2023 Specialized Turbo Como 5.0 IGH/Pedal Pace


Just bought a Turbo Como 5.0 IGH with TDCw display. Try as I might I can't find the Pedal Pace page (ref. Section 8.8 of the 2022 manual). Manual says press F2 but the page, with options to re-set pedal pace (cadence) never appears.
Pressing F2 does does seem to be entering "micro tune" as display numbers change color. But the 10% intervals are always matched, i.e. 10/10, 20/20, 30/30 etc. So I don't really know what that's telling me? And the actual Pedal Pace screen (page) showing Fastest to Slowest never appears. Any/all help/suggestions appreciated.
As I do not own a MasterMind IGH Specialized e-bike, I cannot help you with the Pedal Pace. Hopefully other users could give the answer.
Pressing F2 does does seem to be entering "micro tune" as display numbers change color. But the 10% intervals are always matched, i.e. 10/10, 20/20, 30/30 etc. So I don't really know what that's telling me?
The meaning:
  • The first number tell you what is the percent of your leg power amplification (100% being 4x mechanical power boost of your own leg input)
  • The second number is the percent of the maximum motor mechanical power that the motor is allowed to use for the assistance (100% being 565 W mechanical).
For example, you input 100 W with your legs into the cranks. Having the MicroTune assistance set to 40/40:
  • The Assist Factor will be .4 * 4x = 1.6x. Your 100 W leg input should be rewarded with 160 W of the mechanical motor assistance
  • The Max Motor Power will be capped at 0.4 * 565 = 226 W. You will get not more of mechanical motor assistance than 226 W disregarding how hard you would pedal.
The first of the two parameters makes you a Lance Armstrong :) The second one helps conserving the battery charge for longer rides. Equal numbers have been chosen for both parameters as the experience teaches us it is the most practical combination. For the manual Assist modes, the user can fine tune them with Mission Control.

Hope that helps.
As I do not own a MasterMind IGH Specialized e-bike, I cannot help you with the Pedal Pace. Hopefully other users could give the answer.

The meaning:
  • The first number tell you what is the percent of your leg power amplification (100% being 4x mechanical power boost of your own leg input)
  • The second number is the percent of the maximum motor mechanical power that the motor is allowed to use for the assistance (100% being 565 W mechanical).
For example, you input 100 W with your legs into the cranks. Having the MicroTune assistance set to 40/40:
  • The Assist Factor will be .4 * 4x = 1.6x. Your 100 W leg input should be rewarded with 160 W of the mechanical motor assistance
  • The Max Motor Power will be capped at 0.4 * 565 = 226 W. You will get not more of mechanical motor assistance than 226 W disregarding how hard you would pedal.
The first of the two parameters makes you a Lance Armstrong :) The second one helps conserving the battery charge for longer rides. Equal numbers have been chosen for both parameters as the experience teaches us it is the most practical combination. For the manual Assist modes, the user can fine tune them with Mission Control.

Hope that helps.
Thanks for the reply. Explains (I think) why, in my first few rides, the bike felt like it was doing all the work and I was just a passenger along for the ride! Adjustment downward is in order.

Still hoping someone has an answer for the Pedal Power...
If the Pedal Power doesn't appear, it's possible your Enviolo auto shifter is disconnected. At least that happened to me when I had the the tires serviced by the bike shop. When I got it back, the bike rode like a 1-speed. I thought the problem was the pedal pace setting, tried to pull it up and got right to the micro-tune setting, which is supposed to come up with the long-press, not a short press. I also tried to use the Enviolo app to adjust the shifting and it wouldn't sync. (I pressed the white button for 5 seconds and nothing happened. It should have started blinking.) In my case, the shifting system was disconnected and I brought it back to the shop to reconnect it. Now, when I short press the F2, pedal pace comes up. And it rides normally.
The symptoms you describe sound exactly like what I'm experiencing! I've only ridden about 40 mostly flat miles so far but there has never been a hint of any kind of change in gearing -- I nearly posted a question here about it (like: "Is this normal?") but felt a bit silly!
I'd like to avoid a trip to the LBS (and the bike won't fit in my car, anyway!).
Will have to see if I can find a You Tube about connecting Enviolo auto-shifter!
Many, many thanks; I think you may have diagnosed my issue.
I spoke with Specialized Rider Care today. A rep called me to "hand over" a Haul ST cargo bike I ordered direct. l

