Our weather is just getting nice. I'm used to the heat now, and heat is backing off a little. I wear long sleeves and pants, so sunlight doesn't heat me, just the clothes. Going to be mid-nineties end of the week, I'll enjoy that last blast of summer. Riding a bike is nothing as hot as my other pastime, cutting up tree limbs, hauling them & dragging them in the gully. Sweatier without the motion of the bike. I don't have A/C out at the summer camp, just a fan blowing on my chair in front of the radio.
Don't know about olbriar; I used to drink a gallon a day when I unloaded trailers without a fan summers in Houston. I weighed 120 lb, no insulation.
I go through 2 20 oz bottles water usually on a summer day ride of 30 miles. I have two in reserve in the bag. I did okay without water in school & marching band practice when I was in high school, but the restrooms were vile smokehouses in those days, I never used them. Spring Branch schools had no A/C so I sweated off any water in a school day, or walking home from band practice..