I don't believe Adams Rotten Rooms at all. The box panel on the far side was obviously burned. He acknowledged having seen it. Of course he'd seen and smelled it. If he was documenting the opening, why didn't he show that side first? Why would he bring it into his house? Why would the carrier deliver it?
After opening the box, he complains about the mess, the smell of gas, and the danger, but he keeps poking around, pulling things apart. What gas does he mean? In England, is gasoline sometimes called gas? Next he shows the box against a fence with a plastic tarp over it. He says he took it outside because of the danger and the smell. Why had he brought it in? I would put a damaged battery as far as possible from anything flammable. Instead, the fence and the tarp could be destroyed and make any fire bigger.
He expresses concern for the safety of other customers, especially children, yet he repeatedly refuses to photograph the battery for the sake of other customers and, for that matter, the carrier. He claims it would be too dangerous. After poking around with it in his house? Once outside, I don't think a battery will explode suddenly enough to harm an alert person. It seems a friend persuaded him that he was obliged to photograph it.
He now shows the wet box on pavement. It probably belonged there in the first place, but he didn't put it on blocks, and he removed the tarp. The water will make it hard for the carrier to handle the box and could make the battery dangerous.
Most of the video is reading texts between him and the e-bike company. His usual scheme is to check into a hotel in order to make a sensational video alleging a terrible experience. He's hoping to grow his youtube income by doing the same to e-bike vendors. I believe he took the box to his back yard, burned through one side with a torch, and smothered the fire with a damp plywood panel. Then he brought the box in to show us his sensational discovery.