Adventures in Kampinos National Park (KPN)
I got an invite to yet another group ride by Fat Man, this time of MTB difficulty. I knew from the very start I would not be able to participate: too cold, too difficult. As I am fond of that group, I set off at 9:27 (European time format, haha!) on my Vado 6.0 to intercept the group on the trail, say 'Hello' and take some pictures. I wanted to make the day's ride on a single battery, so I set the assistance to 25/55% (Assist 0.8x with 286 W max motor power). A 22 km boring ride took me 70 minutes gross.
Village of Sieraków in the East KPN. There, the MTB trail with the descent from Wierzejna Mt. had its exit point. It was around 1 C, sunny, and the ground was frozen.
The long waiting began; I actually had to wait for 50 minutes for the group riding from north Warsaw! My mistake was wearing too thin socks. Soon, my left (bad) foot started freezing out...
At last! The scattered group of a dozen of MTBers emerged from the forest led by Fat Man! He had brand new fat tyres with Kevlar inserts on his bike this time.
I admire those people! So endurant! There were several women in the group, too.
The Cobblestone!
I followed the group for several kilometres. The East KPN is a difficult cycling environment. There is a lot of mud and deep sand, and all singletracks are full of tree-roots. Surprisingly, riding in the area is the easiest during a dry winter weather as the mud is frozen, and the sand is heavy, packed, and frozen too, thus completely rideable!
The group soon jumped onto the Palmiry Road segment paved with rough cobblestone. While the group riders followed a dangerous narrow path on the roadside (and soon disappeared in the woods), I simply rode the cobblestone for its full length!

For the first time in my life!
That road segment (a summer 2021 photo).
Now, my Vado had its tyres under 2.8 bar (40 psi), a front shock, and a Redshift seat-post. What's the problem to ride the cobblestone? The most important is my head was
not shaking! Shaking arms? The better, it was warming my body up!

Now, seriously: After I could switch to asphalt past the Palmiry Memorial Site, I pedalled hard to reach the village of Palmiry and its restaurant as soon as possible!
Cycling friendly 'Inn On The Trail' restaurant in Palmiry. I entered it just six minutes past the opening!
The map of cycling trails and points of interest in the easternmost part of KPN (exactly where I was riding on Saturday!) A wall painting.
After the first sips of Winter Tea, I felt my feet unfreezing and getting warm!
That's what I love in cycling: Good grub on the trail! 
ul. Rolnicza (Farming Street) connecting Czosnów with Łomianki (and there starts the bike path system of Warsaw). A very long, almost straight street with some one thousand street numbers is the longest road-cycling connecting street I know of
It is the only way for a roadie to get from a popular workout area to Warsaw! Any serious Warsaw roadie must have been riding this street at least once!
For those who don't know about him: This is my 1st cousin Jacek (who by chance lives in Farming Street). We are 'brother' to each other. Apart of many other qualities, Jacek is an avid gravel and MTB rider, and one of the best bike mechanics I know! He actually taught me everything about working with bikes! (Jacek reminded me he had my winter studded tyres in the storage but decided it was too early for the change).
A wabbit! 
The younger of the brethren, Piotr, trying my Vado unassisted. He was a way too tall for my e-bike!
'Could you give me the best route from here to Mariew?' I asked Jacek. He found one of his KPN routes and shared it with me. What I missed was the route led in the opposite direction I needed!
Without giving it a second thought, I followed the Komoot route riding a Rail Trail to find myself on the Palmiry Road again! Hahaha! (This time, I deliberately took an MTB detour to avoid the cobblestone!)
'Boar is wild
Boar is evil
Boar has very sharp tusks
If you meet a boar in the woods
Run onto a tree as fast as you can!
/A nursery rhyme/
A boar warning and advice in Truskaw. Of course the actual poster gives a practical advice what to do in case of meeting a boar. Certainly 'do not feed them!'
Hunting is derided by a big part of the Polish society, and hunters are being 'cancelled'. Boars have become an issue, as the beast population grew to a big number, and now boars can be even spotted in big cities! The good news is we have two wolf families in the KPN. Not that I would like to meet a wolf myself but wolves are important to keep the wildlife population in check.
It was after the dark when I got on paved roads. A strong cross-wind added to the chill effect. The powerful low-beam headlight added to the e-bike battery consumption. Still, I arrived home with 10% of the battery. (@Jeremy McCreary: see the clock
I remind you Wahoo is an American product, haha!)
For these of you interested in the e-bike technology: See how difficult it is to freeze the e-bike battery out. The internal battery resistance produces heat, keeping the battery warm enough!
I passed the 5,000 mile yearly mark on that ride!