Are ebikes a solution to solving traffic congestion?


New Member
I bought a flat bar gain as I wanted to ride to the pool which is a fair distance & i didnt want to ride tired as i really focus on my swimming. I swim hard for an hour & i want to cruise home. Moreover, i was sick of getting in my car to go short distances when i couldnt be bothered riding my normal bike.

Here are a few comments.

On the gain they have introduced a new push button system to change power levels so you dont have to take your hands off the handle bar. This system must be recent as none of the video reviews have it. Its a great system.

I find with the added weight of the battery & motor I am using the top level of assist as its too sluggish for me at the lower levels. The advantages of the assistance for me are nullified by the added weight at lower assist levels.

When Im using the top level of assist its a very relaxing ride where exertion is moderate & i dont feel any strain to my legs. My old tendon injuries arent noticeable. I really enjoy turning over the cranks. To use an analogy its similar to riding a horse when you are balanced, relaxed & in rhythm. You are exerting yourself but its going to take a long time to get tired.

The integrated lights are brilliant. If you are riding at night i would strongly advise getting these lights as normal after market lights are a pain. Attachment systems are poor & i was constantly forgetting to recharge them. My only criticism is the front light could be a tad more powerful. I have trouble seeing poor quality sections of the road. I might supplement it with another more powerful light. The front light doesnt flash either.

The front tyres i felt were far too wide The bike was sluggish. From memory i swapped them for 32s. I was advised by a shop to not use 28s as they were concerned about how the wheels would stand up with narrow tyres at high pressure. They were right the tyres are all good. I keep the tyre pressure at moderate levels as there is no need to have high pressure levels.

I didnt like ths handle bar grips as they were too firm. I swapped them for softer ones.

I have an issue with toe overlap with my shoes hitting the front wheel at low speeds. Ill play around with my cleats to try & improve this issue.

Basically this bike is serving its purpose. For all my errands this week under 7 kms i have used my bike.

Its an excellent choice if you are using your bike to get around whilst getting moderate exercise. It will stop you using your car if you suffer from i cant be bothered syndrome with your normal bike. For example last night it was really windy & i thought to myself thank god im riding an electric bike.

This bike is basically excellent. This is the future of getting around the city.