A Video Celebrating The First 28 Days of My RadRover

PS: .45 ACP 1911 all the way :p
I own and carry pistols in both platforms and calibers, so I don't really have a dog in the fight.:)

@Pa1adin, thanks for that video. I had previously seen one of his reviews after having owned the bikes for maybe a year, and it was positive; but this review above answered a lot more questions.

@mrgold35, thanks for the information on payload capacity. That was very helpful, and has completely alleviated my concerns about weight.

I'm pretty much settled on at least one of these RadRovers. I just showed the Barnacules video to my wife, and showed her how she could have either another RadRover, or a RadWagon. Both appeal to her. We are retired and take care of our grandbabies during the day while our son and daughter in law are at work - a 3 year old granddaughter and a 1 year old grandson - and the RadWagon would be cool for taking them both for a ride in the local parks here in Grapevine, of which there are a lot of them. I like the RadRover's configuration for its versatility on and off road, but just like Barnacules, I also own a really nice mountain bike, a Giant Trance, that I am not able to ride right now. My goal, like his, would be to get back into good enough shape to be able to realistically ride that bike again.

The part of Texas that I live in - the northwestern outskirts of the DFW metroplex - is mostly rolling prairie with lots of hardwood forest, and plenty of lakes and streams. There's nothing like the real technical mountain biking that I started off with in the mountains of Southern California, but there are lots and lots of trails, both paved and improved, and the occasional single track around those lakes and stream beds. The area where my home is located is hilly - not much compared to so-cal's mountainous areas, but hilly enough to get an old fat guy like me to breathing pretty hard in 1st gear, or even getting off and pushing, which is endlessly embarrassing.

Anyway, you guys have been very encouraging, for which I am very grateful. Thank you.
I hate people that say you don't get exercise on an E-bike. Some called them "cheaters." Like anything it is what you want to do with it. Hell motorcycles are cheating more than an EBike but guys love those. i:)i

Hell you can get MORE exercise on an EBike. Set it to PS (Power Assist mode) 1 (or none) and go up slightly steep hills. You will really work helping it along believe me. But if it gets too hard use some throttle to get you over the hard spots. Put it in PS 5 and wow, it really is fun!

I am not old yet in my mind but not young either. i:)i

I also have a heart condition so for me it is a way to get back into biking and get some exercise and fresh air you know.
I can pedal a lot and get a some good exercise in but when I hit those hills, or get tired because they are hard on me, I can just use some throttle and gain some motor assist. All good from my end.

I also just LOVE to use all throttle on some parts and go all out because it is FUN! Those guys don't understand fun. i:)i

I don't think I could handle even a normal mountain bike along the entire path that I ride on the most right now, let alone harder trails. I also have a bad back so it all just helps get me out of the house again.

How can giving people access to biking again ever be bad? It truly is the best of both worlds.
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Well daggumit! I've just gotten back from my doctor for a followup visit on this ankle injury, and I'm still in this boot for another 2 weeks, and still facing possible surgery to fuse the bones of my left foot. I start start physical therapy next week. My doctor specifically told me "no bike riding!" for the next few weeks. So having to put off buying the RadRover for a while longer.:(

Color me kind of disappointed.
Sorry to hear that. Still once you can ride it will be worth the wait.
Also remember that it takes about a week (depending on where you live) for it to ship to you anyway. So if you think you can ride in a month order it in three weeks.

I would also consider that they could run out of them again. The were not available to buy for awhile there. That happened to me, I had to wait until the 2017's came in to be able to order one. I ordered the same night it was available. Just something to think about.

Also to note, you will have to put it together but not fully. You need to put the front wheel on as well as the seat, pedals and handlebar.
All the cables are already attached so nothing weird like that. The rest is pretty much already assembled.

