Adding a Throttle to Shimano Steps E7000 mid-drive


New Member
I am new to ebikes and was wondering if anyone has put a throttle on a Shimano Steps ebike. I know it is more difficult to do this to a mid-drive but I understand it can be done. I haven't found any information about someone doing this with my type of ebike. I understand the pros and cons and would still like to do this if possible. Any help would be appreciated.
Mid drive isn't your problem. Bikes that use proprietary systems like Shimano/Bosch etc. are simply not designed to allow this. You are working in a closed - and guarded - ecosystem.
As m@Robertson stated it's not possible. My wife would love to have a throttle on her Bulls ebike (Bosch gen 4 motor), but it's not going to happen.
Mid drive isn't your problem. Bikes that use proprietary systems like Shimano/Bosch etc. are simply not designed to allow this. You are working in a closed - and guarded - ecosystem.
Thank you for letting me know this. This is good information to know.
Can you program that generation of Shimano through their app for the power curve? I have on my E8000.