Allant Battery Issue

Oddly enough I’ve had the opposite problem with my lock for the battery. It will not unlock. I cannot remove the battery from my bike, which is an Allant+7. I’m quite frustrated right now because I told my local shop about it, they looked at it, could not get it to come out and were supposed to have a solution by this morning. Late this afternoon I called only to find that it’s a Bosch issue and they are supposedly a day or two wait for even the local shop to hear from. The battery won’t move at all but the key appears to be completely non-functional. It’s only a month old!
BTW, called Trek today and they basically told me to force it out!
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I got my Allant9 back after they put on the new battery cover (gratis) . Got home and tried to remove the battery...the key won't engage. I’m putting off taking it back until they’re ready to install an Onyx hub
So far the good news is that the battery (while still stuck) continues to charge from the bike body charge port. It also continues to operate normally in all other ways. Even took it on a 22+ mile ride yesterday, albeit with a length of inner tube tied around the battery case, just to be safe. This was suggested by my local shop guy and works just fine.
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