Bike frame broke. Can anything be done for this?

Could be a warning about the future life of that frame. When the break is just off the weld, it usually means their was too much heat and brittleness in the welding process of the aluminum. The safest way to fix just that break is to add another smaller diameter piece inside the tube to spread the load across that seam, then have it all welded up. Start doing a weekly inspection around all the weld joints and really study that thing for cracks. You used up one life on that failure, no need using up more by ignoring the issue.
I agree that this could be fixed easily with a sleeve weld.

God, I should hope they'd warrant their frames for more than a year! Trek warrants their bike frames for as long as the original owner has the bike.
Yes, a bit disappointing to say the least. In Canadian dollars I paid just over $2200 for this bike. Quite an expensive ride for so little use. I am in Toronto so during the months of Nov-May it was not used at all.

I did send photos and an email to the seller about 10 hours ago.
We shall see.
Yes, a bit disappointing to say the least. In Canadian dollars I paid just over $2200 for this bike. Quite an expensive ride for so little use. I am in Toronto so during the months of Nov-May it was not used at all.

I did send photos and an email to the seller about 10 hours ago.
We shall see.
Best of luck and very glad you weren’t hurt! I do think it can be repaired but a replacement is in order in my opinion.
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Best of luck and very glad you weren’t hurt! I do think it can be repaired but a replacement is in order in my opinion.

I agree. These small companies and their customers read EBR and don't want the bad PR. As long as you did not abuse the bike, modify it, and that break is due to normal wear and tear, you should get some form of consideration...
I am a DJ ebikes owner, so I might be a little prejudiced in my opinion. But I have had nothing but excellent service from them. It used to be that Daniel Yang, the “D” in DJ ebikes, would answer virtually all emails. However, because of Covid and the increased demand, they have added several new customer service reps.
Lately I’ve been chatting with Pearl Loewen who has been very responsive.
Pearl Loewen <[email protected]>​
If you find you‘re not getting satisfaction, you might just want to send her a link to this thread and ask her if she can look into it. However, I don’t think it will get to that point. At least I hope not.
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I threw out the seat earlier but if I understand your question, the seat was not high up as I am only 5"4, perhaps even 1/2 inch shorter so I had to ride with the seat low.
I hope you didn't. Even if the bike doesn't have a warrenty on the frame, broken seat post of frame is cause for a lawsuit. You should end up owning the PC, the phone, and the copy machine, which is all that an importer of products owns.
Thanks. I will try emailing Pearl Loewen.

I am grateful for only 10 min earlier I had been riding down a hill at about 32kmph but was on flat land at about 15kmph and even then it was a precarious ride to stop, sliding all over the place as the back wheel seized up when the seat fell back into it.

No, I did not abuse the bike. I am a 61 year old female and used it lightly while riding along the waterfront here on a road trail. I likely didn't even have one scratch on the bike as I am such a casual rider. Sure loved the bike and the fat tires though. 😊

** I will go out in a few min and see if I can retrieve the seat.
Thanks. I will try emailing Pearl Loewen.

I am grateful for only 10 min earlier I had been riding down a hill at about 32kmph but was on flat land at about 15kmph and even then it was a precarious ride to stop, sliding all over the place as the back wheel seized up when the seat fell back into it.

No, I did not abuse the bike. I am a 61 year old female and used it lightly while riding along the waterfront here on a road trail. I likely didn't even have one scratch on the bike as I am such a casual rider. Sure loved the bike and the fat tires though. 😊

** I will go out in a few min and see if I can retrieve the seat.
Let us know how this is resolved... good luck!
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Thank you everyone for all of your help.

I just heard back 2 minutes ago from DJBikes, apologizing for the inconvenience that this caused. He has asked the manufacturer to ship me a new frame and will let me know the tracking when it is available.
Not sure exactly what that means for the wiring on mine is attached and/or in tubing. Hence I am a bit in the dark as to how I would transfer all the components.
Thank you everyone for all of your help.

I just heard back 2 minutes ago from DJBikes, apologizing for the inconvenience that this caused. He has asked the manufacturer to ship me a new frame and will let me know the tracking when it is available.
Not sure exactly what that means for the wiring on mine is attached and/or in tubing. Hence I am a bit in the dark as to how I would transfer all the components.
Glad to hear about your new frame... you may want to take it to your LBS to transfer the components.
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you may want to take it to your LBS to transfer the components.

Problem is that when the seat broke and I started to slide, the seat post fell down between the V and into the spokes of the rear wheel. It jammed the wheel which was why I then started to slide as the wheel seized up. Broke the seat and wore the black off of several of the spokes, those of which are turned inwards a bit. No longer straight.
Usually that happens when the seat is high off the bike, If you didn't have it that high, and the post flew into the spokes, that suggests the seat tube was far too short. It should always, in my opinion, go deep into the frame.

On some of my folding bikes, the seat tube comes out the bottom of the frame when the seat is fully lowered.

Most of the wires on that bike will be external to the frame. If someone opens the lid under the pedals, there will be a couple of holes to route cabling to the controller. The battery connector also is over it, and that has to be moved. Not a trivial job, but a handy bike person could do it, but why should you handle that? A breakage like that merits a new bike and some serious self thought by the seller as to whether he imported a bum product. At least lenthen the seat post. Ir will happen again to someone else.


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It was deep in the frame as the bike would have been too large for me otherwise. With the seat very low, I could just barely touch the ground but just enough it was ok. Another inch shorter than I am and it would have been too big a bike even with a low seat.
When I say deep into the seat, no, it never would have been anywhere long enough to have come out the bottom of the frame.

I wont be able to put the bikes together and the problem is that no one it seems near me will work on e-bikes so this is just turning into too much of a problem otherwise but thanks for your input.
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Don't give up the fight... call around to find a shop that will do the transfer and assembly.
From what is described here, there is really no good reason for this failure to occur other than a manufacturing defect.

The company should consider recalling their bikes for an inspection at least.
Am I the only one who thinks it almost looks like acid ate away at the seat post and weakened it? Or were those deep gouges a result of the post breaking off?