A BBSHD Killer? Here comes the CYC Photon

One question is does it have thermal rollback ?
That can help but a lot of abuse can occur before heat becomes an issue.
Nothing wrong with using it at high performance as long as you realize that usually means it also rolls with high maintenance.
Forgive them for they know not what they do... smh... 🙃

I too am interested but at this time it makes little sense for me to do anything before the spring time...
So I think I'll sit back and let others find any potential bugs and hopefully we can get a few reviews worth watching by then.
Totally agree. I'm waiting for real world trail riding vids. I mean the only vid I saw off road was some dude huffing and puffing up a dirt road hill and eventually tipping over out of breath? So far that is way less than impressive compared to my BBSHD?!?!?
I’m watching. I’ve got a Pristine, Specialized Crosstrail Disc waiting for a lighter motor like this.
Here is the video, with comments turned off interestingly, of an epic fail on a seemingly simple hill that any BBSHD could destroy. The guy literally is gasping for air and tips over? Not a good advertisement so far...unless it's user error and he doesn't know how to use gears? I'll wait to see more before pulling the trigger on this one for sure!
Here is the video, with comments turned off interestingly, of an epic fail on a seemingly simple hill that any BBSHD could destroy. The guy literally is gasping for air and tips over? Not a good advertisement so far...unless it's user error and he doesn't know how to use gears? I'll wait to see more before pulling the trigger on this one for sure!
Let's hope he just doesn't know what the hell he's doing...I mean he says "I'm a bigger rider, over 240lbs, so I'm not going to use pedal assist 3"??? WTF...if you are heavier wouldn't you need/want a higher PAS level. Again, confused by this video..I'm sure CYC wishes it didn't exist..be careful who you give demo's to I guess!!!
.I'm sure CYC wishes it didn't exist..be careful who you give demo's to I guess!!!
Just another bozo. The comments are turned off.
Screen Shot 2023-01-20 at 12.36.06 PM.png

The same clown purchased a replacement controller from a shop along with additional parts. Upon receiving the controller proceeded to "improve it" and changed out the connectors. When the shop owner balked as any shop would about replacing a modified part under warranty the expert pitched a bitch and PayPal burned the shop for the cost of the order.

Static and rookie errors have led to very few if any USA shops willing to warranty a modified PCB, a modified controller, or a BMS.
Just another bozo. The comments are turned off.
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The same clown purchased a replacement controller from a shop along with additional parts. Upon receiving the controller proceeded to "improve it" and changed out the connectors. When the shop owner balked as any shop would about replacing a modified part under warranty the expert pitched a bitch and PayPal burned the shop for the cost of the order.

Static and rookie errors have led to very few if any USA shops willing to warranty a modified PCB, a modified controller, or a BMS.
Still going to need to see footage of a 200 plus pound rider flying up a hill to get this train wreck image outta my head before I'd ever consider it. I'm not asking for 180NM of Torque like the BBSHD or 1200W..but that was scary..he was huffing and pufffing...I'll use my acoustic when I want that!
There doesn't seem to be much interest here and the little that there is are waiting for someone else to beta test.
That includes me 🙃
There doesn't seem to be much interest here and the little that there is are waiting for someone else to beta test.
That includes me 🙃
True..I'm interested...as soon as I see real mountain bike use, but damn it's taking awhile to find it. Usually if something is really good folks are chomping at the bit to show it off. So I'm pretty skeptical at this point. Moving ahead with second BBSHD build this weekend in the meantime.. a reliable proven beast.
There doesn't seem to be much interest here and the little that there is are waiting for someone else to beta test.
That includes me 🙃
Over on the Bullitt cargo bike forums the Photon is an absolutely perfect fit on a bike that requires a lot of finessing to get a BBSxx in. So its getting a lot of love. Appears to work perfectly post-installation.

