Let me guess, you've never ridden a Ultra powered bike ? It has power from 1-35 mph effortlessly. I demoed a hub drive before I bought my bike and it stalled out from heat on one particular steep hill. My bike climbs it easily. Don't know about throttles, because it was the first thing I removed. Maybe not as efficient but with 160 N.ms of torque, it can give up some without a loss of performance. Try one out, if you get a chance.
The Bafang ultra produces so much torque that even at high speeds enough of it is delivered to the rear wheel regardless of gearing. That does not change anything about the impact of a bikes gearing. The mechanics/physics of this are not debatable....they are facts and I believe that the performance advantage that mid-drives have for climbing (using a bike's gear ratio to an advantage) is lost at higher speeds such that a much lower cost hub motor become as efficient and performs better than a mid drive.
I have nothing against mid-drives and I will eventually own an ebike with a Bafang Ultra but they are optimized for slower speed riding.