Captain Kirk pilots an eBike


New Member
Today's LA Times had an article about William Shatner, who is 87 years old and has recently discovered e-biking. He took one ride and bought bikes for his entire family. He stays fit riding horses and swimming, but is firmly hooked on e-biking. A quote:

"An electric bike is magic"....."the magic is in your mind. The electric bike restores your youth. You're pedaling along with your 13 year old grandson and he's racing around... and you are right there with him!"

Hard to argue with that.
Shatner & family on their ebikes. :)
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It's been rumoured for years Bill is a large investor in Pedego, he's done some ads for Pedego and apparently that's what his entire family ride.

Great grandson comment.
He's a great spokesman for Pedego, that's for sure. I wonder if he "bought" Pedegos for his entire family or if they were part of the endorsement deal. Just look at all those bikes for his famiy, there's at least 30k worth of bikes there
I am OK with celebrity endorsements ... take them for what they are, payment for service. That said, there is no reason to doubt that Shatner is sincere about his love of the recreation that he discovered in ebiking. I think most of us on this forum can relate to that same discovery. Even though he is endorsing Pedego, his promotion of e-biking is good for the entire industry.