Anyone here joined the National Bike Challenge?

No wonder I was sweating again today on my ride! It is 88* at 12.00! Will you please leave your door open again? Mr. Kilowatt . Thank you . Ken. Keep looking up!
Yes we have not heard from Brambor , JR, Grench in a long time.
Yeah, you got to jump on these deals, or you can say By By, all gone!!
Time to go skiing anyway . Just WAIT till next year now!!
New and improved! Don't you know !!! Keep looking up! Ken.
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Will you please leave your door open again? Mr. Kilowatt
If I leave the door open, I'll probably have ice in the dog's water bowl. (I don't think Callie would like that at all.)
How about it team? I hope everybody is still spinning even if the challenge is over.
Go Team EBR!
On my ride today, I saw a Bald Eagle eating road kill. I did not think they did that. I road right by him, (on the other side of the road), and all he did was to hop off the road a little. Beautiful big bird. Keep looking up! For more than one reason. Ken.
No wonder I was sweating again today on my ride! It is 88* at 12.00! Will you please leave your door open again? Mr. Kilowatt . Thank you . Ken. Keep looking up!
Yes we have not heard from Brambor , JR, Grench in a long time.
Still checking in...I have one more long trip - Austria...then I will be peddling again. If time allows I may see if I can rent an Ebike while there...who knows. I have a two day stop in Vienna, they may have an ebike shop. I should be home this winter...I am up for the winter challenge. @KenM. Will have the climate advantage, as if he needs it! @Reddy Kilowatt we can team up and match him. Two Alroads against the Genzi and Schwin.
Hi my friend , long time no hear! Man you sure do get around ! I hope you get to have some fun over yonder! Bring back some snow with you!

You and Mr. Kilowatt will have to do some pedaling to beat The GenZe, ( and as you put it=Schwin=) I like it. Come on let's Pedal, pedal,Pedal, Giddy up Go!! Ken.
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Well our winter winds have arrived:mad: 20mph. Yesterday and today. What a time for the GenZe to breakdown :oops:
Still got 22 miles in on the SchWINn( as Mr. Grench ) calls it. But had to work for them. I think it took two hours too.
You guys get any of the snow up yonder? Be carful up there !
Keep looking up! Ken.
Back on the clock for a few days Gents...I thought I saw the SchWin blow by today! I tried to catch luck. I added 4.5 in the wind.
Hey KenM. and croo':
Yeah, it was a mite windy this morning, but when I rode to work today what I really didn't like was the temperature: 19º F when I left my cottage.
Officially switched over to the lobster claw gloves, a nice thin cap under my winter helmet liner, fleece long johns, the boots, and a really swell scarf.
All that wasn't quite enough though; maybe I should have installed the Bar-Mits… Temperatures in the upper teens would feel like a heat wave in a few months, but this arctic blast came on a little too quickly for this old Yankee.
The daytime highs are supposed to be in the mid-60's by midweek, so it'll all be good.
I was ushering yesterday and when the Sunday school kids joined the service they told us it was snowing outside. When I got out after church, the Grey Ghost was patiently waiting with no sign of snow to be seen.
But it's definitely gonna' get colder before it gets warmer in these here parts.
Go Team EBR!
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What do you think about these Louis Garneau Limoges Gloves? Here's a cute comic for the night, I don't think I will be doing any biking in the snow!
What do you think about these Louis Garneau Limoges Gloves?
I didn't see a price for them but they look a lot like my Planet Bike Borealis winter cycling gloves, which are a lobster claw style with a removable inner polypro glove. Depending on which size you need, these cost $33.00-$40.00 from Amazon and they are as warm as toast. (I use Bar Mits too, when it gets truly cold.)
The piping on the back of the gloves is retroreflective so it shines back to the cars when I signal. Since once DST ends in a week and a half, I'll be riding home from work in the dark, this last feature is a plus.
Also worth considering: Planet Bike plows 25% of their profits into bike advocacy. I like to vote with my wallet, as long as the quality is good, and these gloves are very nicely made. Just sayin'.
Here's a picture:

I didn't see a price for them but they look a lot like my Planet Bike Borealis winter cycling gloves, which are a lobster claw style with a removable inner polypro glove. Depending on which size you need, these cost $33.00-$40.00 from Amazon and they are as warm as toast. (I use Bar Mits too, when it gets truly cold.)
The piping on the back of the gloves is retroreflective so it shines back to the cars when I signal. Since once DST ends in a week and a half, I'll be riding home from work in the dark, this last feature is a plus.
Also worth considering: Planet Bike plows 25% of their profits into bike advocacy. I like to vote with my wallet, as long as the quality is good, and these gloves are very nicely made. Just sayin'.
Here's a picture:

View attachment 4626
Just ordered a pair...thanks for the recommendation. I wore leather last year. They didn't work well in the snow and rain.
Hi Mr. Grench! Not many, You, Mr. Kilowatt , me, and Mr. Brambor sometimes. Is about it I guess.
The Team has come apart , JR , Power Me, Brambor they do not talk anymore . Just you, Mr. Kilowatt ,and me are about all that are left. Ken.
Winter is coming...let us see who has the lack of sense to keep Bad news for me...I have been eating too well on my travels. Scale lied an said 370lbs. Wow! I need to hit the bike! I think I heard the bike grunt when I got on this
Man Mr. Grench! You better start hitting 50 miles a day!
I was 170 lbs. when the challenge started. I was 148 lbs when it was over. I am still only 153 now!! I was 175 lbs in high school.
So I am at grade school weight for me. I am about 5'11" or 10" depending on how strait I can stand at the time.
You could give me 20 lbs. and that would help both of us!
You can tell your wife that I am half the man that you are:p
Keep looking up! Ken.
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You guys are really getting me where I live. With me tipping the scales at 116# soaking wet, Grench can tell his wife that I'm ⅓ the man he is.
Oh well, at least this morning it's almost 38º F as I get ready to shove off for work on the Grey Ghost.
The big question here is when do I put the studded Hakkapeliittas on? (It's cold but I don't think there'll be much snow for a while.)
Go (what's left of) Team EBR!
Everybody remember to set your clocks BACK one hour before y'all go to bed now y'here!!:p:cool:
Keep looking up! Ken.