bike rack on a utility trailer for 4 bikes

The local grocery store had a rack that looked similar. It was thin walled tubing and couldn't accommodate bikes with disc brakes. At 37 pounds each I'd be concerned about the quality and weather a bolted together rack would hold up to use on the road. I think I'd want heavy gauge, welded steel.
Is this a permanent arrangement? And does the trailer have sides?

I'd screw down two 1"x10" boards with wood 2"x2" blocks for the tires if all the bikes are similar lengths. If some bikes are short, might need three boards. Then use cords to tie the bikes down to the sides of the trailers.
Yes the trailer has sides. The 4 bikes are not the same size. My husband and I tried the stromberg carlson holder things and they were not sturdy enough. We need something to be more stable. I am better at visuals. HarryS can you post a picture?

Any other suggestions to transport these bikes in the trailer?
Yes the trailer has sides. The 4 bikes are not the same size. My husband and I tried the stromberg carlson holder things and they were not sturdy enough. We need something to be more stable. I am better at visuals. HarryS can you post a picture?

Any other suggestions to transport these bikes in the trailer?
There are a lot of YouTube videos for DIY bike racks made from wood, PVC and steel. Most listed as diy truck bed bike racks. Truck bed or trailer are similar applications.