Are you telling me you are carrying the spare battery in a backpack?!

I love my electric unicycle 90 miles on 1 charge I love the feeling so now I have an ebike but if the girlfriend comes I use my unicycle and she has the bike , we going to buy another bike for her 1 day
do people call those unicycles? around here everyone calls them “onewheels” and a unicycle is the traditional kind you pedal. is it hard to ride? they’re really interesting looking, so small and minimal.
I love my electric unicycle 90 miles on 1 charge I love the feeling so now I have an ebike but if the girlfriend comes I use my unicycle and she has the bike , we going to buy another bike for her 1 day
But standing for so long I think I would get a sore back. These brilliant machines came along a bit too late for me.
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As per usual stefan talks in absolutes, speaking as the resident expert on all things ebike. But as per usual he is WRONG. The sooner some of you wake up to his thirsty posts the better.

The actual experts on ebikes carry spare batteries in backpacks, there are even integrated systems in backpacks for batteries.

Note how many riders carry backpacks - they have their spares in them.

But of course stefan will tell them how they're doing it wrong and ought to get some panniers, and of course a weather station.

Remember folks....

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The only absolutes he talks are bollocks.
Stefan is Stefan. Like every human I have met you have to take the good with the bad. I cannot imagine that anybody (even Newbies on this site) base their final decisions on what he or anybody else here expounds. Most of this stuff is merely personal preference anyway. Me, I hate wearing a backpack because it gets hot ,sweaty and gives me a sore back.
do people call those unicycles? around here everyone calls them “onewheels” and a unicycle is the traditional kind you pedal. is it hard to ride? they’re really interesting looking, so small and minimal.
They are called electric unicycles easy to ride but takes a good couple of days getting used to it
Here's my YouTube channel I have alot of videos if you want to browse through
But standing still for so long I think I would get a sore back. These brilliant machines came along a bit too late for me.
I get a sore bum on my bike after 40 miles rather than sore feet on my electric unicycle, I do 80 miles quite often non stop , I'm 54 I thought I was past it there's a lot of riders 50-70 year olds
I've used the Ortlieb pannier with the computer insert a couple times now. I went on a trail yesterday and had the spare battery plus warm clothes (weather is so unpredictable this time of year) and it works out well and I'm also carrying my regular rack bag with all the necessities (mini pump, CO2 cartridges/filler, Güp, first aid kit, etc)
The more I ride the more I hate the thought of having the pannier attached to the e-bike. If you ride in really rough terrain, you'd hate each riding over tree-roots.
Otherwise, a pannier is OK.
A backpack, like any other accessory, is subject to personal preference. Hey, if it works for you, then go for it.
Personally, my butt gets sore enough already. Adding another 10 or 12 pounds in a backpack sure won't make it any better. I used them in my younger years for carrying light gear like clothing, snacks, etc. Too much weight raised the center of gravity and I didn't care for the way it affected the bike's handling. This was especially true with a stiff cross wind.

I'm also a bit concerned about damage to both me and the battery should I get thrown off the bike. I have visions of me laying there with a broken leg and a flaming battery strapped to my back! :)

Sure, a battery can get damaged on the bike as well but IMO, it's better protected when fastened to a frame.

These are just my opinions though. To each his own.
And Surly is Haystacks, the user banned from these Forums for harassing Stefan.
Douche even talks about himself in the third person, thoroughly odd.

I was banned for holding a mirror up to your BS and you crying about it. You feel entitled to belittle people yet want to be protected when called out - the epitome of a spineless bully.

The subtext to my posts is that people ride what they need and their needs are best known to them, stefans position is that he knows best what everyones needs are and he is the ultimate authority.

The picture that causes this controversy (yes i was banned for posting it) is so irksome to him because he knows it captures his inadequacies in one frame, if you remember the start of this was him proclaiming he would build the ultimate emtb by modding his bike, then imagine the surprise at the ultimate emtb being pushed down a very ridable track.

In the context of this post it is very appropriate.

Remember folks...


Also remember...... "It's just a ride."

The more I ride the more I hate the thought of having the pannier attached to the e-bike. If you ride in really rough terrain, you'd hate each riding over tree-roots.
Otherwise, a pannier is OK.
I think my body would hate the terrain more than anything else so that isn’t an issue for me.
I think my body would hate the terrain more than anything else so that isn’t an issue for me.
I was on so many rough terrain rides with a spare battery in the pannier on my "big" unsuspended Vado! Only I lost taste for it, especially when I started riding together with a gravel-cycling club (these trips involve fast movement inside forests). The last ride -- the one where I preferred carrying a heavy battery in the backpack -- was done on a FS Giant Trance E+. Anyway, I collapsed once there. Guess what? No fire :)

I have no other option than to carry a spare battery (or two) in panniers on my long road rides.
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My solution for extra Powertube 500 - this is medium bag from Stashers. Battery fit is extremely tight, but it works and fits my bike (longer bag won't fit for sure).
I have a c380+ just like yours but in mid step frame. It's a shame that they don't make dual battery option for mid step frame. I would just spend $ to get the dual battery system installed if I have the high step frame model (my local store offers 20% discount on both batteries and the kit).

I started with a fahrer battery bag (about $35) to carry the extra powertube battery but then switched to the ortlieb emate pannier. The latter one is a lot more convenient imo.
I would just spend $ to get the dual battery system installed if I have the high step frame model (my local store offers 20% discount on both batteries and the kit).
I am considering this options as well (right now I am using powertube from my wife's bike as 2nd battery, but going to purchase new one). Would love to see powertube as 2nd battery (to make is more re-usable), however it is not that big concern. Price for new powertube and for the 2nd battery upgrade kit is comparable.
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