Can a battery have different cut off voltages?

You're paddling now instead of pedaling,..
Watt Hours are different in the water.

Somebody should make a waterproof battery that they could peddle to paddlers to help them pedal their power assisted paddle boat.
The paddle boat should have torque sensitive pedals.
It's the latest and greatest.
Like this?

the-shuttlebike-turns-your-bicycle-into-a-boat-9371.gif the-shuttlebike-turns-your-bicycle-into-a-boat-thumb.jpg the-shuttlebike-turns-your-bicycle-into-a-pontoon-boat-og.jpg

I would also consider taking this along as well:

Hey, that's cool!!
How does that work?
Is it mechanical or electrical?

It looks like he might have a friction wheel on the rear tire to drive a cable like a speedometer cable?
There it is,..


I'm guessing mechanical, otherwise you'd need a generator on the tire and a waterproof motor in the water.

It just needs an electric motor kit with a 25ah battery. 😂

He should put the bike in a canoe with outriggers instead.
That would lower the center of gravity and the pedals wouldn't hit the water when you lean into a corner. 😂
Jeebus, analysis paralysis. You fellas are wearing me out.o_O

almost true
Speaking for myself, it is better to have more information, than not enough.
What you say, may not be WHAT I understand, not knowing/understanding
due the lack of experience etc.
Speaking for myself, it is better to have more information, than not enough.
What you say, may not be WHAT I understand, not knowing/understanding
due the lack of experience etc.

Excuse my being silly here. I’d have thought “almost true” would have indicated my attitude. And if you read my posts you know I take great care when it comes to batteries. But sometimes there’s a need for comic relief. It’s been a great respectful thread with some of the most enjoyable posters on EBR. I’m looking forward to your ride. I won’t have the opportunity to ride in my favorite deserts, NV. Although Namibian would have been crazy wild.
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In theory it could work but logistically it's probably more trouble then it's worth.
I think a better approach would be to know your bike and battery and to ride strategically gentle as you approach the LV cutoff.

The Watt readout on your display
View attachment 149078

If you are putting a heavy load on the motor say by riding throttle you may see it shut down early with voltage sag.
The lower you keep your Watts by pedaling and using the lowest practical gear and PAS will show you your actual LV shut down and usable battery capacity.
In theory it could work but logistically it's probably more trouble then it's worth.
I think a better approach would be to know your bike and battery and to ride strategically gentle as you approach the LV cutoff.

The Watt readout on your display
View attachment 149078

If you are putting a heavy load on the motor say by riding throttle you may see it shut down early with voltage sag.
The lower you keep your Watts by pedaling and using the lowest practical gear and PAS will show you your actual LV shut down and usable battery capacity.
Thanks GR
When I am riding, my average speed is around 10/15 mph per GPS, and on the display, the indicated wattage is almost always below the 250 mark, I know my display is colored, but I can't see the colors etc.

I have the display/battery gauge set on voltage, should I change it to %?
When I check my batts with the V meter, it matches the display voltage all the time.

On this last road test of Batts #3/4, the wattage gage was pegged at the top, over 750 watts, I saw. All this was in Eco 1 steps, I very seldom use any other of the Eco steps.
I know I have ridden 46.1 miles and used 3.0v, in the way I peddle/ride.
(OEM #1/2 batts), per display/V meter readings, using the 2/3 gears in ECO 1,
on flat level roads with NO winds to buck.

I don't know about these new batts 3/4 yet, other than the road test
and the 46v drop off point using the throttle.

I want to find out just what the spec's/limits are when using these battery's,
the way I normally ride, to know the limits of each set of batts etc.
Since I have 2 different sets of batts 1/2 and 3/4, I'll have to keep a close eye on both sets.

No harm or foul on this end, (I didn't that very small print) almost true,
I greatly appreciate your help and comments, even if they fly over my head......LOL
You hit the jackpot on this thread. The others here know I am only on EBR for the /daily rides and /offtopic. Hell, look at what I stired up in the middle of a serious conversation already.:oops: I apoligize but when the sorcerers speak, I try to listen.
No harm or foul on this end, (I didn't that very small print) almost true,
I greatly appreciate your help and comments, even if they fly over my head......LOL
No worries Don
I prefer voltage over % on the display. If your display is accurate V (as is mine) you can go by that.
Don't stress about it.. Just ride as you enjoy and see where you stop.
Knowing what effects things is good to know for when you get in unusual situations
Art Deco
No problems on this end and it gives me a break as I jump in over my head...........LOL
I really get wrapped up in this bike stuff, until I know and understand it all.

The one item/thing I don't know about is,
Should or Will I notice/feel a drop off when normal peddling/riding?
I am attempting to learn all this stuff etc, before my big ride come about,
in May/June this year.

It appears that is going to be a windless day or little wind, less than 30mph so far,
I won't know until the 11am wind direction changes here, so I may get to test today.
Got the bike setup and ready to go and have a spare batt on the back rack,
for backup.