The inset chainring that comes with it does what you'd have to pay for a Lekkie to accomplish on a BBSxx, and the crankarms are of good quality, so buying those components for a BBSxx install is not necessary on a Photon, so you can take $150+ off for the chainring (they have gotten expensive) and at least that for say a set of Buzz Bar crankarms.

Both of these things go a long way to equalize the price of a BBSxx versus a Photon.
For me the lure of this motor is the hopefully done well (and without bugs) phone app/program_ability and torque sensing over the BBS.
The hardware you mention though relevant wouldn't sway me on its own.
On the hardware it doesn't seem to have many options on chain rings... Is it a standard BCD mount?

Then of course... is it reliable.
For me the lure of this motor is the hopefully done well (and without bugs) phone app/program_ability and torque sensing over the BBS.
Well there's the rub right there. Thats why I'm not considering it until its a couple generations down the road. However I have heard of nothing but good things this time unlike the X1 Pro. Their torque sensing has always been bordering on unique. I think the best config - and you have choices - is a combination of torque and cadence sensing. When you are starting from a stop and likely to be literally standing on the crankarm, it is torque sensing so you can get up and go on the steepest hill or crappiest trail. As your cadence rate increases, torque decreases and becomes regular it switches to a cadence mode. And back again as rhythm changes.

On the hardware it doesn't seem to have many options on chain rings... Is it a standard BCD mount?
You have three options all from Cyc. And its a proprietary bolt circle IIRC. Actually its a fully proprietary part period; just like the Bafang rings. For what its worth Cyc has always been very good about shipping out parts. The only wonky issue has been their playing musical controllers, which I think they have finally ironed out after a couple-three years of turmoil. I didn't even bother installing the one that came with my X1 Pro and went straight to a BAC 800 from a 3rd party. But I was also an early adopter. I escaped almost all of the drama because I opted out of the controller treadmill.
Then of course... is it reliable.
So far yes. This motor has the advantage of the company having three generations of two different motors under their belt. So everything they learned on the first two to make them bulletproof - and there was a bunch - is reflected on this thing. My concern is 100% software as thats the thing they only recently, finally, nailed down.
Here is the video, with comments turned off interestingly, of an epic fail on a seemingly simple hill that any BBSHD could destroy. The guy literally is gasping for air and tips over? Not a good advertisement so far...unless it's user error and he doesn't know how to use gears? I'll wait to see more before pulling the trigger on this one for sure!
That rider is Matt Bzura the owner of Bicycle Motor Works. He builds all my custom batteries and I've got several of his off the shelf models as well. He sent me that vid before he published it and noted he was the one who botched the ride. IIRC there is a follow-on video where he doesn't make the same mistake.

The Photon is positioned as a bigger brother to the BBS02. Its not meant to be a BBSHD killer it turns out, but it is powerful enough that the reviewers are the ones comparing the two. Not Cyc themselves. Keep your ear to the ground in the discussion groups and you'll hear about that follow-on motor, which is meant to be the same thing to the HD that this one is to the 02.
This video dropped yesterday and I spotted it in my feed. Stick with it for awhile. He does a running commentary that covers temperature increase along a long steady hill and gives out good comparative info on this motor vs. an HD. Also very interesting at how he feels its very much a PAS kind of motor and not so much a hot rod throttler.

The heat issues so far have stuck out to me as a possible issue. I will wait until some real hot and heavy summer riding and temp comparisons come out.
The heat issues so far have stuck out to me as a possible issue. I will wait until some real hot and heavy summer riding and temp comparisons come out.
I think its going to be a given those are there, just like they would be for a BBS02. I mean... this is a small motor that can put out as much as 2 kw peak unrestricted. Its going to get hot, period. This looks to be a medium-duty motor - very slick in its own way but not for a high-power application. Cut its power down to be in TSDZ2 or '02 territory and it'll be right in its element, with lots of slick features like that combination torque/cadence sensing. But if you want a singletrack beast... wrong tool for the job I think.

I'll look to the follow-on big brother to this motor. And I'll wait about a year past that to see how that one shakes out.