I took the opportunity to ask him about my Turbo Como 5.0 IGH issue -- it isn't shifting -- and he immediately said he's familiar with the issue. Apparently the wiring harness can have problems such that the Enviolo interface isn't communicating with the remote -- in effect the hub doesn't know it has an automatic shifter attached. The rep said the problem is likely in the motor case and will have to be diagnosed by LBS.
So it's sorta good news: My problem isn't imaginary and should be fixable. Rep cautioned me that Specialized doesn't have a big inventory of spare parts for Enviolo so, if an Enviolo part is needed, it could take several weeks.
But at least now I know that my issues with e.g. the Pedal Power page and not sensing ANY gear changes are REAL and known to others!

BTW the Haul ST is a nice package and shipped almost immediately -- nine days between order and delivery. I'll use it as a utility bike (or maybe my primary exercise bike until the Como is fixed!)
I was talking to a Specialized rep today and he confirmed anytime the rear wheel comes off you have to reconnect the hub to the bike/Mastermind and are supposed to recalibrate the IGH (can do that in MasterMind) and also adjust the belt. I have no idea if my LBS is going to do that--although it does seem to ride ok--so I'm going to recalibrate it.

I also just tried to use the custom display function and get it to change on my bike, but then I lose the changes after I shut off the bike. When talking to the rep, he thought it could be a new bug and reported it. Are others having this issue? Oddly, there's no save button for the display like there is for the support assistance section.
1. When you say "reconnect the hub to Master Mind" what do you mean exactly? In the settings for Master Mind (on the bike display) I don't recall seeing any options for Enviolo at all. There's one for Sensors but that doesn't lead to anything that's obviously Enviolo-related.
2. There's certainly a calibration option in the Enviolo app; don't see one in the Mission Control app or the Master Mind settings.
3. I read in another post (didn't make a note of where, sorry) that the Specialized software ignores any changes made by the Enviolo app.
I'm learning that, although I've been cycling for a long time (from non-indexed Campag to wireless DI2!) there's an awful lot I don't yet know about e-bikes!
As I wrote before, I'm learning:

LBS service manager called me and coached me through recalibration via Master Mind -- to access the Settings screen needed you have to enter Settings (hold + and -) then continue holding until screen dims. Release buttons, Master Mind re-boots and then hold + and - down again until Settings re-appears -- then Enviolo cal is available.
That re-enables Pedal Pace and bike performs correctly. BUT Master Mind doesn't seem to remember the changes -- if I turn the bike off and re-start, Pedal Pace no longer appears when requested. Going through the routine fixes everything again but that can't be the way it's supposed to work.
Did a Factory Reset of Master Mind, re-calibrated Enviolo using Enviolo cal but that routine did not retain the settings in Master Mind. Note that all this was done without using the Enviolo app -- strictly using Specialized Master Mind.
LBS guy is on vacation until Wednesday but we've agreed that the bike will go back to see if he can identify the problem.
When the bike is working properly (after the Settings, re-boot, Settings routine) Pedal Pace appears as expected and it's a pleasure to ride. But, as noted, haven't found the trick to make Master Mind store the new (correct) settings.
In the process I programmed a screen in Mission Control to show "Gear" and that was helpful -- shows which of the Enviolo hubs 9 "speeds" is engaged -- it IS shifting but it's totally imperceptible. Also, setting Pedal Pace to "Slow" or "Slower" makes pedal effort more closely reflect what I'm used to (from the road bike) -- more pedal effort and higher gear (but also more speed).
Still learning...
Bike will have to go back to LBS to solve the final puzzle -- remember the correct settings!
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Interesting. My Enviolo seems to be working fine since the LBS "fixed" it. But I still can't save the custom display settings. I was thinking of recalibrating the hub, but since mine works, maybe I'll leave it alone. Was the recalibration just resetting the connection or did it have to do with setting up how well the hub works?
Interesting. My Enviolo seems to be working fine since the LBS "fixed" it. But I still can't save the custom display settings. I was thinking of recalibrating the hub, but since mine works, maybe I'll leave it alone. Was the recalibration just resetting the connection or did it have to do with setting up how well the hub works?
Just had a look at my Como: The "Gear" screen that I added via Mission Control has been retained through all of the re-boots/re-calibrations. It's just the Pedal Power function that disappears when the bike is powered off.
Spoke too soon:

