Can we see more reviews like this one?

I once rode a dead ebike on a mostly flat gravel rail trail for 12 miles. Seth has me beat.
KUDOS to you!

It was:
  • 15 km upwind on the early version of my Vado with BLOKS display. That early system was totally hopeless. It loved to "freeze". If so happened, you had to remove the display from its mount and push a reset button with a tip of a pen or with the smallest hex wrench in the set. That was the first "freeze" of BLOKS I experienced, had no idea what to do and pedalled home unassisted. (Later, Specialized upgraded the e-bike to TCD-w display on warranty).
  • 10 km in a torrential rain, lost in a forest, involving a bog. I was testing Giant AUTO assistance mode to find out that mode was a laugh!
Even getting a Vado SL with 70% battery for a demo ride allowed me getting back to the showroom with no issues... (I had been aware the battery was not fully charged).
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C'mon, Stefan. That was intentional — part of the experiment he explained at the beginning. How much of the video did you actually watch?
What was the point of the experiment, really?
He could have tried to ride a throttle fat tire e-bike with an empty battery instead :)
I find this kind of video a way more informative :)

Let us put is straight: Seth is not an e-bike expert. Can we settle on that?
He said something like: 'Assume you are a person who rented an e-bike but you missed the fact the battery was empty". I know a person I work with who bought a very good e-bike and was to ride home from the LBS. The store owner was not there, and an assistant forgot charging the battery. My friend indeed rode for 15 km without assistance in a very hilly country on a brand new e-bike. So such situations do occur. Would you name my friend "an e-bike expert"? :) For me, whenever Seth touches an e-bike, it is just to generate clicks, likes, subscriptions. He is not an e-biker. You @J.R. are and I am. It is because we could understand e-biking by thousands of miles ridden on e-bikes, not by making videos.
I think we had it straight. I wrote on page 2:

I don't think he thinks he is an expert or the final word on anything. He has good content and his information is valuable. His subscribers and others will send him products. He shows all, and if they are stupid or dangerous, he tells you. He takes a financial hit to his media business, but he's honest.

For my part, I'll repost this from page 2:

I too watch EMBN and have subscribed from day one of the channel (7-8 years?). Great content. On that channel, the riders consider themselves MTBers, cyclists, as do I. I suspect you consider yourself to be a cyclist. Getting a perspective from an experienced cyclist on an eMTB has value. Seth seems to be very knowledgeable about ebikes and he brings people onto his channel that add expertise to the topic at hand.

I've ridden bikes for many decades, and I just consider myself a cyclist, a sometimes mountain biker and in general a biker. When I was commuting by bike, then ebike I would read and watch videos about other bike commuters. When I need bike parts, accessories and gear I go to the bicycle stores and websites. The E part is just that, a part. I enjoy channels like Seth's because it's about bikes and riding. He'll ride anything from a $200 Walmart bike to a $13,000 titanium MTB. It's about the ride! You and I are not as far apart as you seem to think. If someone said he was an expert, I missed that.

It's the unknown around the corner that spins my wheels... the ebike just assists.
I find this kind of video a way more informative :)

I watched the video and I am not impressed with his acting, but I am impressed with the battery.

EDIT: He tested the waterproof e-bike by crossing a creek then he submerged the battery.

What would impress me is a review where the rider simply rides the e-bike in Ocean.

A horse isn't going to rust out or explode if you ride it in the Ocean.


A horse can swim better than I can so I expect my machine to as well.

However the battery is only available in 200, 400, 625, and 800 Watt hours.

My batteries are 900, 1000, and 1200 Watt hours.

How much would 3100 Watt hours worth of that battery cost me?
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What a tool.
The fact that he dissected the battery first and not at the end of his test tells me that he's clueless... but thinks he's entertaining.
And maybe he dumbed it down but he also comes across as not having full grasp of the technology and just knows some keywords.
Sorry but I find wanna be youtube stars not very useful and I'm just baffled by what people find entertaining and informative these days.
I thought the review and the reviewer was excellent and fit the bike perfectly! I rarely
to never view an entire bike review no matter the price point....I watched this one
to the end ! Seth's points seemed very honest, spot on and helpful.

I'm all for high end ($$) techie reviews, especially MTBs. That style of review and is
not for this bike. Seth admitted much. For someone to look for and expect same,
they've come to the wrong place. A huge point of the review, at least in my opinion
were the closing thoughts....

With the awful bike industry sales decline, problems etc this 'Amazon Wonder' could
hold its own... My $5,000 Trek Powerfly MTB isn't going to get it done.
Thanks for the great review.