Thank You..................
You have all been gracious in answering my question.
I should do you the service however, of refining my story.
1. My Wife & I are in our early 60's.
2. She, is of the utmost concern to Me, (safety wise).
3. My desire to Tone Down the lurchy-ness of a Hub driven bike like Magnum Metro, is mostly so that she is less likely to be caught off guard by the bike, and therefore not get pushed forward at a rate she may not have the built in Reflexes to react with (like us
Boys do.
Remember guys, we grew up trying to make Everything GO FASTER, MAKE IT SKID, POP A WHEELY ! )
I find that girls don't have those years of conditioning in their DNA, so to speak.
4. I rode Motor Cycles as I got older, and am fairly accustom to the potential acceleration at ones disposal.
5. For reference, the Wheely I spoke of in the original posting, was just that the Wheel came off the ground about 4 or 5 inchs, from a stand still start. I had no problem with that (although surprised), but again, to me it is how might that catch my Wife off guard.
Not to mention the lurchy-ness in a Slow U-Turn.
6. I do believe the "ECO Mode" solution (deeper in to the Display Settings) should help. Thank You.
7. And last of all.......... Both my Wife & I enjoy the exhilaration of Power, and (safe) Speed. We Just want the ability to control it.
As a kid, I remember the difference of a really good (but strong) Horse ride,
vs. a horse with a mind of it's own, that at a moments notice would
Not so fun...............
Thanks for listening,