We have accumulated only 42 miles on each bike since purchase. Most of our riding has been off pavement. The bikes handle well and are comfortable to ride. My only real immediate concern is that I would like a few less teeth on the chain wheel for a lower overall gearing. The assist is very different than what we expected and we are still experimenting with the three positive and two negative settings. Polaris says they are working on two battery options for more Ah which I certainly will be interested in as we are experiencing about 14 miles of range on roads with lots of elevation changes. Our local dealer is intending to organize a group ride this Spring so we can all talk about and learn about how these different assist modes work and what the designers envisioned when they engineered them. The three positive modes are named Level 1 - Eco, Level 2 - Utility and Level 3 -Speed. Does that mean when riding fast on easy surfaces that I should be in Level 3? Or, does it mean that Level 3 provides the least assistance. Anyway, the great thing about the electric assist is it got Charlene on a bicycle.