You can pay a company $150 to assemble, adjust and deliver it to you. I did not go that route.
Only took me an hour or so to get it going.
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At least you have a few more weeks of researching and figuring out accessories if you are going to purchase to customize your Radrover a little bit. I'm always modifying my Radrover and gear all the time. I just added WYND blocker motorcycle glasses (clear for night/polarized for day) because of I was getting too much dust/dirt/bugs in my eyes from my regular sunglasses. Also added AirStreamz Pro Cycling wind noise reducer because sometimes I ride at 15-20 mph with a +15 mph headwind. It can get very noisy when riding and harder to hear traffic.
At least you have a few more weeks of researching and figuring out accessories if you are going to purchase to customize your Radrover a little bit. I'm always modifying my Radrover and gear all the time. I just added WYND blocker motorcycle glasses (clear for night/polarized for day) because of I was getting too much dust/dirt/bugs in my eyes from my regular sunglasses. Also added AirStreamz Pro Cycling wind noise reducer because sometimes I ride at 15-20 mph with a +15 mph headwind. It can get very noisy when riding and harder to hear traffic.
I've already been looking at the available accessories, and I'll almost certainly order it with the factory fenders and a rear rack. I also have a really good night riding headlight with its own battery, so I won't have to draw juice off the main battery to run it, and it produces a LOT more light. I'm wondering if it will be worth it at some point to upgrade the brakes to a hydraulic system. I will probably end up changing out the saddle early on. In addition to myth other infirmaties, I also have had prostate issues, and I can't stand going numb down there any longer. But that's going to have to take some research, because so far, I haven't had any luck with my mountain bike in that regard. I do have a pair of polarized prescription Raybans that actually block wind and bugs fairly well when riding my other bike, as long as I use a Dope Rope to keep them on my face. But I'd be open to any kind of goggles that would fit over my glasses. I've never heard of a wind noise reducer before, but that sounds like something I'll have to check out. Thanks for the suggestion.
I would suggest that if you get the stock fenders, get the full sized ones if you will actually ride in the rain/expect them to work.
I got the half fenders and think they look really cool but from everything I read/watched they are sh^% to actually be used as fenders. i:)i
Several youtube videos of guys testing them and they work so so overall. The front ones are better if you extend them down a bit. The rears so so in general.

I just wanted some basic protection and got them mainly for looks. i:)i

I think the breaks that come stock work really well. Even full out at 20+ when I hit them to stop fast, it stopped FAST. Those discs really work. I also did not have to squeeze that hard really butI have a strong grip so can't compare.

I like the idea of those hybrid breaks though. Uses the stock grips and cables but is hydraulic at the caliper side. If I change them out, i would go for that. Much cheaper and MUCH easier to install.
I also like that the stock grips also disengage the motor when you use them. I would hate to lose that feature. I don't think the other breaks are needed, for me anyway, but if I upgraded it would be those.

I upgraded my saddle right away as well. I got a Cloud 9 one per MrGold's suggestion. I got a different one than he uses but it is not bad. I wanted to start off with one not larger than 10.5"X10.5. I can try another later if need be.
If I have any complaint about the saddle it would be I wish it was a bit further back. I am 6'3" so have long legs. I find myself scooting up a lot when I ride. I am not sliding mind you., I just tend to start sliding back to a position that would be normal for me.
I don't know how some riders can sit for hours on those skinny saddles? What I like about my Cloud-9 11.5X12.5 cruiser saddle is I sit on my butt cheeks on the widest part of the seat instead of being supported under my prostate area. I adjusted the seat to be a touch higher in the rear at the widest part. I have zero contact on my prostate when sitting properly on the Cloud-9. I sometimes have to adjust my position because I slide forward occasionally because of my nylon riding shorts. The extra wide saddle doesn't get in the way of my peddling either.

I had the same seat for my wife; but, it was too long for her and it was difficult for her to stand over the bike when stopped (she is only 4'11"). I got her the ISM Touring saddle and she loves this seat. It is not as wide as the Cloud-9; but, the nose-less design of the ISM allows her to stand over the Radrover. Since there isn't a nose, zero pressure on prostate.

ISM Saddle: (Link Removed - No Longer Exists)

A little hard to see in this pick; but, the white radrover has the Cloud-9 and you can see the wife's Radrover with the ISM touring seat in the middle of the picture.

