Bafanf bbso2b issues woth sub freezing


New Member
United Kingdom
Hello, I have several Bafang motors, ALL 48V BBSO2B 750w mid drives. My friends and family do too. Over the last few days in the UK we've experienced severe cold like -5 degrees celcius also please note this is in Cardiff which is quite humid. A lot of my motors have been working sometimes and then stoo working, no error code. Opening these motors I've found water, so I have started using silicon everywhere. The problem still persists with no water to be found in the controller, if anyone has any knowledge on these motors, your input will be much appreciated! Thank you for reading

Ps Also worth noting, changing the controller always solves the issue but does not stop the problem from re occurring.
Do you store them after riding in cold temps in a warm space? If so what your are seeing is most likely condensation. Hopefully your cold snap won't last too long....
some of them yes, perhaps that could be the issue. I was never aware that they should not be stored in a warm place after being ridden in the cold despite the obvious physics. I'll try avoid that now and update on how I get on thank you
I have a 4-year-old bafang bbs02B 500w, I drive it even in cold weather. but I've never had a problem with disconnection before. I had the engine open several times, but I never found water in the controller. I store it in the apartment at 22-23 degrees Celsius. In my opinion, I would rather look for the error in the el. cables, connections. The only problem that occurred to me was that my engine idled without any effect on the pedals. I think this was caused by the hardened petroleum jelly in the idler gear. Or a bearing in a plastic gear
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