I did notice on 3/4 bats, after the throttle drop off, that I had no power when peddling, nothing registered on the display that I could see, and I had to go up to the larger gears, so I could peddle more easily to get home.
Art Deco
No problems on this end and it gives me a break as I jump in over my head...........LOL
I really get wrapped up in this bike stuff, until I know and understand it all.

The one item/thing I don't know about is,
Should or Will I notice/feel a drop off when normal peddling/riding?
I am attempting to learn all this stuff etc, before my big ride come about,
in May/June this year.

It appears that is going to be a windless day or little wind, less than 30mph so far,
I won't know until the 11am wind direction changes here, so I may get to test today.
Got the bike setup and ready to go and have a spare batt on the back rack,
for backup.

I did notice on 3/4 bats, after the throttle drop off, that I had no power when peddling, nothing registered on the display that I could see, and I had to go up to the larger gears, so I could peddle more easily to get home.
It's hard for me to say as I don't know exactly what happened
It's possible for you to loss one battery and feel a drop in power
It's possible that after losing one battery the other can be ok for while or it can be overloaded and close to LV and shut down as well.
Without knowing the exact details of how your bike controls the parallel setup as well as what loads it was under.
Me... I would do three test
Run them in parallel and see what happens in the the low 40v range
Run battery 3 and see what happens in the the low 40v range
Run battery 4 and see what happens in the the low 40v range
Thanks GR
I will do those tests, heading out the door now, lite wind from the South,
so I ride into it, then have it at my back when coming back, less than 5 mph
per my weather station at home.

I have the display/battery gauge set on voltage, should I change it to %?
When I check my batts with the V meter, it matches the display voltage all the time.

On this last road test of Batts #3/4, the wattage gage was pegged at the top, over 750 watts, I saw. All this was in Eco 1 steps, I very seldom use any other of the Eco steps.

Voltage is always better. It's exactly accurate. The only thing I don't like about it is trying to remember the damn numbers. I'm forever mixing up 54.6 with 56.4

I would be curious to know what % your batteries read at full charge?
Does it read 100% or 96.5%?

Same as at the cutoff point, does it read 0%?
If I can remember how to reset the display, I'll check the results both ways,
I know the V is on the button for either the display/V meter readings etc.
Well I got wind blown out again, too high of winds to test.
Back to waiting............Grrrrrrrrrr.
I now have the display set to the % setting, and I carry the V meter with me
so I can take that reading also at the same time.

Right now, the V reading is 51.0v and the display shows 81.0%,
batt's 1/2, same readings for both these batt's.

For batt's 3/4 the readings are, 53.9V @ 100% per the display,
same for both batt's.

At this time the difference between 51.0v/81.0% (batt's 1/2) and
53.9/100% (batt's 3/4) is approximately 2.9 volts = 19% difference in the readings.

I hope this makes sense..........
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I now have the display set to the % setting, and I carry the V meter with me
so I can take that reading also at the same time.

Right now, the V reading is 51.0v and the display shows 81.0%,
batt's 1/2, same readings for both these batt's.

For batt's 3/4 the readings are, 53.9V @ 100% per the display,
same for both batt's.

I wrote out the numbers and stuck em to my power supply for quick reference,..


It looks like your percent gage is off.
80% is 51.5v and 100% is 54.6v

So use your volts display instead. It's accurate.

At this time the difference between 51.0v/81.0% (batt's 1/2) and
53.9/100% (batt's 3/4) is approximately 2.9 volts = 19% difference in the readings.

Did you use batteries #1/2 or is that what they are reading after the light turned green and you unplugged the battery from the charger?

I hope this makes sense..........

Yes, I think so, but if you didn't use batteries #1 and #2, then I think you should leave the batteries charging after the light turns green.

Your not going to over charge your batteries if your charger only puts out 53.9%

I figure that you can only run into problems if you've got some bad cells that start to get hot if they reach capacity before the other cells?

I'm kinda thinking that your chargers light turns green when it switches to CV ?

If you can monitor the voltage of your batteries while they are charging and the voltage never goes above ~53.9 then I don't think you've got anything to worry about trying to reach full capacity.

My batteries have been charging for half a day and they are still taking charge.
None of the cells are warm and voltage will not rise above 42.0v so I'm not worried about it.

It might take 2 days to bring them back to life?



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It will feel like a very heavy acoustic bike. 😂

See if you can reset the battery after it shuts down.
Remove it, reinstall it, push the buttons, push and hold the power button on the battery.

If your voltage goes back up to ~ 46v you might be able to reset it.

The BMS won't fully lock the battery until the voltage is at something like 34v or one cell group has hit its low voltage lockout voltage.

PS,.. @Jenny Mao has really good batteries at a really good price. 👍🏻👍🏻

This is a link to a PDF of a catalog from 2021 showing the different batteries that @Jenny Mao is providing.

It looks like she is working on batteries similar to what you have?

I don't think your chargers dumping 5 amps into your 15ah batteries is the best idea?

My new battery is a 25ah battery with a 4 amp charger.
