No photos (I'm too lazy), but the battery is all charged and I spent a while putting the bike together. Just a couple of notes....
Arrival: the bike looked very adequately packed, with plenty of padding around key areas.. the the exception of one. Since the front tire is uninstalled, the front forks dig into the bottom of the box. During transit, the forks dug their way through the extra cardboard reinforcement to the point where it was exposed to the outside of the box. Some paint was worn away from the bottom of the forks. Not a big deal visually, but i just hope it doesn't rust or something. Not sure if Radpower has a recommended touchup paint, i'm guessing automotive paint would work. Some of you whose bikes are in transit for a longer distance might want to inspect that area closely.
Assembly: I think most of you are pretty bike savy, but in addition to installing the major items, there was definitely some additional tweaking needed. Just in terms of adjusting the position of the screen and controls, tightening the brake cable, etc. Nothing major, but someone who isn't bike savy might want to have someone who is give it a onceover or do the assembly for them.
The Bike: Wow, what fun... great torque and I was flying around with PA 3. I haven't even gone up to 4 and 5 yet. It was dark and I didn't have all my lights installed, so I didn't want to push it too hard. But it sucked up hills like they were nothing and I didn't feel like I was working at all. The bike feels very solid and there's not a single area that seems "cheap". The wheel reflectors fell off pretty early in the ride, so i guess those were cheap, but that's a minor quibble given the overall quality of the bike.
Overall, this is terrific, can't wait to get more miles in and start using it for my commute.