juiced themselves recognize it, they don’t don’t give a damn. Which is not a sign of a good company.
There's no structural difference between the older 48V and 52V CCS's. There was a time in 2017 when Juiced offered 48V batteries in 17.4 Ah and 21 Ah, both discontinued (in early 2018 IIRC). The case for these larger batteries is the same wide format as the 52V cases. I have the 17.4 Ah battery. I can see how problems might develop, but I've never had any, with over 3,000 miles on the clock.

I say thousands because they used to post numbers on their website. That also ceased about 18 months ago.

The fact that they improved the design doesn't mean that the earlier design was "flawed." If a company has 99% customer satisfaction and wants to move it up to 99.5%, my hat is off to them. I hope there will be many more improvements in the future.

Look, you're mad at Juiced and feel let down and I'm not arguing that point. I wish your bikes (you bought three???) were as trouble-free as mine. All I'm saying is, you don't have the information to support the conclusions you state about Juiced Bikes as a whole.
Bruce- I’ve had the same experience with my CCX-except for a few minor problems that Juiced took care of right away, it has been an exceptional bike! (I have around 2000 miles on it now.) Happy riding!
Bruce- I’ve had the same experience with my CCX-except for a few minor problems that Juiced took care of right away, it has been an exceptional bike! (I have around 2000 miles on it now.) Happy riding!
Ditto for me, except that I'm at about 3800 miles at age 78 on both a CCS and now a CCX. Other than the notorious taillight, nothing more than expected maintenance. I'm well satisfied, and maybe someday I'll try to say so as well as you have. The only problem - winter is arriving in Idaho!
Ditto for me, except that I'm at about 3800 miles at age 78 on both a CCS and now a CCX. Other than the notorious taillight, nothing more than expected maintenance. I'm well satisfied, and maybe someday I'll try to say so as well as you have. The only problem - winter is arriving in Idaho!
I’m shooting for both-3800 miles and 78!! Keep riding Dave!!!
So back to the origal point was the custom taken care of?Was the issue resolved and is customer happy with there bike now?
There's a lot of what I'll call statistical illiteracy (for lack of a better term) going around. Always has been, always will be, but I'll remark on it anyway.

If a company sold 10,000 bikes and had a 99.9% rate of quality control, that would be 100 bikes that were flawed.

If each one of the 100 customers posted about the flaws on a forum like this, many people would say "wow, look at all those flaws, this company is bad, stay away!"

But any company with 99.9% quality control is doing a hell of a good job.

I'm not saying these flaws don't exist or that it's okay for them to happen. If you're in the 100 customers who get such a flawed bike that you've paid good money for (whether it's $1600 or $5000), then you have my sincere sympathies. You want to be out riding and enjoying your new bike and you can't. No one wants that for you.

My problem is with people drawing conclusions from limited data. It's one thing to report on a problem -- what's a forum like this for? -- but another thing entirely to say "therefore" when you don't have enough data points to support that conclusion.
You should stop pulling random 99.9% out of thin air.

Anyone who does a little critical thinking would dismiss your 99.9% data.

We do not know the data.. also how do you know Juiced sold 10,000 ebikes? Do you have their sales figures?
Even if they did, we don't know how many claims they had, at what percentage.

PS: If percentage of satisfaction was 99.9% out of 10,000, the number of unsatisfied customer is not 100, it's 10.
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Holy cow Tempo. Why must you seize on specifics, when it was just an idea he was trying to get across?

I happen to believe his point, that the chances of an unhappy customer posting questions regarding an issue, or bad mouthing a product or manf. in general, is something an unhappy customer is most likely to do. A happy customer is more likely finding something more entertaining to do! In our case here, he's likely out riding or planning his next ride!
You should stop pulling random 99.9% out of thin air.

Anyone who does a little critical thinking would dismiss your 99.9% data.

We do not know the data.. also how do you know Juiced sold 10,000 ebikes? Do you have their sales figures?
Even if they did, we don't know how many claims they had, at what percentage.

PS: If percentage of satisfaction was 99.9% out of 10,000, the number of unsatisfied customer is not 100, it's 10.
Of course I'm pulling 99.9% out of thin air. I'm making a point about statistics, not guessing about actual data.

You're right about the 10 instead of 100 -- did it in my head, got the decimal wrong. Good catch. Doesn't change the point.
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