Bafang BBS02B - Wattage never goes to zero & high resistance


New Member

I just bought my second BBS02B 750W and this one has a quite high resistance compared to my first one with now 1000 Km on the clock. I remember the resistance of my first one was also higher at the beginning so I could live with that for now. The thing is, that my new one never reaches 0 wattage, no matter how hard I pedal.

My first goes to 0 Watts once I pedal harder than the Motor has to work but my new one never goes under 51 Watts. I programmed them both identically.

Is this a faulty motor and do I have to turn it in or could I resolve this problems by myself?

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If this is a new purchase with warranty, I'd talk to the seller about this issue, to see what they have to say. It might be easiest to just swap out the motor. At least provide them with some notice of the issue.

Some of the reading I've done indicates that the internal controller housekeeping is somewhere right around 50 watts. That said, I have 2 Bafang mid drives (M600 & Ultra) and both of those will go to -0- if I'm not pedaling.

You say you have them set up identical, so I'm wondering if both are using the same display? Which display(s) are you using?
Sounds like they are programmed differently.
When you say you have them set up identically, are you using a programming cable or eggrider display to set them up or just the a standard Bafang display to do so?
@AHicks Yes, this is a new purchase. I already wrote the seller and he will switch the unit for me. I'm just curious if somebody else ever faced this problem. Anyway, when I'm just standing and not pedaling it has a consumption of 0 Watt, like it has to be. As soon as I pedal the motor starts working, all good. At some point, when I pedal harder than the motor has to work, my first bike shows 0 Watts. The second one never goes below 51 no matter how hard I pedal even without the chain on the gear.

@Gionnirocket That's what I thought as well but I double checked and programmed them both with the USB-Serial programming cable.
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