Difference between assist levels 0-5 or 0-9?


New Member
Hey guys,

I just picked up a Surface 604 Quad and I noticed that the standard assist runs from 0-5, but in the advanced settings there is a selection to bump it up to 0-9. What's the difference between the two? Do they both work in "locked" vs "unlocked" mode?

Welcome aboard!

Don't know about the Quad, but I use 0-9 on my 2023 Surface 604 V Rook for the finer control over assist level. In my experience, it works with max assisted speed both locked at 20 mph and unlocked at 30 mph.

Is there something keeping you from trying it both ways?
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I actually took a look on my bike to try to change the assist to 0-9 but the assist levels option in my display settings isn't even there!
I actually took a look on my bike to try to change the assist to 0-9 but the assist levels option in my display settings isn't even there!
Odd. On my Rook, it's in the display (not advanced) settings and hard to miss.

If you've already consulted the manual, time to call Surface 604 support. They're great. You'll probably get voice mail, but don't let that throw you.

Leave a clear detailed message about the problem and your model and year, and a knowledgeable tech will look into the issue and call you back within 24 hrs with a thoughtful answer. To the question you actually asked.

Went like that all 3 times I've called. In the world of phone support, that's revolutionary!
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