Anyone here joined the National Bike Challenge?

Thanks, KenM, been so focused on rain and flooding and all the little spooks I almost forgot :D
Happy Halloween! I did not see many people out on their bikes today/night, in fact I only saw one. (I did not get a photo sadly) A little boy about 3 in costume riding his Strider balance bike!
Hi Mrs. AnnM, hope you and your family are ok.
I do not know where you live. I only thought about the rain being in Texas.
Hope all is good. I will add you and your family to my prayer list for sure. Ken.
Oh thank you so much, @KenM. ! It has been a couple of weekends for certain. I'm not on Onion Creek or in Wimberly on the Blanco River, but we saw 8 inches at my place a week ago (heavy clay soil is slow to dry out) and 12+ inches on Friday with some more on Saturday am. Saw a lot of busted up trees, broken bridges and a relative swimming pool in my own front yard less than an hour into the rain. It had nowhere to go. It's drained off pretty well now with a few low water crossings chewed up by good ole mother nature! That one guy floating down Onion Creek in his flooding car; I don't know how he held it together to keep recording with his cell phone. It took more than 5 hours to rescue him out of some trees once he abandoned the flooding car.
Wow! That is bad stuff ! I am glad you are OK!! I will keep praying for you and your area. Keep safe out there. And dry.
Stay away from power lines. No biking for you for awhile . Ken.
Actually, the sun came out about 2pm here with a light north breeze; pretty nice. Going to go walk Colin before the sun sets. Not used to regular time yet :) Thanks for caring.
Yes this time change must really mess with them! What do they know about daylight saving time!!!
Glad it is better for you now. Keep looking up! Ken.
Well boys...checking in from Ludwigshafen Germany and logging some miles the hard I have logged several small trips with the loaner bike the hotel has...definitely not E! I will be here through Friday then headed to Vienna Austria. I will keep trying to get a little riding in.

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Wow! Mr. Grench , you sure are getting around ! Have fun out there! Be safe. Are Americans liked out there and in Austria?
Pedal, pedal, Pedal. Without assist:eek: Giddy up Go! Keep looking Up! Ken.
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Hey Grench:
What no motor?
I probably couldn't even walk it, let alone ride.
Like Dorothy, I betcha' can't wait to get back to Kansas.
Hey Grench:
What no motor?
I probably couldn't even walk it, let alone ride.
Like Dorothy, I betcha' can't wait to get back to Kansas.
It's times like these which allow me to appreciate the motor and the USA.
Lol...for a person who does not like to travel...I get a lot of it.
Yeah, I used to work for a boating magazine as a technical editor.
After 13 trips to Miami one Winter, an acquaintance said, "wow, you get to travel." I corrected him, "no, I have to travel."
Hey, up there Mr. Kilowatt ! How is everything up there in the frozen north land.
You must of left your door WIDE open last night! It was 60* down here this morning. My eyes were watering almost the whole ride today. It was 80 yesterday and 60 this moring.
Hope you , and everybody else has a good Thanksgiving !
We might be going away, so I might be out of communication for the rest of the week.

You guys were not their for me when I needed you, so I slipped into the DARK side of bikes.
I found out how cheep the gas engine kits are , under $150.
So I had to try one. Got an old Huffy road bike for $20, fixed it up. All I had to buy was new shifter cables,$15. The rest was ok. So for less then $200 I have my first Gasser !! Now I just have to work up the nerve to put gas in it and try it.
The kits are really low quality. But it was fun to put together .
Happy Thanksgiving All. Keep looking up! Ken.


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I don't think the ground is frozen yet, but pretty much everything else is. In other words, it's as cold as a well-digger's a**. But hey, that's Winter in New England right? It's not for nothing that the birds fly South; come to think of it, so do most of my neighbors.
It was 29º F when I rode in to work this morning, and it was 29º F when I rode home from work tonight. It's supposed to drop down to 22º F tonight, but tomorrow promises to be a regular heatwave: 40º F.
So tell me about that Huffy. The Fat Bob gas tank is a nice touch. Is the engine a two-stroke. Is there a chainsaw missing its engine somewhere? I bet it goes like a scalded cat though. Is it legal?
Go Team EBR! (Even thought the challenge is over)
Good to hear from you again Mr. Kilowatt !! Man you must look like the abdominal snow man on your ride to work! Keep warm up there.
Yes it is a two stroke engine. It is 66cc. So it is almost legal.
No it is a kit that I bought. You get everything you need for less than $150. Very low quality, but fun to build. It is supposed to go between 25&30mph. From what I have read about them, I think I will keep it under 20.
They are sure not like our e- bikes. More like the 1903 Motorcycles. You have to work at these bikes to keep them going. Have a good Thanksgiving up there!
Keep looking up! Ken.
Hi, Mr. Kilowatt , and Mr. Grench . And whoever else is still loging in miles on the national bike challenge .
Can you log in your miles this past week? I got two days , I think. The rest of the time I an just getting an (error has occurred) message . Thanks, Ken. Keep looking up!
Hi, Mr. Kilowatt , and Mr. Grench . And whoever else is still loging in miles on the national bike challenge .
Can you log in your miles this past week? I got two days , I think. The rest of the time I an just getting an (error has occurred) message . Thanks, Ken. Keep looking up!
Same error Ken looks like the website is down??