Biktrix 3rd tier support response....

As far as I can tell, Roshan is a decent guy selling an off the shelf but well thought out ebike. If I was in the market, I would definitely consider them.
Al had a reasonable and answerable question without giving away any company secrets.
Based on the initial responses he received directly, and then in this thread.. along with the reliable little army of actual customers that seem to instantaneously deploy at the first sign of any discontent on the Biktrix forum.. I can't help but think that there's more than a little bs a float in the pool.
Whether or not there is proprietary firmware... and More Importantly, if it is actually an improvement over making similar changes to the stock Bafang Programing is yet to be clarified. But my impression at this time is that it is a sales tool as those that keep touting it's glory are the same handful of disciples.
My two cents valued at 50% in today's market.
Just a heads up: far as I know you can only change user parameters, not firmware. The firmware is what's in the motor controller and only bafang has the ability to reflash that... That's where the bulk of this so called "secret sauce" resides. The user parameters or "programming", is for the minor tweaks, that's the stuff we're generally referring to modifying here.

I could be wrong of course... But I'm fairly certain none of us will be reprogramming our motor controllers. The display programming is related to primarily throttle/pas input and other such elements.

Perhaps someone from Biktrix or Roshan could clarify that?

We could reflash firmware. Sometimes we need to do this if the customer has special requests like - disable throttle till bike reaches say 3mph. Or limit throttle speed to X while PAS speed is set to Y etc.
You should be happy the actual owner of the company is willing to go back and forth like this with any issue, do you know how rare that is ?
I work in customer service too, sometimes despite your best efforts you have a "sour grapes" issue, that you just have to move on from.
I just wish the person on the other side would come to the same conclusion as well.
Sour grapes? Really? You're in customer service, read through all this, and that's your conclusion?

I'm not sour about anything at all.

The only thing I don't care for here is the fact that some people don't like being held accountable, and will do/say anything trying to weasel out from under the truth/facts.

While I do think it admirable Roshan should make an appearance here, it's to bad he's not taking responsibility for what happened. Instead, he's changed the question I asked, inferred that I can't read plain english, inferred I was some kind of freeloader begging for company secrets, etc. In other words, deflecting any responsibility - just like a politician might act....

You should be happy the actual owner of the company is willing to go back and forth like this with any issue, do you know how rare that is ?
I work in customer service too, sometimes despite your best efforts you have a "sour grapes" issue, that you just have to move on from.
I just wish the person on the other side would come to the same conclusion as well.
There have been many threads on the details of fine tuning the Ultra with a programming cable, something we can do ourselves with a computer and the cable, when we want go beyond that, well it would be beyond almost everybody on these forums, and thus Roshan wanting something for it.
I don't have an issue with anything he posted or said.
I don't even own a Biktrix , but I have followed his company, he seems to be making a pretty good Ebike and the actual owners of the Ebikes seem to be happy with them.
Sour grapes? Really? You're in customer service, read through all this, and that's your conclusion?

I'm not sour about anything at all.

The only thing I don't care for here is the fact that some people don't like being held accountable, and will do/say anything trying to weasel out from under the truth/facts.

While I do think it admirable Roshan should make an appearance here, it's to bad he's not taking responsibility for what happened. Instead, he's changed the question I asked, inferred that I can't read plain english, inferred I was some kind of freeloader begging for company secrets, etc. In other words, deflecting any responsibility - just like a politician might act....

Al... it's time to look at the bright side.
You saved a $1000 on the same exact off the shelf frame and hardware with their stumble.
In my eyes they did you a favor all while shedding light on who their actual customers on this forum are.
Time to make wine with those grapes.
In my first 5 mins of research into buying my juggernaut ultra fs I stumbled upon this site and found the tuning page and read through it that was the reason I ordered this bike instead of the frey pro with dual battery all if the reviews I saw on the frey said the acceleration and power needed alot of tuning in the software to stop you chain from slapping when you hit the throttle or have it in a high pas setting it was jerky and not smooth for riding trails with low tourqe required this from that forum post I found that Roshan/biktrix does there own custom firmware for the ultra with custom power and tourqe settings applied to give you a smooth start and a custom tourqe setting to give you more control through all of your in the few weeks I have had this bike I have nearly 700km on it and have felt the raw power of climbing grades my 750w hub motor chokes and dies on this is climbing at 27+ I have also felt the custom tourqe settings well going through windy trails avoiding the trees that are just over your bar width apart with it just smoothly not a single jerk pulling me through them and up that steep rooty incline in my opinion the closest emtb to a small electric dirtbike your gonna get without getting a suron
In my first 5 mins of research into buying my juggernaut ultra fs I stumbled upon this site and found the tuning page and read through it that was the reason I ordered this bike instead of the frey pro with dual battery all if the reviews I saw on the frey said the acceleration and power needed alot of tuning in the software to stop you chain from slapping when you hit the throttle or have it in a high pas setting it was jerky and not smooth for riding trails with low tourqe required this from that forum post I found that Roshan/biktrix does there own custom firmware for the ultra with custom power and tourqe settings applied to give you a smooth start and a custom tourqe setting to give you more control through all of your in the few weeks I have had this bike I have nearly 700km on it and have felt the raw power of climbing grades my 750w hub motor chokes and dies on this is climbing at 27+ I have also felt the custom tourqe settings well going through windy trails avoiding the trees that are just over your bar width apart with it just smoothly not a single jerk pulling me through them and up that steep rooty incline in my opinion the closest emtb to a small electric dirtbike your gonna get without getting a suron

I'm glad you are happy with your bike, what's the point of owning one if you are not.
But I can say there are the very same problems with the 750w BAFANG BBS02B mid_ drive which I own. I've made a few changes via the serial USB cable and PC interface and now it's as smooth as butter, but still with enough power to get me up any hill. I have it tuned perfectly for how I ride and am very happy with it.
I'm sure Roshan does an excellent job of tuning the Ultra, no one is disputing that.
Enjoy ;)