Brand new Bosch powertube 500 battery charging when connected directly to charger but not whilst in bike - can you help?


New Member
Hi there, newbie here, hoping someone can help please.
I bought a Crussis e-Guera 10.6 and was so excited when it arrived this morning!
But...the battery only seems to charge when i connect the charger directly to it, rather than plugging in the charger to the bike with the battery in situe and charging indirectly.
I tried to reset the battery by holding the on/off switch for 10 seconds, can anyone else advise me of anything else I could try before I get a response from the retailer (I've emailed them but no luck yet).
Not sure if I've missed anything obvious.
FYI the battery fully charges directly, just nothing happens indirectly (I left it charging indirectly for 45 mins over lunch and the range stayed the same)
Thank you for any thoughts, V
sounds like there is a bad connection to the charging port on the bike.
That's what I'm thinking. Do you know how easy to fix it is, please? Might be easier to try and get it sorted local to me rather than send it back to the supplier!
That's what I'm thinking. Do you know how easy to fix it is, please? Might be easier to try and get it sorted local to me rather than send it back to the supplier!
any place that handles bosch should be able to check it and all the parts are standard pretty much.
Yes! I ended up taking it to our local Bosch bike shop and they took it apart and put it back together again- turns out the wire inside the bike tube was never connected in the first place! 98 eur later and it’s all perfect 😁
Yes! I ended up taking it to our local Bosch bike shop and they took it apart and put it back together again- turns out the wire inside the bike tube was never connected in the first place! 98 eur later and it’s all perfect 😁
Too bad it cost you anything. Should have been covered under warranty.
Congrats on getting a fix.
I've emailed their customer service with a copy of the bill and a request for a refund, we will see! fingers crossed....
The warranty responsibility here was the bike makers not Bosch. The flaw was in the installation not the equipment. I hope your warranty request was sent to Crussis.
I'm working with the online shop that sold it to me, and believe they are dealing onwards with Crussis the manufacturer.
I agree totally that this was a bike construction error, all Bosch components were checked through the bike shop's diagnostic equipment and deemed to work perfectly!