Archon X1 Programming Thread (questions and experiences)

Probably another noob question, but how do I know if my account with Archon has been activated?
I did get an email from them that my account would be activated within 24 hours. Will they send me another email? How do I check to see if my account is active?
Probably another noob question, but how do I know if my account with Archon has been activated?
I did get an email from them that my account would be activated within 24 hours. Will they send me another email? How do I check to see if my account is active?
Your software login will just start working one day. I checked randomly for three weeks until I could get in.
Anyone with the cable and software in the San Francisco Bay area? I would love to tweak my settings while waiting for the cable to arrive.
Where did you purchase the cable? The Anchor X1 motor is not supplied with cable? Do you have the picture of the cable and any instructions how to connect the cable to the motor? I found only programming video from Watt Wagon on YouTube but there is no any information how you connect this stuff.
Where did you purchase the cable? The Anchor X1 motor is not supplied with cable? Do you have the picture of the cable and any instructions how to connect the cable to the motor? I found only programming video from Watt Wagon on YouTube but there is no any information how you connect this stuff.
Contact watt wagon , the cable is back ordered but they should be able to help you
Can somebody who has a cable just check the punouts with multimeter from USB to the cable end plug and share that information along with the cable end picture so we can purchase individual components and asseble the cable?
Can somebody who has a cable just check the punouts with multimeter from USB to the cable end plug and share that information along with the cable end picture so we can purchase individual components and asseble the cable?
You need to be registered to the program to edit it aswell . Need a login made for you .
Well, that's the easiest part, right? You just launch the program and register an account through the program.
You would think , but I've heard it's not the easiest program to get registered to. Do you have the program ? And if so where did you download it ?
They were waiting to get them from germany. Guessing innotrace?

That was Nov 28. Been sick and haven't followed up.
You would think , but I've heard it's not the easiest program to get registered to. Do you have the program ? And if so where did you download it ?
Yes. The program, the drivers and the instructions are on the Innotrace web site.

We just need the cable pinout so you can just buy a couple USB plugs on Amazon and solder the cable. That's why I'm asking if somebody here has the cable and can just quickly check the matching pins on the opposite sides of the cable and post this information here with a few pictures.

If Watt Wagon has a cable (I'm sure they have) they can just check the cable pinout and post this info on their website or here.

If that cable is not simply a cable but a cable and an adapter (like the original Bafang cable which consists of a cable and an adapter) then things are probably more complicated.
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Yes. The program, the drivers and the instructions are on the Innotrace web site.

We just need the cable pinout so you can just buy a couple USB plugs on Amazon and solder the cable. That's why I'm asking if somebody here has the cable and can just quickly check the matching pins on the opposite sides of the cable and post this information here with a few pictures.
Hmm didn't know you could , doesn't allow me to download it though says there was an issue looking up your account . Tap next to try again EDIT: got the program downloaded waiting for registration confirmation, now I am also curious if anyone with the cord can snap some pics of it as I'd love to tune this bike and not wait for a backorder aswell
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You might need an Office 365 account. You can create an Office 365 account here

But I was able to download the files even from my phone without Office 365 account. Try to download from different device, maybe from your phone.

Here is an example of the downloading process how it looks on my machine (on the phone it looks a little different):

Click here


Then click here

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They were waiting to get them from germany. Guessing innotrace?

That was Nov 28. Been sick and haven't followed up.
That sucks. So there is no reason for me to purchase the Archon X1 motor at the moment because of I need to be able to set the motor for different batteries and without the cable you just stuck with what they set it to before shipping it to you.

I hope somebody here can clarify what the cable looks like and if it is easy just to fabricate that cable by myself.
According to this thread Innotrace sends motors with programming cable. I am surprised Watt Wagon does not send the programming cable with the products they sell
