June 2 is my birthday
Anything that raises awareness of the viability of EV travel and sharing the road with cyclists gets my thumbs up!
Happy Birthday @Slaphappygamer! @mata2maui, That's what this event is about, showing the viability of alternatives to cars. What is weird is the bigger a parking lot the more people drive. I watched a car park by a CVS then drive to a credit union thirty yards away, then drive to the grocery store, all in the same parking lot. These huge parking lots force driving. If all the businesses were clustered then that hot, dead asphalt desert could become gardens and parks with bike paths.
Happy Birthday @Slaphappygamer! @mata2maui, That's what this event is about, showing the viability of alternatives to cars. What is weird is the bigger a parking lot the more people drive. I watched a car park by a CVS then drive to a credit union thirty yards away, then drive to the grocery store, all in the same parking lot. These huge parking lots force driving. If all the businesses were clustered then that hot, dead asphalt desert could become gardens and parks with bike paths.
I used to have a neighbor across the street from me who drove to her mailbox on my side of the street.
Oh, @BlackHand mentioned parking. Good point, well taken. I will pop a U-lock on it at the finish line where their is a railing. In our central downtown I have gone to the outdoor seating of a Mexican restaurant, ordered, started eating and even paid while finishing up, while watching large pickups and SUVs circle three or four times looking for parking when my bike is next to me. Most people don't want to walk five blocks from parking to pick up their weekly wine club bottle, so they will drive in circles for 20 minutes, making traffic worse.
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Years ago, there was an essay in either "Time" or "Newsweek" about this very phenomenon. A friend was driving the author to a speaking engagement, and insisted on driving around the parking lot at the venue looking for the closest possible parking slot. The author asked to be let out, but the driver persisted, making him late to his speech.
The author decided that from then on he would take the first available parking spot, no matter how far from his destination, partly on the grounds he could use the exercise. I have ever since followed the same philosophy, as much as possible. And of course I ride my bike as far as practicable.
Well here is how it went down. At the last hour the video guy at the starting line was in too much pain with an arthritis flare up to make it. I found a better photographer/videographer. I got there 15 minutes early and we waited to hear the race car's approach. Nada. The start time passed. We waited and the folks at City Hall waited for a half-hour. No race car. So I struck out on my own to pick up stragglers for the group ride. I got five and took them on a short cut to meet the group. I said my apologies for the no-show driver. Surprisingly no one was mad at me, they all had a good time together while waiting, some saying that by default, I won. Some people want to do it again, but I will let them organize it. I wish I had better news for you. Oh, the group ride had a huge turnout and was great fun. So, now that the idea it out there, I will step back and watch what happens. I have no idea if the driver is okay or what happened to Nick.
Maybe the driver didn't want to be a minor celebrity. Or he knew he'd lose, and hates losing.
Could be a thrown rod. Race cars are pushing engineering limits. One guy said that that's why bikes are more dependable transportation. When it is re-done Safe Streets activist Bruce, wants to have a granny follow the lead car or truck. She would do gradual acceleration to under the speed limit and coast toward stops and time lights to keep momentum. He wants to see if she gets to the destination almost as fast as the one doing jackrabbit starts and hard stops. So, there would be three, bike, race car or truck, and granny car.
He wants to see if she gets to the destination almost as fast as the one doing jackrabbit starts and hard stops.
In heavy traffic there is no advantage eiter way except for fuel used.

I am an "easy" driver. In virtually any town traffic, I have not seen another vehicle overall faster than me unless they exceed the speed limit. In general, I catch and pass jackrabbits at lights.
A bunch of people in the green circle who intersect with the bike circle also intersect with the electric car owner circle. An electric car driven by a well known community member of those three groups would be ideal. Thanks for the thoughts. An we could finish at the park where the First Friday at Five group ride launches from on July 7th. He or she could simply park and take their bike off the rack to join the ride. I really wanted initially to win over a coaly roller.