My new bumper sticker reads "Hell is other drivers."That's a pretty scary encounter and makes a couple of the incidents I've had look more tame.
I don't really get the animosity from roadies to an e-biker. It seems all bicyclists roadie, e or otherwise have similar relationships to automobiles. I bet the roadies get together and lament how they are treated by drivers. That roadie that assaulted the OP could easily have the same thing happen to him by an automobile driver. Roadies hate e-bikers, mtbers hate e-mtbers, drivers hate us all. drivers hate each other. Lotsa hate out there. Almost makes me want to stay home and lock the doors.
I haven't had any hostile encounters yet, but I've been rehearsing my response: "What kind of bike will you be riding when you're 83 years old?" (which I am). I was riding in the bike lane headed for a "silver sneakers" exercise class, when I saw a pod of maybe 4 roadies approaching me in my helmet mirror. There was a moderate uphill grade, so I was doing maybe only 11-13 mph. As they passed, one of them said "Nice bike," which surprised me so much that I forgot my rehearsed retort. My lame response was "Uh, thanks."If someone confronts you like that again, just tell them you are recovering from some medical thing and this is your "rehab." They can't very well get angry at someone who, say, has a heart condition, or had knee or hip surgery. You could also tell them you're trying to ditch your car and seeing if you can use an ebike to replace your car and what kind of speed and mileage you might be able to get if you did so.
I've not been chased or anything but I have disclosed a time or two I have a high heart rate (which is true) and my ebike allows me to get sustained exercise, which I wasn't able to do on my regular hybrid bike (also true). I also usually add that *whatever* allows someone to get their butt on a bicycle, regardless of what kind of bicycle, should be celebrated and encouraged because it's healthy and doesn't pollute. I've found that most everyone agrees with the getting butt on a bicycle thing.