1. Rider Care insists that the issue with Pedal Pace is either "a y connector in the motor case or the Enviolo shift interface". Bike is headed back to the LBS for warranty repairs.
2. Noticed this morning that Mission Control changes to various displays have been lost, too e.g. the Gear Ratio screen is gone.

As before, I can force Pedal Pace to appear and it works for as long as I don't power the bike off. So I'm still getting my morning exercise in until the bike goes back to LBS to, hopefully, be properly repaired.
Spoke too soon:

1. Rider Care insists that the issue with Pedal Pace is either "a y connector in the motor case or the Enviolo shift interface". Bike is headed back to the LBS for warranty repairs.
2. Noticed this morning that Mission Control changes to various displays have been lost, too e.g. the Gear Ratio screen is gone.

As before, I can force Pedal Pace to appear and it works for as long as I don't power the bike off. So I'm still getting my morning exercise in until the bike goes back to LBS to, hopefully, be properly repaired.
Personally, this phone app electronic tech mission control interface is undesirable.
Personally, this phone app electronic tech mission control interface is undesirable.
"undesirable" covers a lot of ground; undesirable to you? No problem.
My current issue with the new Como isn't related, at all, to the phone app. According to Rider Care it's a hardware problem and is covered by warranty. I'm pretty confident that the LBS will get it sorted without undue delay.
And even though there is a problem the bike can still be ridden normally -- it takes a minute or two with MasterMind prior to a ride but then the bike works great and it's excellent to ride.
I've been bicycling since before there was indexed shifting (remember the first Shimano SIS?) -- a Schwinn Paramount with 10-speed Campag out back. Now we have e-bikes with automatic shifting and radar! Don't bet against technology.
Thanks. You make good points. I worry about reliability and product support. Simpler can sometimes be better. Even using a simple cellphone can be a challenge when it's designed for the Japanese market. My Nihongo is very limited, so communication can be very difficult. I have an appointment in one week to meet with the Specialized store here. We may both be relying on Google translate. It doesn't always get it right. I'm curious to see how the meeting goes. I'll be looking at the Como SL 5.0 (L) for the first time.
Thanks. You make good points. I worry about reliability and product support. Simpler can sometimes be better. Even using a simple cellphone can be a challenge when it's designed for the Japanese market. My Nihongo is very limited, so communication can be very difficult. I have an appointment in one week to meet with the Specialized store here. We may both be relying on Google translate. It doesn't always get it right. I'm curious to see how the meeting goes. I'll be looking at the Como SL 5.0 (L) for the first time.
Just a question, Woody: Is the manual IGH of Como SL 4.0 a deal-breaker for you?
Just a question, Woody: Is the manual IGH of Como SL 4.0 a deal-breaker for you?
No, in fact, the CVT is not available in Japan. Specialized says it cannot conform to the max assist speed limitation. The Como SL is available in Japan as 4.0 with chain to 5 speed IGH or 5.0 with belt to 8 speed. Do you think the belt is worth ¥7,000 ($500)? I don't need the extra gears, but the 5.0 also includes the $100 TCD display.
No, in fact, the CVT is not available in Japan. Specialized says it cannot conform to the max assist speed limitation. The Como SL is available in Japan as 4.0 with chain to 5 speed IGH or 5.0 with belt to 8 speed. Do you think the belt is worth ¥7,000 ($500)? I don't need the extra gears, but the 5.0 also includes the $100 TCD display.
You are totally right Woody! Yes, I decidedly think the belt and the better components on Como SL 5.0 are worth the extra! Also, it is nice to have a display (TCD) on an e-bike.
I think you will be happy with Como 5.0 SL!