I just ordered and received an Atom Lynx 6 27.5 Pro from Crazy Lenny's, and figured I would post a little review.
The bike went together super easy. I was very excited for my first ride. Very shortly after getting out on the trail and pedaling around the first corner I had a massive pedal strike. The pedal strikes continued to plague me the entire ride so badly I thought something might get damaged. Everything else about the bike was great, but I was very frustrated with the pedal strikes and was afraid that it was some type of flaw with the design.
After doing some research later I realized that I had too much rear suspension sag which was likely a big contributing factor. Easy fix. I also noticed that the 27.5 x 2.6" tires did not offer the height of my other bikes. So I swapped some 27.5 x 2.8" tires on, which gave me an extra inch of height. My next ride out with the sag adjusted and the taller tires, I didn't get barely any pedal strikes. In addition I also ordered some 160mm crank arms (stock are 170 or 175mm, I don't remember). So that will help even more and maybe I will go back to the original 2.6" tires because the 2.8" maybe a little wide for the stock rims.
The other thing I noticed on my first ride was that after about 1 - 2 miles I noticed a squeaking sound which seemed like it was coming from the motor while pedaling. It made the sound while the motor was off or on. After 4 rides on the bike now it seems this noise is starting to fade away so hopefully it is nothing.
The battery is way overkill for what I need. I've been using about 20% of the battery on the 10 mile trail that I frequent the most. I wish I could get a battery that was half the size to help cut down on weight. The bike does seem a little front heavy to me. I was thinking if I could somehow get a battery half the size with the front half compartment empty that would be sweet, but probably no chance of that happening.
The motor is great, nearly as silent as my fat bike with a BBSHD conversion. I really like the silence factor and the integrated battery. I wouldn't want it to be super obvious that it is an ebike due to all the hate ebikes get from the typical MTB crowd. I still haven't noticed anyone else with an ebike at my local trail. The motor also has plenty of power for me. I typically ride in eco and tour, rarely using the the 2 most powerful assist levels.
This is my first full suspension bike and the nicest suspension components I have ever had on a bike, and I'm very happy with it.
Overall I'm very happy with the bike, especially for the price I paid. I have to believe the bike is comparable to a Levo, and I paid just a fraction of what one of those bikes cost. I couldn't even get a used demo Levo for anywhere near what I paid for this bike.