Aventon quality and reliability


Will be purchasing an aventon pace 500 soon. Was buying one in march but the pandemic put that on hold. My question is can anyone tell me about its reliabilty over the long term and has any one experianced any costly issues? Thanks for your help. Hope to be cruising along when this virus is over.
Will be purchasing an aventon pace 500 soon. Was buying one in march but the pandemic put that on hold. My question is can anyone tell me about its reliabilty over the long term and has any one experianced any costly issues? Thanks for your help. Hope to be cruising along when this virus is over.
Pace 350. Put on 450 mi. in four months this past winter with no problems at all.
Outstanding reliability and customer service. Rode my first 500 over 2300 miles. Only problem was Display reset to Zero miles. Customer service replaced it immediately. I bought a second 500 when Aventon offered 10% coupon. Sold the first one and began riding the second one. I now have slightly over 2700 miles on the second one. Again the Display reset to Zero miles and Aventon replaced that one immediately. At 2600 miles I replaced the chain. Reliability over 5000 miles combined has been outstanding discounting the minor inconvenience of losing your miles and having to replace the Display. I keep a spreadsheet of my daily rides and maintenance so the Display resets didn't bother me. The replacement Displays seem to be reliable with no resets. I would not hesitate to buy Aventon Pace 500.
Have 2 of the Pace 500 models. Only problem was a rear wheel spoke broke on 1 bike (heavy rider), Aventon sent thicker spokes, I paid a bike shop to install them, no problems since. Great bikes, and lightweight compared to others. The hydraulic brakes stop you well, battery lasts long time, adjustable handlebar stem is nice too.
Bought a Pace 500 last year and enjoy it immensley. Have over 500 miles on it and it's holding up well the battery was shipped damaged, and I spoke to customer service and they eventually sent me out a new one. Would definitely do business with them again.
Will be purchasing an aventon pace 500 soon. Was buying one in march but the pandemic put that on hold. My question is can anyone tell me about its reliabilty over the long term and has any one experianced any costly issues? Thanks for your help. Hope to be cruising along when this virus is over.
Hi Jtach15. Also on Long Island and considering the same bike. Did you buy it online or find a local dealer? Happy so far?
Hi Jtach15. Also on Long Island and considering the same bike. Did you buy it online or find a local dealer? Happy so far?
Havent purchased one yet. This corona virus has put me on hold. Ill be purchasing online. There aren't any local shops that i know of on the island that sell them.
I purchased it online from a third party. Not a good idea and I say this because you will have to pay a bike shop a minimum of $100. to assemble it. If you can find a bike shop that deals in Aventon bikes, they will assemble it for free, plus if anything you have a problem with the bike, the shop will be your best advocate. Trust me on this advise. I found out the hard way. If the bike shop can not get the bike right away from Aventon, due to back order, then it will be worth the wait. Be patient and I can assure you that you will be happy That you did and also with this fine bike.
Thank you! That is very good to know for someone who isn’t very handy like me. Was assembling furniture all day but that’s as much as I can do!
Good luck and enjoy the bike. A word of caution though. When learning how to operate this bike, be very careful that no one or bikes are in front of you when you first start out. I say this because when you turn the bike on, the PAS automatically defaults to PAS1. When you start to peddle the bike will take off very fast up to 12 mph. My advise to you is when you turn it on, go down to PAS 0. start to peddle then you can go up on peddle assist, or use the throttle. This advice may sound like I’m overly cautious, but trust me. This is one powerful bike and until you get used to it, it can be a bit frightening. Always have your wheel straight when starting to peddle when taking off from start. Get used to using the throttle, It comes in handy. Take your time and learn how to operate it safely and you will enjoy it very much and be looking forward to going on your next ride.
Bigal1463 - thanks for the warning. Do these feel more like mopeds than bicycles? Wondering if I really need a Class 3 or whether a Class 2 is enough after all...
It all depends on your needs. What I found is that once you get used to riding it, you will be happy that you got. But trust me, 28mph is very fast on a bicycle, and it can be fun, but most of the time you won’t be going that fast.
More importantly than that is to first find out from your state if class 3 bikes are allowed. Some states restrict them and I have read in the past that they were not allowed in New York. Bike shops and manufacturers will sell you what you want and if you find out it’s not allowed and you get caught, they can confiscate your bike. I don’t want to belabor everything that I’m telling you, but you need to have the answers first. I promise to get back to you with any advice when you first the the bike law answers of your state. This e bike evolution is getting so big, that the government will be getting involved, because there is money for them to be had, ;registration,license,inspection, etc, etc.
Bigal1463 - thanks for the warning. Do these feel more like mopeds than bicycles? Wondering if I really need a Class 3 or whether a Class 2 is enough after all...

good question. Im trying to decide if pace 350 will be enough or if ill need the 500
If you look at any class 3 discussion, the usual response is; "I hardly ever ride at 28mph, but am often at 20 or slightly higher". Wind resistance goes up exponentially at speeds over 20mph and it really kills the range. Personally I prefer a class 3 just for the reason I mentioned.
good question. Im trying to decide if pace 350 will be enough or if ill need the 500
Another thing to know is the Aventon does not have throttle on command. You have to be peddling about 1/4 turn before it kicks in, but once it kicks in, you will love it. Personally I would look into the Rad city bike and the Ride 1 up bikes. They also sell similar bikes for around the same price. Do a little research on your own and then get back and I promise I will give you (my opinion), I’m not an expert. Another Excellent source beside this site is to talk to bike shop owners. This EBR site has tons of information. Don’t forget, though the bloggers come from all over the world, some have different laws, and some have a different agenda. First: find out the laws in your state, where you will be mostly riding, then research your budget. Good luck and stay safe.
John at Crazy Lenny’s was super helpful. He thinks a class 2 or even class 1 would suffice Nd cautions against any of the online brands (Aventon, Rad City, Ride 1 Up, Electric Bike Company, etc.). We talked about Haibike, Pedego, Gepida and Izip. Trade off between cheaper Chinese bikes that seemingly give you everything but limited support and burnout after a year or so and more established brands where you get solid quality with less features (because of budget) but still have more than you need. I totally hear what he is saying and am definitely factoring in but also owners of the online bikes on this forum seem very happy. All this is extremely helpful but more overwhelming than ever! I want to bite the bullet and get on the road already! Just got furloughed so breaking the bank is not an option right now... On the legislation side, NY is “unclear”. Have to do more research. Bike stores do sell class 3 bikes here but not sure that automatically means they’re allowed;
Aventon isn’t exclusively onlin. It can be perched from select bike shops. I know this because a buddy purchased one. Crazy Lenny may be correct that a class one or two would be OK, but if your state allows a class 2 or better yet, cl 3, then get it. In a short time, you will be happy that you did. If a class 2 is allowed, then for $1,000. You could get a Pace 350. A very nice bike that will go 20mph plus a throttle. A very good buy, but you will decide after doing some research. But I think for $1,000, you get a lot of bike for the money. I’m going to leave you alone and hopefully you do your homework. Buying a bike is the easy part. Once you get it, you pretty much own it. Take your time, and you‘ll be happy you did.