ISM II.jpg
I don't know how some riders can sit for hours on those skinny saddles? What I like about my Cloud-9 11.5X12.5 cruiser saddle is I sit on my butt cheeks on the widest part of the seat instead of being supported under my prostate area. I adjusted the seat to be a touch higher in the rear at the widest part. I have zero contact on my prostate when sitting properly on the Cloud-9. I sometimes have to adjust my position because I slide forward occasionally because of my nylon riding shorts. The extra wide saddle doesn't get in the way of my peddling either.

I had the same seat for my wife; but, it was too long for her and it was difficult for her to stand over the bike when stopped (she is only 4'11"). I got her the ISM Touring saddle and she loves this seat. It is not as wide as the Cloud-9; but, the nose-less design of the ISM allows her to stand over the Radrover. Since there isn't a nose, zero pressure on prostate.

ISM Saddle: (Link Removed - No Longer Exists)

A little hard to see in this pick; but, the white radrover has the Cloud-9 and you can see the wife's Radrover with the ISM touring seat in the middle of the picture.

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Great info on the seats! Thanks. Well, I'm ba-ack! I had a good report from my doctor, and I got to ditch the boot/cast this morning. Been in that thing for 7 weeks now on my left leg. She cleared me to ride bikes! So I'm about to order two RadRovers for my wife and me today.

Happy happy happy!
I don't know how some riders can sit for hours on those skinny saddles? What I like about my Cloud-9 11.5X12.5 cruiser saddle is I sit on my butt cheeks on the widest part of the seat instead of being supported under my prostate area. I adjusted the seat to be a touch higher in the rear at the widest part. I have zero contact on my prostate when sitting properly on the Cloud-9. I sometimes have to adjust my position because I slide forward occasionally because of my nylon riding shorts. The extra wide saddle doesn't get in the way of my peddling either.

I had the same seat for my wife; but, it was too long for her and it was difficult for her to stand over the bike when stopped (she is only 4'11"). I got her the ISM Touring saddle and she loves this seat. It is not as wide as the Cloud-9; but, the nose-less design of the ISM allows her to stand over the Radrover. Since there isn't a nose, zero pressure on prostate.

ISM Saddle: (Link Removed - No Longer Exists)

A little hard to see in this pick; but, the white radrover has the Cloud-9 and you can see the wife's Radrover with the ISM touring seat in the middle of the picture.

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Hey, that's also what I have, a body float seat post with a Cloud nine coil spring suspended upright seat. It's the most comfortable combination for me after experimenting with several seats and suspension seat posts. I adjusted it to zero-tilt position and solved the feeling of sliding forward.
I just clicked on "Submit"! I bought two RadRovers, two sets of fenders, and two rear racks. I can't wait.

Congratulations man! Welcome to the family! i:)i

I bought a 3rd party rack but love my Rover so far. If you have any questions, just post. I also suggest joining the FB group. I personally hate FB but use it for groups. I am Jace Drummer over there.
I have the 10.5x10.5 Could 9 seat. I just ordered the Suntour SP12-NCX .

I had a Suntour originally but got the wrong size etc.. Had to send that back. Then every place was out of them even Amazon except a 3rd party selling for $30 more. So I waited and now got it through Amazon again. Hope the spring it comes with is the hard one or at least decent. I am 240lbs so.. I got the 400mm version. I assume it couldn't hurt to get that even if I never raise it that high. the seat post seems to go all the way down the tube so I should be good. I figured it was the same price so why not. i :)i
Thanks! I'll checkout the Facebook group. Which one is it? There seems to be two: "Rad Power eBikes Owners Group", and a support group?

This is the one I joined. https://www.facebook.com/groups/radpowerowners/
Maybe I will also look into the other. Okay there are only 17 members on that one so not worth bothering with. The main group seems to have some cool people in it.

I prefer forums like this to be honest, maybe I am old school, but it is nice to have different sources.

Did I mention I hate FB... i:)i
This is the one I joined. https://www.facebook.com/groups/radpowerowners/
Maybe I will also look into the other. Okay there are only 17 members on that one so not worth bothering with. The main group seems to have some cool people in it.

I prefer forums like this to be honest, maybe I am old school, but it is nice to have different sources.

Did I mention I hate FB... i:)i
Well, as you saw, I joined. I don't love Facebook, but I use it.