A map of free charging outlets in the Bay Area?


Active Member
Anyone know of a map that providers eBikers with the location of free charging outlets? I often take long rides on the weekend and would love to plan a rest at a place where I can also charge my bike. A map would be great, especially in eBike rich Bay Area.
Where real estate is all about location, location, for me, ebikes are all about range, range. Availability of charging locations isn't the issue (any 110 outlet will do), its charging time that is the issue. It can take many hours to fully recharge an ebike as most of the chargers are of the slow, 2-4 amp variety. Carrying additional batteries is the simple answer but they are heavy and often very expensive. My long range ebike (R&M Delite GX rohloff HS) has a smallish 250W motor and 2 500W on-board batteries. Riding very conservatively the dual batteries have a maximum range of approx 100 miles. My real world mileage is in the 70-80 mile range as I prefer a fast pace.

So, you can go into most any Starbucks and plug your battery in but you'll be drinking a lot of coffee before it's all charged up ... :)
Not looking for a full recharge, but places where I can rest for 30 min and get additional boost. You are right, in the Bay Area the real mileage I get where half the ride is in eco and the rest a mixture of turbo and speed, I get about 70 miles range with hills and all. Does Starbucks have outdoor outlets?
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Not looking for a full recharge, but places where I can rest for 30 min and get additional boost. You are right, in the Bay Area the real mileage I get where half the ride is in eco and the rest a mixture of your and speed, I get about 70 miles range with hills and all. Does Starbucks have outdoor outlets?
I know they have plenty of indoor power and if you can't take the bike in with you just charge the battery assuming you can remove it from the bike, I think there are many businesses that wouldn't mind giving patrons a little charge up. In the spirit of e-mobility the idea of creating a website listing possible ebike charging locations is a good idea. I don't ride beyond my bikes range and frankly I'm spoiled by Tesla's Supercharging network so lack the patience for slow charging. :)
I know they have plenty of indoor power and if you can't take the bike in with you just charge the battery assuming you can remove it from the bike, I think there are many businesses that wouldn't mind giving patrons a little charge up. In the spirit of e-mobility the idea of creating a website listing possible ebike charging locations is a good idea. I don't ride beyond my bikes range and frankly I'm spoiled by Tesla's Supercharging network so lack the patience for slow charging. :)
I've got a picture in my head of someone lugging in a battery and charger and setting up the whole shebang and THEN going to order coffee. After the lockup ordeal. Cuz just like at the airport, you don't want to get your snacks first and then find out some slob is charging their phone at the outlet you needed.

I totally feel your pain on this. I really, really need a charger at the end of my run across effectively desolate shoreline which ends at Marina State Beach. There's an electrical plug on the outside wall at the restrooms. And its dead. Boo hoo. :D The town is only a half mile or so inland and its directly en route to the trail home. I'd sell an organ to find an open outlet somewhere nearby in Marina. Preferably an outdoor restaurant.
can you charge your bike at Tesla supercharging stations?
I know they have plenty of indoor power and if you can't take the bike in with you just charge the battery assuming you can remove it from the bike, I think there are many businesses that wouldn't mind giving patrons a little charge up. In the spirit of e-mobility the idea of creating a website listing possible ebike charging locations is a good idea. I don't ride beyond my bikes range and frankly I'm spoiled by Tesla's Supercharging network so lack the patience for slow charging. :)
There is always a chance that someone may have done a great deal of plug scouting in your area. I have documented a lot of power plugs in my travels around NE and SE Ohio.