2020 : Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

  • Thread starter Deleted member 18083
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Life in the countryside. Simply perfect.
You sure live the tough life out there, Readytoride. :p Lovely scenery, and congrats on being probably the only cyclist in that area actively seeking out pavement.

Now listen carefully. With the surroundings you’re showing us in post above I strongly suggest you only work during days when weather is really really bad. Other days are for cycling and now and then report back to us with photos. ok? :)
Hah! Fortunately, I work at home and have a fairly flexible work schedule. Outright taking a day off to ride isn't too common, but starting early so I can get an afternoon ride in when the weather is perfect, well...
Hah! Fortunately, I work at home and have a fairly flexible work schedule. Outright taking a day off to ride isn't too common, but starting early so I can get an afternoon ride in when the weather is perfect, well...
I'm in a similar position. The difference is my boss knows it would be better if I were fit and healthy, and he encourages me to cycling, so my rides often happen in the afternoon, with the work done by noon. And I was often riding at any weather (I am 93.7 kg today).

Presently I'm in Cracow with the ache in the nape. Whatever, I plan a sightseeing and photo ride on the Monster around the Polish Royal City in the morning, and a group ride with my acoustic friends in the afternoon on Sunday . There is warm weather here. Cracow consists mostly of hills and that's why I feel comfortable with my e-MTB here.

Aha, for those who don't know it, it is the Constitution Day in Norway today. On May 17th, 1905, Norway won independence from Sweden and it happened without any bloody war. (I've been working for a Norwegian company for last 29 years)

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I'm in a similar position. The difference is my boss knows it would be better if I were fit and healthy, and he encourages me to cycling, so my rides often happen in the afternoon, with the work done by noon. And I was often riding at any weather (I am 93.7 kg today).

Presently I'm in Cracow with the ache in the nape. Whatever, I plan a sightseeing and photo ride on the Monster around the Polish Royal City in the morning, and a group ride with my acoustic friends in the afternoon on Sunday . There is warm weather here. Cracow consists mostly of hills and that's why I feel comfortable with my e-MTB here.

Aha, for those who don't know it, it is the Constitution Day in Norway today. On May 17th, 1905, Norway won independence from Sweden and it happened without any bloody war. (I've been working for a Norwegian company for last 29 years)

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Cute dog, I think it wants a trailer fitted to your bike! :p Our weather is getting warmer next week but with the warmer weather comes the rain! Tomorrow is looking very wet so I will have a rest day and hope to get out on Monday!

P.S. I have been working for a Scottish company for over 31years which is exactly half my life!
P.S. I have been working for a Scottish company for over 31years which is exactly half my life! :D
How odd. If you multiply my work years by two and add 1, you'll get my age :D

Cute dog, I think it wants a trailer fitted to your bike! :p
Average speed 20 km/h, Syncdrive Pro, enduro tyres, uplands (800 m elevation gain), bike + rider 120 kg, moderate wind, ECO+ mode. I am not sure if I can make 50 km on 500 Wh, even without the dog 😃
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Not too inviting weather this afternoon but it wasn’t raining and temperature was around 11-12°C (53°F) so I filled up the battery a little bit and went for a ride. Some sort of exercise every day is my rule nowadays.
34km today. No fantastic photos but I had a nice time.

7.5km (4.5miles) was ”off road” like next picture. With narrower sections and a lot of steep ups and downs.

Several stops by the water so I spent almost 3 hours to do 34km but that also included a stop for a not so healthy dinner ( burger&fries but no coke. I have principles:D)
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Well, it ain't rural Virginia, but Washington County, NY, above Albany and adjacent to Vermont, is one great place to ride. More cows than people, and many, many road that intersect the few main roads turn to gravel or dirt immediately and stay that way. No flat land anywhere, you are going up or down. Ebike heaven. As ReadyToRide correctly notes, "Time slows down when you ride a gravel road."

We had a hell of a storm front move through last night, and while it was just wind and rain 30 miles south where I live, over here was a different story. Large trees uprooted by the wind, or broken off entirely. Wires and even poles down all over the place. Tubeless tires or not, I was amazed that I made it through some of these roads without a flat.



This farmhouse is beautiful. The original house is that old faded brick that looks like it should have come from ReadyToRide or Jabberwocky's photos.


And what countryside gravel ride would be complete without the Amish buggy sign? Yep, there's plenty of these guys in this area. Not exactly what you think of when you hear "New York".


All in all, a beautiful ride on a gorgeous day, finally. To top it off, the elevation was all front loaded... first half trended up, the return mostly down with just enough hills thrown in around blind corners to keep you on your toes. I had no route marked out today, just rode around until I wasn't sure I'd be able to find the car again and headed back. Perfect.
First stop on a short ride …

Shorncliffe Pier, Brisbane.
Looking NE to the Pacific (and onwards towards Vancouver).
Friday's ride was short. After passing through the wetlands I reached the coast at Shorncliffe and headed straight for Mario's mobile expresso. No chance! A record-length queue stretched into the park. At each of Mario's dozen red witch's hats – set apart at the regulation 1.5 metres – was a person or a couple patiently waiting to be served. Seeing me, Mario shrugged. What could he do if business was this good. See you next week!

I parked the Homage under a tree (click for photo) and spread out my morning tea treats and tepid water on the beach. No hot double-shot coffee and biscotto today!

Even though it was past ten, the autumn sun was low and the placid waters of Moreton Bay shimmered. Life was good.
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Today was about as perfect of a day to go bombing around country roads as it could get.
I had been needing some serious two wheel therapy, so I made sure to get some in.
Since I've been working from home these past two months because of the pandemic I haven't been putting many commuter miles in. My RCS and I needed to stretch our legs a little.

Friends! Waiting to report to you the first true MTB ride I've ever had and that was near to Cracow Poland. My Trance E+ 2 Pro is just a marvel! The proper use of the e-MTB is offroad and hills.

I've got photos taken by my friend Kalon on an SD card and will write the full story after I have returned home (Monday) . Here's a teaser:


Kalon on the first on-road climb.


The tyres of my Monster properly dirty. We've ridden, among others, single track; it was raining twice.
Friends! Waiting to report to you the first true MTB ride I've ever had and that was near to Cracow Poland. My Trance E+ 2 Pro is just a marvel! The proper use of the e-MTB is offroad and hills.

I've got photos taken by my friend Kalon on an SD card and will write the full story after I have returned home (Monday) . Here's a teaser:

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Kalon on the first on-road climb.

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The tyres of my Monster properly dirty. We've ridden, among others, single track; it was raining twice.
As my twin MTBer sons say, " a dirty mountain bike is a happy mountain bike"...😎